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New from the UK (1 Viewer)


New member
Mar 13, 2006
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Very Liberal
Hello! I was a member of another political forum a while ago and had a horrible experience there...mainly due to the fact that the majority of it's members were sexist 18 year old boys who couldn't get over the fact that I was a girl...and interested in politics! I am very liberal, vote liberal democrats, am anti-Bush/Blair , pro-choice, anti-death penalty, etc. etc. I love heated debates of any nature, and unfortunately don't have that outlet in "real life"!

Look forward to talking to you all!

ladyflash said:
Hello! I was a member of another political forum a while ago and had a horrible experience there...mainly due to the fact that the majority of it's members were sexist 18 year old boys who couldn't get over the fact that I was a girl...and interested in politics! I am very liberal, vote liberal democrats, am anti-Bush/Blair , pro-choice, anti-death penalty, etc. etc. I love heated debates of any nature, and unfortunately don't have that outlet in "real life"!

Look forward to talking to you all!


Welcome to DP ladyflash!! :2wave: Always nice to have a fellow Brit in here and a Lib Dem too! Your a girl after my own heart lol. Make yourself at home!!
Hi there - nice to see a new lady from the UK. :2wave:
Howdy and welcome.

Thank you for joining DP.
Hello ladyflash!:2wave:

Welcome to Debate Politics!

Love the avatar.
Welcome aboard Ladyflash. Feel free to flash me anytime.;)
vauge said:
Welcome to Debate Politics!

Love the avatar.

Thanks! It's to express my views on ID cards...I think it sums it up pretty well! Thanks for all your lovely welcomes. It's good to see that there are so many UK members here too...most forums are most active when I'm in bed! :cool:
ladyflash said:
Thanks! It's to express my views on ID cards...I think it sums it up pretty well! Thanks for all your lovely welcomes. It's good to see that there are so many UK members here too...most forums are most active when I'm in bed! :cool:
I'm most active when I'm in bed!....:cool:
ladyflash said:
Thanks! It's to express my views on ID cards...I think it sums it up pretty well! Thanks for all your lovely welcomes. It's good to see that there are so many UK members here too...most forums are most active when I'm in bed! :cool:

Damn right ladyflash, NO to ID cards!! Thank god for the House of Lords rejecting that "ID card compulsory through the back door law".
Welcome ladyflash,

This forum needs your input. There is quite a shortage of female liberals here. Hope you don't feel intimidated by some of the die hard Conservative moralists here. Don't you just hate it how they shove Christianity down your throat? Anyway, feel free to call on me to help you through the rough times.
ptsdkid said:
Welcome ladyflash,

This forum needs your input. There is quite a shortage of female liberals here. Hope you don't feel intimidated by some of the die hard Conservative moralists here. Don't you just hate it how they shove Christianity down your throat? Anyway, feel free to call on me to help you through the rough times.
Hey - we have several fine liberal ladies here.
She is definately in great company.
Thanks everyone! :beer:
cnredd said:
I'm most active when I'm in bed!....:cool:
C'mon cnredd. . .no sexual harrassment until she's here for at least 2 weeks ;)

Anyways Welcome. I think you'll like it here. This is by far the best political forum on the internet. . .
Hi, ladyflash! So good to see you here! Welcome to DP. :2wave:
Ah thanks everyone! :smile:



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