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New Here (1 Viewer)



Hey folks, i'm new here. I enjoy debate and conversation so this site looks right up my alley. Politically i'm pretty democratic but i'm in no way extremaly liberal and on a few issues I believe in the right's view instead of the left's. So anyway, just stopped in to say hello!
Hello darkshadowdog!:2wave:

darkshadowdog said:
Hey folks, i'm new here. I enjoy debate and conversation so this site looks right up my alley. Politically i'm pretty democratic but i'm in no way extremaly liberal and on a few issues I believe in the right's view instead of the left's. So anyway, just stopped in to say hello!

I like you already! ;)
aps said:
What was so unusual about your views?

Nothing in a large city, but I live in a small largely Republican community of ~55k people.

One that is pretty religious, and the folks that run the website are pretty religious, so they don't take kindly to anything that questions God, Republicans, etc.

There are a few characters that constantly harass others and belittle their views, so when I took up challenging the 'moderators' by pointing out their hypocrisy or taking opposing positions to theirs (whether I believed them or not), they simply began to edit my ID signature, temporarily discontinue posting privileges, etc.

This is through no use of vulgar or profane language - that's just not my style.

For example, there's some folks that are very anti-immigration (illegal AND legal), so I pointed out that one of the moderators is an immigrant - they didn't like that.

Another is very much pro-life, and that's fine, but when I rebutted her statements (her signature line said something about the number of abortions, so I changed mine to hers and appended "proof abstinence doesn't work, support birth control") they edited my signature. She too is a moderator and is against birth control.

And so on it went. When I pointed out to the moderators that their actions are anti-American ie. free speech, again, they took countermeasures... etc.
Cloud9 said:
Nothing in a large city, but I live in a small largely Republican community of ~55k people.

One that is pretty religious, and the folks that run the website are pretty religious, so they don't take kindly to anything that questions God, Republicans, etc.

There are a few characters that constantly harass others and belittle their views, so when I took up challenging the 'moderators' by pointing out their hypocrisy or taking opposing positions to theirs (whether I believed them or not), they simply began to edit my ID signature, temporarily discontinue posting privileges, etc.

This is through no use of vulgar or profane language - that's just not my style.

For example, there's some folks that are very anti-immigration (illegal AND legal), so I pointed out that one of the moderators is an immigrant - they didn't like that.

Another is very much pro-life, and that's fine, but when I rebutted her statements (her signature line said something about the number of abortions, so I changed mine to hers and appended "proof abstinence doesn't work, support birth control") they edited my signature. She too is a moderator and is against birth control.

And so on it went. When I pointed out to the moderators that their actions are anti-American ie. free speech, again, they took countermeasures... etc.

Wow. That is disturbing to me. I don't even know what to make of this except feel disgusted that moderators would abuse their powers. See your private messages.
Welcome to the board. Now go find somebody to debate with. There's this guy, Aryan Imperium, he would make a fine debating partner :smile:

:rofl j/k , welcome :2wave:

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