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New Idea (1 Viewer)

Voice of Reason

New member
May 27, 2005
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Greetings Friends.

I only joined this sight yesterday and have skimmed through and seen many insightful and many not-so-insightful conversations taking place. I am impressed by your community and encourage its growth. Anyone who encourages Thought encourages change. However, may I humbly present a suggestion?

Why don't we devote a section towards Unity. Basically a meeting place for all of those within this sight who simply love America and a place for those with questions or ideas to come and be openly accepted by a community of both liberal and conservatives (and all in between). Perhaps you could call it the Council. Regardless, it would perhaps be beneficial to have a place for agreements just as their are places for disagreements. We need a spot for those with an open mind to come and discuss (not debate) all of those things which we have in common and to perhaps come up with real solutions to the problems we all face regardless of party affiliation. It is good to disagree sometimes but our nation is suffering an epidemic of isolation in which the two parties have become enemies instead of friends.

(Perhaps such a place already exists, as I said I am new)

The Voice
Why don't we devote a section towards Unity. Basically a meeting place for all of those within this sight who simply love America and a place for those with questions or ideas to come and be openly accepted by a community of both liberal and conservatives (and all in between).
We have a couple rooms devoted to general topics, and lighter discussion. "The Lighter Side" and "off Topic Discussion" Memorial weekend might be a great time to start a thread about what we like about America. :lol:
I'm new here, too. I like the idea, but to "discuss" and try to avoid debate will eventually attract sides to form and thus, your forum/thread/comments will end up just like many other threads on this site--debated rather than discussed.

Maybe I'm wrong.
Voice of Reason said:
Why don't we devote a section towards Unity. Basically a meeting place for all of those within this sight who simply love America and a place for those with questions or ideas to come and be openly accepted by a community of both liberal and conservatives (and all in between). Perhaps you could call it the Council.

When I first read this - I thought what a grand idea. Then I thought about it a little more. My personal feeling is that we do not want to create a place that discourages discussion even if the entent is pure and positive. Open and candure discussion (even negative) is what leads to creative thinking and possible change.

The idea of creating forums for Conservative only, Liberal only, and Independant only has been discussed before. Unsure, would these unique forums gather enough interest? The Independant forum would be more toward the idea I think you are looking for.

I agree with Vauge on this one.

But that doesn't mean we can't have friendly conversations, not having to do wiht politics. Personal Messages (PMs) are the best way to talk to someone person to person about things that no one would really care much about. The lighter-side is a nice place to see where eveybodies humour level (and how much these admins tolerate :mrgreen: )
The idea of creating forums for Conservative only, Liberal only, and Independant only has been discussed before. Unsure, would these unique forums gather enough interest? The Independant forum would be more toward the idea I think you are looking for.

I have never been attracted to all Republican rooms or forums. It's very boring when everyone agrees 90 percent of the time. Put me in a mixed room and I want to debate, which to me is discussing. I can see making a private chat room for the different parties though. A place to meet, chat and plan strategy. :mrgreen: A place to celebrate our victory in 2008. :mrgreen:
flip2 said:
I'm new here, too. I like the idea, but to "discuss" and try to avoid debate will eventually attract sides to form and thus, your forum/thread/comments will end up just like many other threads on this site--debated rather than discussed.

Maybe I'm wrong.

Well I agree with you, that you be nice, but with all due respect...isnt this website called www.[B]debate[/B]politics.com...? See where the debate part comes in......
Dear Friends,

Perhaps I did a poor job in describing my idea. To have discussion without debate is useless folly as you have all said. I simply mean to have a room designed around solutions in which whatever debate occurs is used as a productive tool rather than just the act of one side vs. the other. Squawker has come up with a good idea and I shall try it. Sometime today I will start such a thread and we will just see what happens.

The Voice
I would never want to be involved in a discussion where I must compromise with a conservative. I would be opposed to any such forum geared toward unifying the entire forum community, but I am greatly in favor of the ideas Vauge mentioned, of 'conservative only', 'liberal only' and 'independent only'. Perhaps, though, we could change the names to rightist only, leftist only, and moderate or centrist only. After all, I label myself a leftist but not a liberal, and I'm sure there are others who are similar.
I would never want to be involved in a discussion where I must compromise with a conservative.
Now I understand why you wouldn't answer my questions. I will keep that in mind, anomaly.
Squawker, what questions? I hope you're not taking what I said in that post out of context....?

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