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New CIA leak probe begins (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 31, 2005
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CIA took the first step toward a criminal investigation of a leak of possibly classified information on secret prisons to The Washington Post, a U.S. official said Tuesday.

The agency's general counsel sent a report to the Justice Department about the Post story, which reported the existence of secret U.S. detention centers for suspected terrorists in Eastern Europe.

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the issue deals with classified information, said the referral was made shortly after the Nov. 2 story. The leak investigation into the disclosure of covert CIA officer Valerie Plame's identity came about through the same referral procedure. The Justice Department will decide whether to initiate a criminal investigation

Secretary of State
Condoleezza Rice sidestepped questions on secret prisons, saying the United States was in a "different kind of war" and had an obligation to defend itself.
... I take this to mean that we do in fact torture people, but don't have the balls to just admit that we do or that Bush admin. lied about it.

The newspaper's story of a week ago said the CIA has been hiding and interrogating some of its most important al-Qaida captives at a Soviet-era compound in Eastern Europe, part of a covert prison system set up by the agency four years ago that at various times has included sites in eight countries. Those countries, said the story, include several democracies.

The letter said the leaking of classified information by employees of the U.S. government appeared to have increased in recent years, "establishing a dangerous trend that, if not addressed swiftly and firmly, likely will worsen."

"We are hopeful that you will be able to accomplish this task in a bipartisan manner given general agreement that intelligence matters should not be politicized," it added.

Kenneth Roth, executive director of Human Rights Watch, said Republicans "should be focused on the illegality of these prisons, not the revelation of the illegality."

I wonder if the increase in leaks can be attributed to a dislike of the Bush admin. within the intelligence community?

scottyz said:
... I take this to mean that we do in fact torture people, but don't have the balls to just admit that we do or that Bush admin. lied about it.

I wonder if the increase in leaks can be attributed to a dislike of the Bush admin. within the intelligence community?


America does NOT torture prisoners. However, ..it will, & DOES lean on "some" prisoners, but not in the conventional "sense" of real torture.

Humiliation, maybe a slap or two, threats , & intimidation is all fair game, .."especially" IF it can save the lives of soldiers, and or any of our American citizens with regards to extracting pertinent information from the most vile of terrorists creatures.

What is that when compared to "beheadings" of non-combatins, & the grisly video taping of it, ..& the desecration of the American soldiers bodies like in Baghdad, ..or even Mogadishu?

Out of bounds??, ..not when compared to what REAL torture is, ..unless one is an apologizing liberal who refuses to make an honest distinction between America, & Al Quaida terrorists,(as SOME senate democrats & MEDIA does) ..& IF that be the case THEY & THEIR critiscism can all go to hell when we are talking about America's security, & the lives of millions of Americans.

It is time to stop eliciting "sympathy" for these murdering terrorist bastards so that the lilly white media liberals, & senate democrats who think that they are without "spot or stain" can feel good about themselves while attempting to destroy the Bush presidency, & in vain hopes of riding the democratic donkey, ..or is it really a jack as.s to victory in 08'!

It is HIGH time senate democrats, ..& the biased american media START supporting its soldiers, its government...& its intelligence services instead of giving aid, & comfort to the g-damn enemy who's sole intention is to murder Americans, & others all over the globe in the name of "islam"!:2usflag:

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