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new bands you just discovered (1 Viewer)


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Jan 8, 2010
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NE Ohio
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Amazing vocals

The lower picture is blatantly sexual so far as to be disturbing. I'm interested.
Kristen Kelly: singer, songwriter and guitar player.

new bands you just discovered

Shortly before the end of my job at the now-dead factory, I came upon a pallet of product that was very badly-stacked, and held together, in part, by three rubber bands. I guess it shouldn't surprise me, but I never before realized that rubber bands came in such a large size.

I'm also quite amazed that these rubber bands were adequate. The way the pallet was stacked, it seemed impossible to me for it to not just fall apart, and the rubber bands did not seem to me like they should be nearly adequate to have prevented that from happening.

Here are a couple of pictures of two of them that came home with me after I properly restacked the product, eliminating the need for the rubber bands. One shows these on a standard-sized hand truck, while the other shows them on a standard 3×4 foot chair mat.

CSC_3148.jpg CSC_3145.jpg

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