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New Hampshire family to defy school tax (1 Viewer)


Apr 20, 2005
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DP folks...your thoughts on this?


From NHfree.com
Keene, N.H.; June 15 2005

38-year-old Kat Dillon isn't satisfied she's getting her money's worth from government schools. In fact, she says she isn't getting anything from them at all.

"My child is homeschooled," says Dillon. "She's never gone to public school and never will. I don't get any use out of it, so it's wrong for them to make me pay for it."

To drive her point home, Dillon will appear at Keene City Hall on June 30 with a check for only a fraction of what the city says she and her family owe.

"The part that would have gone to public schools...we're keeping it. It's our money."

After handing over her truncated check, Dillon will lead a protest outside city hall urging others to "recalculate" their taxes as well. She says she has no idea whether her act of noncompliance will inspire anyone else to do the same but that her family will "do this alone if necessary."

Dillon is a longtime opponent of tax-funded schooling, which she considers "education prevention." And she's no stranger to protest. On June 11 her husband Russell Kanning made national news when he chose arrest over compliance with TSA regulations at Manchester Airport. And it was Dillon who received the infamous nail buff from "Outlaw Manicurist" Mike Fisher. In May, Fisher gave her an unlicensed manicure in front of the state licensing board and also went to jail for it.

The soft-spoken computer programmer says she recognizes her act of civil disobedience will probably trigger retaliation, possibly even the loss of her home. "But," she says, "it's the right thing to do."


What: Civil disobedience against school property tax
How: By handing over a check that does not include the "school portion" of the tax, then leading a protest.
Why: "It's my money!"
Where: Keene City Hall: 3 Washington St. (at the traffic circle), Keene, NH.
When: 10:00 A.M. Thursday, June 30, 2005.
Who: Kat Dillon, supporters from NHfree.com, whoever wants to join us.

For more information on the libertarian experiment in New Hampshire, and information on immigrating here for more freedom, visit www.FreeStateProject.org
Although it got a little buried by the Souter uproar (Free Staters trying to force Supreme Court justice Souter off his property), this protest did happen as planned. However it got little news coverage, just a photographer from the Sentinel and coverage on the local radio station WKBK, also some mentions on WGIR in Manchester/Seacost. On the other hand, it turned downtown Keene into an almost constant barrage of honks as people spotted the Gadsden flags and Ax the Tax signs. Probably 2K people saw the protest, which was just 10 of us total but more than Keene is used to! One lady threw a folder at us as she was driving by, inside was a note saying God bless you and leaving her email addie.

And NH Senate boss Tom Eaton was there for about 15 minutes but probably not because of the protest. Couple of us got a chance to talk to him and thank him for the opposition to cig tax and something else he was helpful on, I forget what it was...

I got three new contacts out of the event and will try and rope em in to the next one as our little asteroid starts to gain enough mass to look more like a planet!

Of course this will not be the end of Kat's protest, just the beginning of a multi-year process which will either make the force of public school funding visible for what it is...or prove her capable of getting away with such defiance.
Actually, I agree with her 100%.
I don't think it's at all unreasonable to have a society in which education is provided by the government and paid for by the citizens. The way which I look at it is, someone paid for me to go to school, so why should I complain when asked to do the same?

I might not collect Social Security, so does that mean that I should be exempt from paying into it? Come to think of it, I'm a young, physically fit male. I'm not worried about being harmed by crime, so I should be exempt from having to pay for the police. And I don't think my apartment's going to burn down, so no fire department either. I don't get sick, so no need for Medicare/Medicaid, and I drive well, so no need for car insurance. I don't collect from social programs, so why do I have to pay income taxes?

If people don't like the system of government, they can do what they want to change it. I think the idea of creating a libertarian state is an interesting one, albeit completely impossible, but all the more power to them for trying.
If there was a real voucher system to help the folks that choose to homeschool then I would not have much of an issue with paying taxes for my childs school system. Another thing is that homeschoolers are normally (there are acceptions) not allowed to participate in school activites - even though the parents are paying for them through taxes.
vauge said:
Actually, I agree with her 100%.

No, what I meant is this same post is left unattended at many different forums . . . maybe it is called Trolling . . . . they are tax protesters and will lose badly . . . .
RightatNYU said:
I don't think it's at all unreasonable to have a society in which education is provided by the government and paid for by the citizens. The way which I look at it is, someone paid for me to go to school, so why should I complain when asked to do the same?.

The communists came up with the idea first and we have loved it here since, "comrade" . . . . their "brainstorm" . . . . our plague . . .
Shamgar said:
The communists came up with the idea first and we have loved it here since, "comrade" . . . . their "brainstorm" . . . . our plague . . .

what are you saying? no system of government that follows any notion of the common good is acceptable?
RightatNYU said:
what are you saying? no system of government that follows any notion of the common good is acceptable?

Oh so following the 12 planks of the communist manfesto is "good" and "acceptable" . . . ? I prefer following the Scriptures. . . but you chose your god and I will stick with mine God, the Father of Christ. . . .

Shamgar said:
Oh so following the 12 planks of the communist manfesto is "good" and "acceptable" . . . ? I prefer following the Scriptures. . . but you chose your god and I will stick with mine God, the Father of Christ. . . .

Your reply is not at all germaine to the argument I'm making. Do you honestly think that ANY system of communal protection in a government is part of the communist manifesto? Because last time I checked, the idea of public education came around long before Marx.

Your condescention is incredibly abrasive, especially when you don't know what you're speaking about. I'm a Christian as well, Catholic to be specific, and I really don't need someone who it would appear has a habit of misinterpreting both history and scripture to tell me which god to follow and what government is acceptable.

How you can make the parallel that supporting public education is akin to disobeying the word of God is beyond me...
RightatNYU said:
Your reply is not at all germaine to the argument I'm making. Do you honestly think that ANY system of communal protection in a government is part of the communist manifesto? Because last time I checked, the idea of public education came around long before Marx.

Your condescention is incredibly abrasive, especially when you don't know what you're speaking about. I'm a Christian as well, Catholic to be specific, and I really don't need someone who it would appear has a habit of misinterpreting both history and scripture to tell me which god to follow and what government is acceptable.

How you can make the parallel that supporting public education is akin to disobeying the word of God is beyond me...

Of course you would think it is not germaine since a variety of the planks of the communist manifesto are in place (Socialist security, Progressive income tax, etc) but obviously all you have to say is . . ."is not germaine" to "prove" your point . . .

The mode of the message? God haters have not like the mode of God's messages from the beginning . . . .

Supporting a God hating society is not in line with God's message . . . . and a country with abortion, homosexuals rights, pluralism, is a God hating coountry . . .

...How you can make the parallel that supporting public education is akin to disobeying the word of God is beyond me.

I agree with you, except that public education is something Marx advocated, and our constitution does not. Bringing God into it is over the top, IMO...
Imudman said:
...How you can make the parallel that supporting public education is akin to disobeying the word of God is beyond me.

I agree with you, except that public education is something Marx advocated, and our constitution does not. Bringing God into it is over the top, IMO...

We had public education in this country before Marx was even born.
Kelzie said:
We had public education in this country before Marx was even born.
That may well be, but it doesn't change the substance of what I said. You can't change the fact that the government taking money from one person in order to educate another is socialism. Of course, if you're socialist you'd agree with the pracice...
Imudman said:
That may well be, but it doesn't change the substance of what I said. You can't change the fact that the government taking money from one person in order to educate another is socialism. Of course, if you're socialist you'd agree with the pracice...

Which I am. Not the point.

So what? So is taking money to pay for hospitals, roads, police, firemen, the military, etc. What if I feel I don't need these things? Should I be able to "opt out" of paying taxes?
Kelzie said:
Which I am. Not the point.

So what? So is taking money to pay for hospitals, roads, police, firemen, the military, etc. What if I feel I don't need these things? Should I be able to "opt out" of paying taxes?
Absolutely. Just because you say you need my money for education doesn't justify using the power of the government gun to take it from me. Robbery is still robbery no matter how you dress it up...
Imudman said:
Absolutely. Just because you say you need my money for education doesn't justify using the power of the government gun to take it from me. Robbery is still robbery no matter how you dress it up...

It's called living in a society. If you don't like it, why don't you head up to the mountains and live a la hermit. I'm sure the government wouldn't miss one person.

Seriously, if you don't believe in government, how do you expect to live without growing your own food? I assume you shop at a grocery store. How do you think the food got there? It didn't fly, it was driven, on roads that the government built with your money.
Shamgar said:
Of course you would think it is not germaine since a variety of the planks of the communist manifesto are in place (Socialist security, Progressive income tax, etc) but obviously all you have to say is . . ."is not germaine" to "prove" your point . . .

So anything that Marx stole and put into the communist manifesto becomes unusable for any society? What's your particular beef with communism? Is it just ignorance, or something deeper (not likely)?

The mode of the message? God haters have not like the mode of God's messages from the beginning . . . .

You are incoherent.

Supporting a God hating society is not in line with God's message . . . . and a country with abortion, homosexuals rights, pluralism, is a God hating coountry . . .

Hmmmm, so what country would you support? Iran? They seem to fit your bill a little better than the US. You SURE you aren't one of Fred Phelps bunch of fundies? You know, thanking God for 9/11 and the such because it killed those ******* fags and Jews?
Imudman said:
That may well be, but it doesn't change the substance of what I said. You can't change the fact that the government taking money from one person in order to educate another is socialism. Of course, if you're socialist you'd agree with the pracice...

I'm not a socialist at all, in fact, I'm one of the most ardent capitalists you'll ever meet. But that doesn't mean that the tenets of a society need to fall apart. There's nothing wrong with paying school taxes, as long as adequate voucher programs are in place. We live in a society that is a blend of socialism and capitalism, and while I'd like to see it shift more toward capitalism, I don't want all socialist programs erased.
RightatNYU said:
So anything that Marx stole and put into the communist manifesto becomes unusable for any society? What's your particular beef with communism? Is it just ignorance, or something deeper (not likely)?

Well obviously you have no clue as the the origin of communuism as it was orgianted by an atheist- antichrist, Lenin. . . . .that would make it antichristian . . . I guess being a Christian it would make me upset . . .it appears that is why it doesn't bother you . . .

RightatNYU said:
You are incoherent.

I hear that all the time from God haters . . . .

RightatNYU said:
Hmmmm, so what country would you support? Iran? They seem to fit your bill a little better than the US. You SURE you aren't one of Fred Phelps bunch of fundies? You know, thanking God for 9/11 and the such because it killed those ******* fags and Jews?

See how twisted your thinking is: Islam = Christianity. . . . . ah a Christian theocracy doesn't teach Islam . . . .just so you don't embarrass yourself again . . . and unlike you I don't embrace antichrists as you apparanetly do . . . .

Kelzie said:
We had public education in this country before Marx was even born.

I guess we had the progressive income tax and socialist security before also . . . .beep . . . wrong answer . . . . oh you are a practicing socialitst since your money funds the all sorts of socialist programs. . .today/now . . . . comrade. . . . .

Imudman said:
I agree with you, except that public education is something Marx advocated, and our constitution does not. Bringing God into it is over the top, IMO...

Every topic is a religious topic . . .only the secualr humanist don't want it to be . . .
Shamgar said:
I guess we had the progressive income tax and socialist security before also . . . .beep . . . wrong answer . . . . oh you are a practicing socialitst since your money funds the all sorts of socialist programs. . .today/now . . . . comrade. . . . .

Yes, my tax money goes to caring for the elderly and the education of our young. And thats....bad?
Kelzie said:
Yes, my tax money goes to caring for the elderly and the education of our young. And thats....bad?

Even the socialists care for their elderly and the education of their young . . .so you are a good socialist . . .do you want a medal? :lol: :lol: :lol:
Shamgar said:
Well obviously you have no clue as the the origin of communuism as it was orgianted by an atheist- antichrist, Lenin. . . . .that would make it antichristian . . . I guess being a Christian it would make me upset . . .it appears that is why it doesn't bother you . . .

You are a fool. Just because Lenin took an idea and used it does not mean that every idea he touched was bad. Lenin also believed that food should taste good. Does that mean that food that tastes good is antichristian?

I hear that all the time from God haters . . . .

...which according to you is everyone. I can't POSSIBLY think of a reason why everyone would think you're incoherent...

See how twisted your thinking is: Islam = Christianity. . . . . ah a Christian theocracy doesn't teach Islam . . . .just so you don't embarrass yourself again . . . and unlike you I don't embrace antichrists as you apparanetly do . . . .

So you would prefer to live in a Christian theocracy that had the same rules as Islam, except substituting Jesus for Mohammed?

Kelzie said:
It's called living in a society. If you don't like it, why don't you head up to the mountains and live a la hermit. I'm sure the government wouldn't miss one person.

Seriously, if you don't believe in government, how do you expect to live without growing your own food? I assume you shop at a grocery store. How do you think the food got there? It didn't fly, it was driven, on roads that the government built with your money.
Um, I wasn't born yesterday. I know what freedom is. You don't. And the subject was school taxes, not growing my own food. I never said I didn't believe in government.

I believe in government by We the People, not You the Oppressor. Your kind is the kind I blame for the current state of affairs. To put it bluntly, you shouldn't be allowed to vote, unless you have the common sense to realize that you don't speak for me, but only yourself. You have no right to extort from me just so you or anyone else can have an education.

And while we're at it, roads are paid for by taxes on gasoline. They're called use taxes. I can't use the kind of education you have, 'cause it don't make no sense...

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