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New and european (1 Viewer)


New member
Nov 16, 2005
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Suburb of Paris - France
Political Leaning
I am a French young man living in the southern suburb of Paris. I am crazy of French and English literature and I am very proud to have entirely read the "Comédie Humaine" (Balzac) and "La Recherche du Temps Perdu" (Proust). Since I finished it, I have known that human soul can be very dark and that Art is above all - but Religion of course.

Looking at French television dealing with America or American television dealing with France deeply upsets me. This is mostly rubbish. I hope forum users are a little more intelligent than these caricatures.


Hello and Welcome!:2wave:

Some people here have little intelligence, but most have some.

A word of advise som of the more nationalistic americans here seeme to enoy picking on france. Personaly i think the reason is that deep down inside they cant deny the fact that "best" country of the world would exist without help from the French in their war against brittain...
Welcome to the forum. There are a few people here that seem to enjoy beating on France. I would say that their level of intelligence has a definite influence on their oppinions. I wish we had more members from Europe.:2razz:
Old and wise said:
Welcome to the forum. There are a few people here that seem to enjoy beating on France. I would say that their level of intelligence has a definite influence on their oppinions. I wish we had more members from Europe.:2razz:

Errr, there are real reasons for our differences, but I would enjoy discussing them here, as rational adults. I don't think that claiming that a short coming in intelligence, is a good way to start, but obviously you didn't choose that route, so I'll use this post as a "what not to do" and welcome to the fold.;)
Welcome to the board. I am thrilled to have your perspective on things. I know so little of your country; converse to the statement in your post, I too only hear bad things and jokes made of Frenchmen. I am interested to read for myself about the political nature of your country and it's people. I know we all have much to learn from you. I hope you will do your best to represent her well. :2wave:


Welcome to Debate Politics from across the Channel. Yeah their are some nationalistic Americans who like to make fun of Europeans, the French especially. Remember most Americans don't leave their country, that says alot in my opinion ;) . Welcome.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
All of these namby pampy platitutudes if no one else is going to say it I will (this ones for you teach) :mrgreen:


And that's from the heart. :lol:

Oh and welcome to D.B..

Now you all know why I mentioned intelligence.:lol:
Damn it, Trajan. Thats the second time you beat me to it first. Oh well.

Embrasse mon ane, France!

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