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New Hampshire House votes to defy Fed ID plan (1 Viewer)


Apr 20, 2005
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As always, I'm eager to get the DP take on events in the Free State.


New Hampshire House votes to defy Fed ID plan
March 12, 2006

Libertarians are celebrating after the New Hampshire House of Representatives voted 270-84 to refuse cooperation
with the hated "Real ID" act. Real ID is a Federal mandate which attempts to force states into a standardized drivers license system at taxpayer expense. Freedom advocates argue it would be at the expense of privacy as well, giving the Feds too much power along the way. Federal officials have said it would help them track terrorists and criminals.

"Give me liberty or give me death," said State Rep Neal Kurk, speaking in favor of the bill on the House floor. The chamber roared with applause.

House Bill 1582 forbids all state agencies from participation in Real ID mandates, and asserts that Real ID "is contrary and repugnant to Articles 1 through 10 of the New Hampshire constitution..."

The lopsided anti-Federal vote was a shock even to proponents of the bill. Real ID passed the U.S. Senate 100-0 last year and generated little debate. But as states like New Hampshire have taken a closer look at what it will require of them, liberty activists and local government officials have been teaming up to draw a line in the sand between Washington and their own states.

New Hampshire in particular has become increasingly restive since 2003, when it became a migratory destination for "Free Staters," libertarian activists who move into the state to fight for freedom.

HB 1582 next goes to the New Hampshire Senate; if it passes there it will have to be signed by the Governor. In the meantime, Federal pressure will likely mount in opposition to this bill.

video of Representative Kurk's speech:

Bill text:

Boston Globe article:

Information for those wishing to migrate (escape!) to New Hampshire:


Live free or die! That is their motto up there. I should move to NH.
Axismaster said:
I should move to NH.

You said it, not me :)

Don't forget we can open carry without a license, concealed carry with a $15 license, and no sales or income tax. Property tax is too hi but we still gots the lowest overall taxes next to alaska.

The best part tho is that if you move here you can make history with us and go to our parties :)
Pretty big rally is now scheduled in front of the state house on 4/22, organized by CASPIAN (NH based privacy organization). I was at the meeting where they planned it, that was on March 23rd...as of the 26th they had 100 people RSVP'd saying they'd show up. Everyone already seems to know about it. Not real sure how that happened LOL. Today 200 NH libertarians showed for a film showing so respectable numbers may be doable even in this low population state.

If the rally is of sufficient size and publicity it should help spur the Senators our way; I think they are curretly leaning against us but I kinda doubt there will be a rally held by the other side LOL.

details on the rally are at the NHfree.com forum:

This issue is starting to gain the state's full attention. It is now before the Senate; I was at the Senate committee hearing and it was a sight and sound to behold with standing room only, almost every last person there to support this anti-fed bill.

Here is an article from the main statewide paper, the Union Leader, whose writers are beginning to behave, rightly, as though this is the most important issue of our time.


Say no to national ID, senate urged

State House Bureau Chief
Tuesday, Apr. 11, 2006

CONCORD – Voices from the right and left urged state senators yesterday to pull the state out of the National Identification System.

A broad range of groups — from the conservative Cato Institute to the liberal American Civil Liberties Union — denounced the system, known as Real ID. House Bill 1582, which passed the House 217-84, would bar the state from participating.

Congress passed the Real ID act requiring states to assemble specific sets of data to create a national secure system of driver licensing. Social security numbers, individual photos and addresses would become part of a single database that all motor vehicle departments could access. Birth certificates and other documents would also be in the permanent federal computer record.

Some members of a Senate committee said that the national IDs will be needed to travel on airplanes and interstate buses, and to enter federal buildings.

Without Real ID, a New Hampshire family would need passports to fly to Florida, Sen. Jack Barnes, R-Raymond, pointed out.

"How do we tell a family of five that they have to spend nearly $500 on passports to go to Disneyworld?" he asked.

He said he wants to talk with the Congressional delegation to sort out the facts.

Senate President Ted Gatsas, R-Manchester, said he favors the bill.

"I believe we should be moving forward. New Hampshire should not be digging in its feet," he said.

New Hampshire has won a $3 million grant as part of a pilot project for early work on getting the system running by 2008. Several witnesses said the grant will cover less than one-tenth of the state's true cost.

Deputy Safety Commissioner Earl Sweeney said the state needs to upgrade its computer systems anyway, and can legally use the federal money to defray some costs.

But Rep. Neal Kurk, R-Weare, sponsor of HB 1582, said the state needs to forget the money. Real ID is too great an intrusion on individual privacy, he said.

"I don't believe the people of New Hampshire elected us to help the federal government create a national identity card," he said.

Some warn that the state could also complicate interstate commerce, including truck drivers who need to operate in multiple states.

Other speakers said the Real ID system smacks of Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union.

"I am not a number. I am a free man," said John Babiarz, former Libertarian Party candidate for governor.

Barry Steinardt of the national ACLU office, said several states are considering a challenge.

"If you go first, other states will follow," he said. "New Hampshire can be the first to say 'The emperor has no clothes.' "

Others warned that the national database would make an easy target — a "giant dripping honey pot" in one witness' words — for hackers and criminal gangs intent on stealing identities and bank account information.

Sen. Iris Estabrook, D-Durham, has sponsored a Senate resolution opposing the Real ID program. The Senate tabled the measure last month.

"We need to send a message," she said, urging the Senate to at least pass that measure.
DadaOrwell said:
As always, I'm eager to get the DP take on events in the Free State.


New Hampshire House votes to defy Fed ID plan
March 12, 2006

Libertarians are celebrating after the New Hampshire House of Representatives voted 270-84 to refuse cooperation
with the hated "Real ID" act. Real ID is a Federal mandate which attempts to force states into a standardized drivers license system at taxpayer expense. Freedom advocates argue it would be at the expense of privacy as well, giving the Feds too much power along the way. Federal officials have said it would help them track terrorists and criminals.

"Give me liberty or give me death," said State Rep Neal Kurk, speaking in favor of the bill on the House floor. The chamber roared with applause.

House Bill 1582 forbids all state agencies from participation in Real ID mandates, and asserts that Real ID "is contrary and repugnant to Articles 1 through 10 of the New Hampshire constitution..."

The lopsided anti-Federal vote was a shock even to proponents of the bill. Real ID passed the U.S. Senate 100-0 last year and generated little debate. But as states like New Hampshire have taken a closer look at what it will require of them, liberty activists and local government officials have been teaming up to draw a line in the sand between Washington and their own states.

New Hampshire in particular has become increasingly restive since 2003, when it became a migratory destination for "Free Staters," libertarian activists who move into the state to fight for freedom.

HB 1582 next goes to the New Hampshire Senate; if it passes there it will have to be signed by the Governor. In the meantime, Federal pressure will likely mount in opposition to this bill.

video of Representative Kurk's speech:

Bill text:

Boston Globe article:

Information for those wishing to migrate (escape!) to New Hampshire:


I'm packing my bags, see you in NH =D
My_name_is_not_Larry said:
I'm packing my bags, see you in NH =D

Awesome! See you when you get here!

Seriously if you are moving, go to NHfree.com and request a moving party; we are usually able to help folks move in.
More progress: The NH Senate committee has voted 6-0 to recommend passage of the "Real ID Rejection Act," and Goveror Lynch has pledged to sign it if it exits the Sentate intact.

So the only remaining hurdle is the full senate (24 members).

However there is some fear that there has been some sort of back door deal to kill this bill there. Senate pres. Gatsas is trying to get it killed and fed officials have been scurring arround the legislature arm twisting. The vote is scheduled for Wed., May 3. The Washington Post is scheduled to send a reporter, and the story has already been on CBS news.

Details in the latest Union Leader article:

One more reason I am proud to be a Granite Stater!

The spirit of the Old Man of the Mountain is still looking on!

At least one state in the Union still has the spirit of federalism that is enshrined in the Constitution.
ludahai said:
One more reason I am proud to be a Granite Stater!

The spirit of the Old Man of the Mountain is still looking on!

At least one state in the Union still has the spirit of federalism that is enshrined in the Constitution.
your in taiwan......

Anyways. I would like to say that I have officially moved in Dover NH!

:2wave: Hello all you New Hampshirians! I'm a brand new New Hampshirian! :mrgreen:
My_name_is_not_Larry said:
your in taiwan......

I was born and raised in NH. Spaulding HS, class of 1989.

Anyways. I would like to say that I have officially moved in Dover NH!

:2wave: Hello all you New Hampshirians! I'm a brand new New Hampshirian! :mrgreen:

It is New Hampshirite! If you are going to move the the greatest place in the world, you can at least get it right. Frankly, I wish ALL carpetbaggers would just leave NH alone. Go away Massholes who are dirtying the State with their politics. Go away Free Staters looking to make their political points. LEAVE NH ALONE!
ludahai said:
I was born and raised in NH. Spaulding HS, class of 1989.
then, why does your location say......?

It is New Hampshirite! If you are going to move the the greatest place in the world, you can at least get it right.
I didn't know that. A friend told me it was New Hampshirian. I was only going by what he was saying.
Frankly, I wish ALL carpetbaggers would just leave NH alone. Go away Massholes who are dirtying the State with their politics. Go away Free Staters looking to make their political points. LEAVE NH ALONE!
Ok, I'll just go back to Wisconsin. I have alot of money to spend. another 1st class trip back to wisconsin wouldn't hurt me a bit! (Although the wife might have some problems with that).
My_name_is_not_Larry said:
then, why does your location say......?

Because my CURRENT location IS Taiwan. Geez. Just because I am in Taiwan NOW, doesn't mean I am not a native of somewhere else. Please, you are bringing down the average IQ of New Hampshire if you can't figure that out.

I didn't know that. A friend told me it was New Hampshirian. I was only going by what he was saying.

It is New Hampshirite. Granite Stater is also acceptible.

Ok, I'll just go back to Wisconsin. I have alot of money to spend. another 1st class trip back to wisconsin wouldn't hurt me a bit! (Although the wife might have some problems with that).

Please do. Frankly, I am not the only New Hampshirite who is tired of outsiders coming to New Hampshire and ruining what has been a good thing for our State.
ludahai said:
Because my CURRENT location IS Taiwan. Geez. Just because I am in Taiwan NOW, doesn't mean I am not a native of somewhere else. Please, you are bringing down the average IQ of New Hampshire if you can't figure that out.

It is New Hampshirite. Granite Stater is also acceptible.

Please do. Frankly, I am not the only New Hampshirite who is tired of outsiders coming to New Hampshire and ruining what has been a good thing for our State.
ruin your state? What did I do but go by what I was told? Your location said that you were in taiwan, I went by the most likely choice and thought that you were born and raised there.
My friend said that it was New Hampshirian, he is a good buddy of mine, I went by what he said. Again, whats wrong with that?
And no, I am not going to move, the neighbors have been quite friendly, much more friendlier than you. Instead of telling me off, they helped me move in and wished me the best of luck getting settled in. Sheesh, whats your problem?
My_name_is_not_Larry said:
ruin your state? What did I do but go by what I was told? Your location said that you were in taiwan, I went by the most likely choice and thought that you were born and raised there.
My friend said that it was New Hampshirian, he is a good buddy of mine, I went by what he said. Again, whats wrong with that?
And no, I am not going to move, the neighbors have been quite friendly, much more friendlier than you. Instead of telling me off, they helped me move in and wished me the best of luck getting settled in. Sheesh, whats your problem?

Because I am sick of outsiders coming in and trying to make New Hampshire into their political image. Massholes have moved in for decades and have brought their failed liberal policies into the state. Now Free Staters are trying to make New Hampshire their personal political football. If you genuinely like New Hampshire and adhere to the values that have long been held by its people, welcome. If you are like the liberal Massholes or Free Staters, then get out.
ludahai said:
Because I am sick of outsiders coming in and trying to make New Hampshire into their political image. Massholes have moved in for decades and have brought their failed liberal policies into the state. Now Free Staters are trying to make New Hampshire their personal political football. If you genuinely like New Hampshire and adhere to the values that have long been held by its people, welcome. If you are like the liberal Massholes or Free Staters, then get out.
I've already did my time in politics, I'm not looking for a seat in the state legislature! I just want to sell real estate.
DadaOrwell said:
You said it, not me :)

Don't forget we can open carry without a license, concealed carry with a $15 license, and no sales or income tax. Property tax is too hi but we still gots the lowest overall taxes next to alaska.

The best part tho is that if you move here you can make history with us and go to our parties :)

I'd rather live in Alaska. Which is where I'm goingto move to anyway.

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