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New investment (1 Viewer)


Benevolent Dictator
DP Veteran
May 19, 2004
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right
I am looking to invest in some additional stocks.
I think we are finally out of the slump and its time to make some money.

Any recomendations?
vauge said:
I am looking to invest in some additional stocks.
I think we are finally out of the slump and its time to make some money.

Any recomendations?

Invest in China! :lamo
vauge said:
I am looking to invest in some additional stocks.
I think we are finally out of the slump and its time to make some money.

Any recomendations?

There's always "Enron" No place to go for them but up:rolleyes: .

Honestly, I'd look for a good diversified fund with a low management fee. I've never had very good success with buying individual stocks. I've been having good results lately with these three:

State Street Research Aurora Fund-SSRAX
TCW Galileo Small Cap Growth Fund-TGSNX
Merrill Lynch S&P 500 Index Fund MASRX

TCW lost quite a bit a few years back, almost 8 or 9%. But over the past year their up almost 30%. SSRAX is up almost 42% since last year and MASRX is doing around 19% for the past 9 mos.
I was acutally looking at the ML 500 Index a few weeks back.

vauge said:
I was acutally looking at the ML 500 Index a few weeks back.


MASRX has been a good earner for some time now. Most funds lost or at least stop gaining during the mini crash of the tech stock fall. It did too, but it fared better than a lot. It's basically a mid range risk fund where your not going to earn huge amounts but you're likely to do good over the long haul. Which really should be your main goal, I would think. Unless your nearing retirement age and need to take greater risks.
Not even close to retirement. Our company allows us to take some 401k and invest it how we want through a broker. While I am still making some money, would like to be a little more diverse and spread it out a bit.
I woke up last night and realized I mislead you. I sold my TGSNX sometime last year and bought into ING's international fund- NIVAX. I forgot all about it. So far that funds been doing alright as well. Though, since I've given advice they're almost all certain to tank. Never fails, does it?
If you want to go for the long run, do mutual funds and even a roth ira if you can. Depending on your age for your 401k, if your still young, go very aggressive since time is on your back. Spread out your 401k elections, do 3-4 funds. This is just an opinion.
HighSpeed said:
If you want to go for the long run, do mutual funds and even a roth ira if you can. Depending on your age for your 401k, if your still young, go very aggressive since time is on your back. Spread out your 401k elections, do 3-4 funds. This is just an opinion.

I agree with everything you've said here expect the part about being aggressive when your young. I'd be more conservative in youth as you have more time to build your investment over time. Where as you might need to be more aggressive as you're older as time is not on your side, just need to keep a closer eye on each of your investments then. IMO.
You can do that too if you want. From what I've learned, if you're aggressive at youth, you're 401k takes a dive, you still have time on your back to recover from the damage until when you retire.

But if you're nearing retirement, lets say in 2-5 yrs, you're aggressive 3-4 401k funds takes a dive, you're basically screwed, you only have 2-5 years to try to recover as much as you can, really that's not enough time to recover depending on how bad your account was hit. If this happens, you won't retire early or on time But, if you're conservative 3-4 401k funds takes a dive nearing retirement, the damage won't be as bad. You still lose some money but not as much as, if you had an aggressive flavor nearing retirement. Am I making any sense? This is what I have learned. But to each their own. :cool:
HighSpeed said:
You can do that too if you want. From what I've learned, if you're aggressive at youth, you're 401k takes a dive, you still have time on your back to recover from the damage until when you retire.

But if you're nearing retirement, lets say in 2-5 yrs, you're aggressive 3-4 401k funds takes a dive, you're basically screwed, you only have 2-5 years to try to recover as much as you can, really that's not enough time to recover depending on how bad your account was hit. If this happens, you won't retire early or on time But, if you're conservative 3-4 401k funds takes a dive nearing retirement, the damage won't be as bad. You still lose some money but not as much as, if you had an aggressive flavor nearing retirement. Am I making any sense? This is what I have learned. But to each their own. :cool:

No, I think you make perfect sense. I was speaking more to people who needed to build their retirement quickly as time was running short. To me, everything you said is very logically. Though, I do think if you're young staying the course with safe sound investments as part of your portfolio makes sense. Placing some of your funds in more risky funds may also be fine as long you keep a close eye on them. All too often younger people get consumed with life and forget to check on their portfolio on an ongoing basis. Though this does seem to be less of a problem since the "Internets" came along. It's easy to add a link on your home page to your funds and portfolio.

The bottom line in my opinion is diversity, even if you have small amounts, makes a lot of sense to me. But as you say to each their own.
I found out the hard way about diversity. :(

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