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New dress code for the NBA. (1 Viewer)

I think it's a good idea. It brings some class that's been lacking since the Michael Jordans, Charles Barkleys, and Clyde Drexlers, etc. retired.
It doesn't matter how they dress NOW...

At some point, they all end up in orange jumpsuits anyway...:cool:
It doesn't matter how they dress NOW...

At some point, they all end up in orange jumpsuits anyway.

Well at least there is a possible chance that proper clothing may be fashionable to teenagers who idiolize backetball players.
jamesrage said:
Well at least there is a possible chance that proper clothing may be fashionable to teenagers who idiolize backetball players.

I can see some kid gettin' rolled down in the 'hood for his argyle tie and matching hankerchief...
Dress codes are just a silly social construct. Although, It would be in the athletes best interest to dress in suits as they are interviewing for marketing jobs. FUBU doesn't bring in the money that Nike and Gatorade do. What about formal dresses for the Rodman types? Kids dressing in suits is a real hoot to me (unless it is a formal occasion). What about the loud suits (pimp suits and leisure suits) that Deion Sanders and Micheal Irvin wore? would you like our kids to look like pimps?
independent_thinker2002 said:
Dress codes are just a silly social construct. Although, It would be in the athletes best interest to dress in suits as they are interviewing for marketing jobs. FUBU doesn't bring in the money that Nike and Gatorade do. What about formal dresses for the Rodman types? Kids dressing in suits is a real hoot to me (unless it is a formal occasion). What about the loud suits (pimp suits and leisure suits) that Deion Sanders and Micheal Irvin wore? would you like our kids to look like pimps?
Dude, anything that is just a social construct, as in dress codes, are silly. Doesn't change the fact that I enjoy seeing classy basketball players as opposed to the loud ignorant people from high school.
Like, when it comes down to it, I have no idea where the idea of a suit and tie (especially the tie) came from, but it's just when I saw Michael Jordan or Scottie Pippen coming to or leaving the game, you saw him and thought "Damn, that guy's a classy dude!", while you see Alen Iverson, and you see "I don't know if I like him so much." It's ridiculous, but it exists, and since the NBA is a business, it is in their best interest to keep the fans liking the players and happy.
galenrox said:
Dude, anything that is just a social construct, as in dress codes, are silly. Doesn't change the fact that I enjoy seeing classy basketball players as opposed to the loud ignorant people from high school.
Like, when it comes down to it, I have no idea where the idea of a suit and tie (especially the tie) came from, but it's just when I saw Michael Jordan or Scottie Pippen coming to or leaving the game, you saw him and thought "Damn, that guy's a classy dude!", while you see Alen Iverson, and you see "I don't know if I like him so much." It's ridiculous, but it exists, and since the NBA is a business, it is in their best interest to keep the fans liking the players and happy.
Ties actually came from farmers....

They were huge...that way, at the end of the day, they could just take it off and "Voila!"...clean shirt...

How it got thinner and made useless; I have no idea...
galenrox said:
Dude, anything that is just a social construct, as in dress codes, are silly. Doesn't change the fact that I enjoy seeing classy basketball players as opposed to the loud ignorant people from high school.
Like, when it comes down to it, I have no idea where the idea of a suit and tie (especially the tie) came from, but it's just when I saw Michael Jordan or Scottie Pippen coming to or leaving the game, you saw him and thought "Damn, that guy's a classy dude!", while you see Alen Iverson, and you see "I don't know if I like him so much." It's ridiculous, but it exists, and since the NBA is a business, it is in their best interest to keep the fans liking the players and happy.

I agree with you. Micheal and Scottie were always classy. I like that too. Iverson looks like every other bad rapper on the planet. BTW, Why do NBA players think that they can rap? And why do rappers think that they can play in the NBA?:rofl

I don't know but the fans seem to be pretty happy. The one reason they may not be happy is because the talent has really thinned out. They would be better served making rule changes (or enforcing some rules such as travelling and carrying the ball) to encourage the fundamentals. If you can't shoot free throws, you shouldn't be in the league.
independent_thinker2002 said:
I agree with you. Micheal and Scottie were always classy. I like that too. Iverson looks like every other bad rapper on the planet. BTW, Why do NBA players think that they can rap? And why do rappers think that they can play in the NBA?:rofl

I don't know but the fans seem to be pretty happy. The one reason they may not be happy is because the talent has really thinned out. They would be better served making rule changes (or enforcing some rules such as travelling and carrying the ball) to encourage the fundamentals. If you can't shoot free throws, you shouldn't be in the league.
I dunno, I like Shaq!
galenrox said:
I dunno, I like Shaq!

In high school Shaq shot a better free throw percentage by shooting underhand. He refuses to do this now because it would make him look "uncool". I guess that shows what is important to him.
Originally Posted by independent_thinker2002
Dress codes are just a silly social construct. Although, It would be in the athletes best interest to dress in suits as they are interviewing for marketing jobs. FUBU doesn't bring in the money that Nike and Gatorade do. What about formal dresses for the Rodman types? Kids dressing in suits is a real hoot to me (unless it is a formal occasion). What about the loud suits (pimp suits and leisure suits) that Deion Sanders and Micheal Irvin wore? would you like our kids to look like pimps?

I am sure the NBA will crack down on the pimp suits.The NBA proably realizes that these basketball players are role models for the youth who watch them on tv or that the NBA is sick of their players looking like a bunch of thugs.

I disagree with your statement that dress codes are silly social constructs.
IN the Army appearance is everything,appearace tells others how much self respect you have for yourself ,cohesion ,your attention to detail,and if you dress decent people assume you are intellegent.
If you walk around with your pants sagging down below your ass,cap turned to the side or on backwards, excess belt strap not tucked into the belt loops,oversized shirt partially tucked in and a silver chain around your neck that almost touches the ground then people assume you are a dumbass or a retard.Wear a pair of size appropriate pants correctly, a shirt tucked in,excess belt tucked into the belt loops,jewerly that is appropriate and people assume you might exhibit some common sense and intellegence.

There are exceptios to that rule, Mike tyson is a good example of someone no matter how he dresses will still fail to look intellegent.
I don't think it's appropriate to tell these men what to wear when they are on their own time, it's just not right. I do think that many of these folks get away with way too much bad behavior, and this is where they could send a positive message. For instance, Allen Iverson should not be playing ball anymore, choke your coach, you're gone pal, way gone, should have been sent to jail for a few days. Sell drugs, you're gone pal, never to be seen again, beat your wife, gone. This is where they need to start sending a message to our youngsters, this b.s is nothing more then a smoke screen, a sorry attempt at change, disgusts me personally.:roll:
Deegan said:
I don't think it's appropriate to tell these men what to wear when they are on their own time, it's just not right. I do think that many of these folks get away with way too much bad behavior, and this is where they could send a positive message. For instance, Allen Iverson should not be playing ball anymore, choke your coach, you're gone pal, way gone, should have been sent to jail for a few days. Sell drugs, you're gone pal, never to be seen again, beat your wife, gone. This is where they need to start sending a message to our youngsters, this b.s is nothing more then a smoke screen, a sorry attempt at change, disgusts me personally.:roll:
Unless I read this wrong, you say Iverson choked his coach?...That was Sprewell...not Iverson...

It's not "on their own time"...What they wear out to the clubs on the weekend is not an issue...

It's when they "get to work"...

When they arrive at their home arena, or when they get on a plane or check into a hotel during away games, they are acting as employees representing their team, and thus, the league...
cnredd said:
Unless I read this wrong, you say Iverson choked his coach?...That was Sprewell...not Iverson...

It's not "on their own time"...What they wear out to the clubs on the weekend is not an issue...

It's when they "get to work"...

When they arrive at their home arena, or when they get on a plane or check into a hotel during away games, they are acting as employees representing their team, and thus, the league...

Yes, Sprewell, but the point I'm making is this, if they don't police these off duty activities, what does it matter what they wear, or how they dress?:confused:

My grandmother had a saying, it's like a pig wearing a silk scarf...or was it carrying a silk purse....oh well, you get my point.
Originally Posted by Deegan
I don't think it's appropriate to tell these men what to wear when they are on their own time, it's just not right.

I do not think they are on their own time,I beleave they are on company time.
jamesrage said:
I do not think they are on their own time,I beleave they are on company time.

What's next, no tattoo's?

It's just silly, they wear a pimp suit to work, then get in to shorts and a jersey, with all their tats showing, what's the point? These are not lawyers and doctors, they are ball players, and they are not fooling anyone, nor should they try, or be forced to.:roll:

As I said, start cracking down on this negative behavior, and get to the real problem, this is just nonsense.:spin:
Deegan said:
Yes, Sprewell, but the point I'm making is this, if they don't police these off duty activities, what does it matter what they wear, or how they dress?:confused:
I agree that this is an issue, but that doesn't detract from the issue of dress...That's like saying, "Why bother prosecuting insurance fraud when there are murders to be prosecuted."

Deegan said:
My grandmother had a saying, it's like a pig wearing a silk scarf...or was it carrying a silk purse....oh well, you get my point.

What your grandmother thinks of Courtney Love is not an issue here...:2wave:
Originally Posted by Deegan
What's next, no tattoo's?

It's just silly, they wear a pimp suit to work, then get in to shorts and a jersey, with all their tats showing, what's the point? These are not lawyers and doctors, they are ball players, and they are not fooling anyone, nor should they try, or be forced to.

As I said, start cracking down on this negative behavior, and get to the real problem, this is just nonsense.

Cracking down on negative behavior is only part of the solution,the other part is appearance.Kids emulate what they see on tv when it comes to the clothes of those who they admire.Sometimes the negative behavior is also emulated along with the negative fashion.
jamesrage said:
Cracking down on negative behavior is only part of the solution,the other part is appearance.Kids emulate what they see on tv when it comes to the clothes of those who they admire.Sometimes the negative behavior is also emulated along with the negative fashion.

What is this "negative fashion" you speak of? I guess I would have to see what they are wearing that is causing such a stink here. Are they coming to work half naked, or are they wearing speedo's or something, what is at issue here?:confused:
I find your ASSumption that people in suits are respectable or intelligent extremely ignorant. Bush wears a suit, and so does Ted Kennedy. Don't tell me you like both these men equally. Enron execs wore suits. Judging a book by it's cover is really ignorant. Why don't you just say that they should dress more like white people, it's what you really mean. Wearing powdered wigs and Prince's wardrobe used to mean the same thing as a suit. It's just a stupid fashion trend.

I find "urban" fashion a real joke. I wont tell anyone what to wear though. Perhaps parents should do their jobs and quit teaching kids that barely literate athletes are role models.
Originally Posted by Deegan
What is this "negative fashion" you speak of?

The baggy pants that sag below one's ass crack,the oversized shirts that are only partially tucked in,the baseball cap worn sideways or backwards and the further glorification of gangbangers.
jamesrage said:
The baggy pants that sag below one's ass crack,the oversized shirts that are only partially tucked in,the baseball cap worn sideways or backwards and the further glorification of gangbangers.

It's those wealthy, white, suburban gangbangers that scare me the most! :rofl
I find your ASSumption that people in suits are respectable or intelligent extremely ignorant. Bush wears a suit, and so does Ted Kennedy. Don't tell me you like both these men equally. Enron execs wore suits. Judging a book by it's cover is really ignorant.

All of these men are intellegent.I disagree with most of Kennedy's political ideology but that does not mean I think he is a moron.Bush may be inarticulant,and you and every liberal out there definately hate his political idealogy but that does not make him a moron,He is president of the country, what are you?

Why don't you just say that they should dress more like white people, it's what you really mean. Wearing powdered wigs and Prince's wardrobe used to mean the same thing as a suit. It's just a stupid fashion trend.

Now if I was a American of african decent I would be offended by that statement you made.You basicly just said any black person who dresses like they have some common sense is a sellout.I would hate to see what you would call white people who dress like a bunch of gangbangers/thugs/idiots.
jamesrage said:
All of these men are intellegent.I disagree with most of Kennedy's political ideology but that does not mean I think he is a moron.Bush may be inarticulant,and you and every liberal out there definately hate his political idealogy but that does not make him a moron,He is president of the country, what are you?

Now if I was a American of african decent I would be offended by that statement you made.You basicly just said any black person who dresses like they have some common sense is a sellout.I would hate to see what you would call white people who dress like a bunch of gangbangers/thugs/idiots.

Thanks, but I am not hungry right now. So you don't need to put words in my mouth. If you want to ignore a difference in cultures, that's on you! Your bigotry shows though when you say, "white people who dress like a bunch of gangbangers/thugs/idiots". I said nothing about anyone being a "sellout". I see you addressed the intelligence part of the Kennedy/Bush example but not the respectability part. Hmmmmmm, I wonder why.

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