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New here! (1 Viewer)


Oct 17, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Just wanted to come in and say hello. Not much to tell except that I'm glad to be here. Hope to have some good discussion.
Welcome to DP, Shulls! Only one rule here...Don't Feed the Cnredd after Midnight.
Why do people insist on capitalizing my name?!?!?!?

Anywho...Hello, ShullsM!:2wave:

cnredd said:
Why do people insist on capitalizing my name?!?!?!?

Anywho...Hello, ShullsM!:2wave:


I think it may be out of Respect, or Fear, either way people, treat this bum like the piece of filth he is.;)

Oh, and welcome.:2wave:
cnredd said:
Why do people insist on capitalizing my name?!?!?!?

Anywho...Hello, ShullsM!:2wave:


The same reason that Christians like to see a capital G in God.

It's a matter of worship. :kissy:
Deegan said:
I think it may be out of Respect, or Fear, either way people, treat this bum like the piece of filth he is.;)

Oh, and welcome.:2wave:
I said to myself earlier today...

"I haven't been crapped on in awhile...Maybe I'll log onto the forum and see what Deegan is saying"...:doh
Naughty Nurse said:
The same reason that Christians like to see a capital G in God.

It's a matter of worship. :kissy:
That can't be true....There are many "gods" worshipped, but for some, there is only one, and since they are personalizing THEE god, he(she?) is referenced with capitalization...

For your first statement to be true, there would have to be multiple "cnredds" in the world, but when referencing one in particular, you would capitalize...

This is not the case...
cnredd said:
I said to myself earlier today...

"I haven't been crapped on in awhile...Maybe I'll log onto the forum and see what Deegan is saying"...:doh

I just noticed lately, hey, that guys a good sport, gives as good as he gets, and I am still laughing about that rim shot on galenrox, about the back alleys in Chicago, LOL, good stuff.:rofl
I meant no harm by it, and atleast I didn't call you what I was really thinking. :lol:
Quid Pro Quo said:
I meant no harm by it, and atleast I didn't call you what I was really thinking. :lol:

Heaven forbid...you might damage my reputation...:2wave:

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