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New CNN, News we want (1 Viewer)


Slow 🅖 Hand
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Dec 1, 2011
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CNN's new boss, Chris Licht, plans to adjust CNN’s programming mix to include more hard news and less opinion.

I hope this is true because Fox has turned into a hate Biden infomercial. Boring.

Well, seeing as though he created Morning Joe and worked with Stephen Colbert, I'd be skeptical.
CNN's new boss, Chris Licht, plans to adjust CNN’s programming mix to include more hard news and less opinion.

I hope this is true because Fox has turned into a hate Biden infomercial. Boring.

I'm with you. I miss the days when CNN ran a 24 hour loop of news and didn't opine. I hope he manages to do this. They need to go back to their roots.


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CNN's new boss, Chris Licht, plans to adjust CNN’s programming mix to include more hard news and less opinion.

I hope this is true because Fox has turned into a hate Biden infomercial. Boring.

That would be awesome but Ill believe it when i see it
IMO CNN is still miles better than FOX, MSNBC but thats not a high bar
CNN's new boss, Chris Licht, plans to adjust CNN’s programming mix to include more hard news and less opinion.

I hope this is true because Fox has turned into a hate Biden infomercial. Boring.

Fox has been all about hating Democrats longer than it hired dangerous people to "report" fake news. It is 100% opinions. So, what CNN do? Counter Faux Noise with reality checks and prove the truth favors liberals. Every single opinion stated by a Democrat on CNN was based on proven facts. Every single fact that is reported in a liberal manner on CNN was the truth, just not presented how conservatives want to hear it. Scientific polls have shown it is always the people on the other side who think sources of political news are too biased to the point of dishonesty, but I know when I hear bias on CNN it is not the liberal version of Faux Noise. The difference will be much less noticeable to Democrats than Republicans except for conservative analysts being hired.
Be nice to see.let’s hope they can drop their bias and report real news like they used to do 30 years ago. Hopefully, abc, msnbc, pbs, all follow suit. Not holding my breath
Be nice to see.let’s hope they can drop their bias and report real news like they used to do 30 years ago. Hopefully, abc, msnbc, pbs, all follow suit. Not holding my breath

They can't drop liberal bias altogether. Doing that would require CNN to fire every analyst whose voting record is straight Democrat at every election. What Christ Licht needs to do is balance out talk show analysts, with two Democrats and two Republicans at the same table.
CNN's new boss, Chris Licht, plans to adjust CNN’s programming mix to include more hard news and less opinion.

I hope this is true because Fox has turned into a hate Biden infomercial. Boring.

I hope they do but the general public doesn't tune in the same.

So many people want social media and opinion news, not "here are the facts". They say they want it, but then they seek out opinions and memes and such.
They can't drop liberal bias altogether. Doing that would require CNN to fire every analyst whose voting record is straight Democrat at every election. What Christ Licht needs to do is balance out talk show analysts, with two Democrats and two Republicans at the same table.

No, I think they just need to report the truth. cnn has lost so much share ever since the beloved Donald Trump exposed them for what they really are. If they drop their leftist spin get back to real news I think they recapture a good share of the market. Let msnbc keep doing their leftist spin and FOX do their righty. the other channels can keep doing their lefty spin for all I care.
I'm with you. I miss the days when CNN ran a 24 hour loop of news and didn't opine. I hope he manages to do this. They need to go back to their roots.
Unfortunately, in today's media world, their roots won't make them the money. And we can't let Fox win the propaganda war.
I hope they do but the general public doesn't tune in the same.

So many people want social media and opinion news, not "here are the facts". They say they want it, but then they seek out opinions and memes and such.
ding ding ding ding
winner winner chicken dinner

so right

while CNN would have to do way less than FOX, MSNBC to right its ship at this point it "seems" that's not what people will REALLY tune in for . . .
many would but unless the mindset of profits and ratings is broken from "news" it wont matter

I mean people just wanting spoon-fed tinfoil hat stupidity is way Newsmax and OAN were born . . . so im not sure how this would work

maybe they are a blessing though . . maybe they can take all the nutters who happen to be on the right, then invent some super nutty left channel (this doesn't seem to sell that much either though) and then CNN can recover its niche of just news
No, I think they just need to report the truth. cnn has lost so much share ever since the beloved Donald Trump exposed them for what they really are. If they drop their leftist spin get back to real news I think they recapture a good share of the market. Let msnbc keep doing their leftist spin and FOX do their righty. the other channels can keep doing their lefty spin for all I care.

CNN became biased to the left when Donald Trump won in 2016. They were not happy at all about Tim Kaine's performance at the vice presidential debate. Throughout the George Bush and Barack Obama administrations, CNN was good at having both Democratic and Republican analysts on every talk show. Donald Trump forced CNN to be Faux Noise's fact checker - and that meant appearing to be more liberal they really were.
CNN became biased to the left when Donald Trump won in 2016. They were not happy at all about Tim Kaine's performance at the vice presidential debate. Throughout the George Bush and Barack Obama administrations, CNN was good at having both Democratic and Republican analysts on every talk show. Donald Trump forced CNN to be Faux Noise's fact checker - and that meant appearing to be more liberal they really were.

cnn was biased long, long before Da Trumpsta ran. He just exposed their bias and never let up on them. They covered him heavily and he used and abused them. Thank goodness. But no they had been left learners well before Trumpsta
I'm with you. I miss the days when CNN ran a 24 hour loop of news and didn't opine. I hope he manages to do this. They need to go back to their roots.
You can see with the war coverage how CNN is the only network with in depth coverage. Fox being a complete joke, of course.
CNN was biased long, long before Da Trumpsta ran. He just exposed their bias and never let up on them. They covered him heavily and he used and abused them. Thank goodness. But no they had been left learners well before Trumpsta

When George Bush was President, they had equal numbers of Democratic and Republican analysts. People had "Democratic" or "Republican" in their job titles. They all got along great. That is what I want to see moving forward with the network.
cnn was biased long, long before Da Trumpsta ran. He just exposed their bias and never let up on them. They covered him heavily and he used and abused them. Thank goodness. But no they had been left learners well before Trumpsta
using this chart -10 to +10

-10 total left lean, no integrity -5 left lean but ok 0 unbiased +5 right lean but ok +10 total right lean, no integrity

where do you rank CNN and FOX
using this chart -10 to +10

-10 total left lean, no integrity -5 left lean but ok 0 unbiased +5 right lean but ok +10 total right lean, no integrity

where do you rank CNN and FOX

Domt watch enough of them at this time to be able to give an accurate assessment
When George Bush was President, they had equal numbers of Democratic and Republican analysts. People had "Democratic" or "Republican" in their job titles. They all got along great. That is what I want to see moving forward with the network.

Oh, Fox does that today. They still have Juan Williams and Geraldo on staff, both libs and I’m sure others
CNN's new boss, Chris Licht, plans to adjust CNN’s programming mix to include more hard news and less opinion.

I hope this is true because Fox has turned into a hate Biden infomercial. Boring.

I wish them all more success than they have already had!

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