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New here... (1 Viewer)


New member
Jul 2, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
And I just have a question...
What is the purpose of the 'user group' other than getting a donkey, elephant or star under your name?

I came in last night and was looking around, reading and will join in once I get my footing. At first, because of the student label that most of the members have here I thought they are very young, but I see from the FAQ that designation has to do with the number of posts you've done. This forum looks pretty interesting.
Thank you to who ever runs it. I belong to another forum, similar to this, but they are becoming a *wee* bit too controlling. ;)
beautymrgn said:
And I just have a question...
What is the purpose of the 'user group' other than getting a donkey, elephant or star under your name?

Currently the only use for the user group is for the ranks. We have discussed having private areas for each group in the past, but that might discourage posters that disagree or have a different viewpoints. Those differing viewpoints are what make this place interesting and educational - IMO. We have found that some folks like to claim a political leaning and others do not really care. This allows that choice.

I came in last night and was looking around, reading and will join in once I get my footing. At first, because of the student label that most of the members have here I thought they are very young, but I see from the FAQ that designation has to do with the number of posts you've done. This forum looks pretty interesting.

Yep, the different titles increase as your post count increases. From User then to Student after 25 on up to Guru at 2000 posts. After 500 posts or a donation - unique titles are available. A few have chosen to keep the default after 500 posts.

Thank you to who ever runs it. I belong to another forum, similar to this, but they are becoming a *wee* bit too controlling. ;)
Thank you for the awesome words. Our very politically diverse moderation team actually runs this place - I am just here for the ride. :)

Welcome to Debate Politics!

Thank you for the welcome. As I said, I'll join in once I get familiar with the threads and such. There is so much here! If I get comfortable, there is someone else that will be joining me...I'll need help to get all these people in line. :)
Just kidding...just kidding. heheh
beautymrgn said:
Thank you for the welcome. As I said, I'll join in once I get familiar with the threads and such. There is so much here! If I get comfortable, there is someone else that will be joining me...I'll need help to get all these people in line. :)
Just kidding...just kidding. heheh

Welcome to Debate Politics.
I'm for all intents and purposes fairly new myself, and I'm still trying to get a grasp on all the features this site has to offer. So far I like the diversity this place offers.
Just added a sig and I want to see if it shows up in this post.
I am used to most of the features as the other forum I belong to has the them.
I am also happy to see there is an ignore list that can be utilized. :)
Have Fun and Happy Posting beautymrgn!
beautymrgn said:
I am used to most of the features as the other forum I belong to has the them.
I am also happy to see there is an ignore list that can be utilized. :)
BEAUTY! There you are... I looked all over, but didn't see this forum until now. To those who might give points or credits for such things, Beauty directed me to your site. :)

I've been hanging out for a while now and I think I like it. :2wave:
Oh my, it's ...... Lilith! Howdy honey! You should be making it up to Guru in no time at all! :rofl:
By the way... *looks up and talks to the powers that be*
What is the student, user, advisor stuff... some kinda reputation? based on? bueller?
^Bueller....bueller....my sister's boyfriend's...

Anyway, post count.
Oh. My. God. You STILL aren't reading my posts! That's it! :rofl:
Instead of looking up and checking out the powers, look up and read the previous posts. You *sure* you ain't blonde? :rofl:
beautymrgn said:
Oh. My. God. You STILL aren't reading my posts! That's it! :rofl:
Instead of looking up and checking out the powers, look up and read the previous posts. You *sure* you ain't blonde? :rofl:
why on earth would I read what YOU have to say? ;)

Sorry, I did not read the thread today, just picked it for a quick place to put a question...
My bad! Somebody spank me... No not you! Get... get away from there... Hey! Put that paddle down!
Lilith said:
By the way... *looks up and talks to the powers that be*
What is the student, user, advisor stuff... some kinda reputation? based on? bueller?

Everyone is a "student" for their first fifty posts. Then I think they're a user (?).
Pacridge said:
Everyone is a "student" for their first fifty posts. Then I think they're a user (?).

Titles User 0-25 posts

Student 24-125 posts

Advisor 125-500 posts

Educator 500-1000 posts

Professor 1000-2000 posts

Guru 2000+ posts

now I get why she said, I'd be a guru in no time... (big mouth... unhinged, can't shut it, I've tried. ;) )
Somebody spank me...


Where'd I put those handcuffs?:think:

User until 25 posts - then student.
After 500 posts or donation then unique titles are available.
Last edited:
Well, hell... that ain't what it says in the FAQ's! Damn...I got keep posting, posting, posting. Or Lilith...pull out the check book and buy our way into a better status. :)
beautymrgn said:
Well, hell... that ain't what it says in the FAQ's! Damn...I got keep posting, posting, posting. Or Lilith...pull out the check book and buy our way into a better status. :)
checkboo..., huh? Put it on my Visa... *sends beauty a bill.

Heck hun, with our mouthes, we'll be there in no time.
Oh, god. We gotta get to the top with the bj's again? Sheeit.
Lilith said:
checkboo..., huh? Put it on my Visa... *sends beauty a bill.

Heck hun, with our mouthes, we'll be there in no time.

Why do I have the feeling we need to keep an eye on you too? :rofl

vauge said:
Why do I have the feeling we need to keep an eye on you too? :rofl

hehehehe... we only cause trouble amongst ourselves... :rofl
but you are free to watch! ;)

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