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Negative consequences of religion. (1 Viewer)


Oct 19, 2005
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Fun facts about religion in western democracies….

Here is a few quotes:

“In general, higher rates of belief in and worship of a creator correlate with higher rates of homicide, juvenile and early adult mortality, STD infection rates, teen pregnancy, and abortion in the prosperous democracies”

“Although they are by no means utopias, the populations of secular democracies are clearly able to govern themselves and maintain societal cohesion. Indeed, the data examined in this study demonstrates that only the more secular, pro-evolution democracies have, for the first time in history, come closest to achieving practical “cultures of life” that feature low rates of lethal crime, juvenile-adult mortality, sex related dysfunction, and even abortion. The least theistic secular developed democracies such as Japan, France, and Scandinavia have been most successful in these regards.”

“The non-religious, pro-evolution democracies contradict the dictum that a society cannot enjoy good conditions unless most citizens ardently believe in a moral creator. The widely held fear that a Godless citizenry must experience societal disaster is therefore refuted.”

Article at

And this study doesnt even touch the dangers of islam....
I would like to personally thank the Catholic religion for stopping the spread of condoms, birth control, tolerance, and womens rights in third world countires.
Because of their righteous crusade, these countries have overpopulation, higher cases of AIDS, and higher crime because of their stance against abortion. Dint believe me? Research why the crime rates went down in high crime areas after abortion became legal in the states. The missionaries are doing more hurt then help.
Yeah, I don't agree with a lot of stuff that the Catholic Church does. Does this mean that Christianity is bad? No.
Religions are also socially destructive insofar as they contaminate and pollute the education system. They tend to make people stupid by injecting unreality into a word of reality; they teach people to think in unparsimonious terms when trying to critically think and analyse situations. Further, they frequently discourage rational free thought or critical thinking via dogma propagation.

Moreover, myriad religious people will be completely rational, intelligent beings save for when the topic of religion manifests wherein they automatically shut-off their brains they prevent rational, free thought, because they are immersed in a realm of fiction-fantasy. Essentially rationality gives way to temporary irrationality as people go from thinking individuals to pious borg drones directed by their Pope or Zealot.

Many a time, and in an essay I wrote for Anthroplogy, I noticed that many of the world's "western" religions exhibit a funny "paradox of the pulpit" in that their desired goal is reversed the more you try to apply it seriously. People who take their religion seriously tend to obfuscate reality and erase the line dichotomizing the real and the fictional--damage ensues, bad things happen. The only way to make the religion sociall, ethically acceptable is to moderate it to such an extent that it really no longer resembles the original faith. In essense, you must defeat the religion in order to save it. Serious religion = negative consequences (objectively)..

However, I did read that religion does have some catharthic affect on society in that people tend to "feel" better emotionally, at least when they aren't persecuting those who don't tow their religious line and kneel before their every commandment.

There are very few "good" religions, but there do exist some which aren't physically harmful, but would be dangerous if presented as reality in some sort of academic sphere in which they would be out of their authority or element.

To appropriate a quote from the Transcendentalists of the 19th century (slightly modified) Religion is the Hobgoblin of little minds.
Negative consequences of mankind. Nothing more, nothing less.
Religion isn't a physical entity that guides the fools hand in his msideeds,
the fool just hides his inadequecies behind it.

Jesus Christ himself was against organized religion.

Individual responsibility is the hardest obligation for mankind to accept and he will go to any far flung extent to avoid that oh so atrocious possibility: BEING WRONG.

If indeed there is no God, then where did religion come from? Mankind.

Who is to blame for all of the maladies of the world? Mankind; the one and only blunderer.
VTA said:
Negative consequences of mankind. Nothing more, nothing less.
Religion isn't a physical entity that guides the fools hand in his msideeds,
the fool just hides his inadequecies behind it.

Jesus Christ himself was against organized religion.

Individual responsibility is the hardest obligation for mankind to accept and he will go to any far flung extent to avoid that oh so atrocious possibility: BEING WRONG.

If indeed there is no God, then where did religion come from? Mankind.

Who is to blame for all of the maladies of the world? Mankind; the one and only blunderer.

Agreed - yes - ditto.
VTA said:
Negative consequences of mankind. Nothing more, nothing less.
Religion isn't a physical entity that guides the fools hand in his msideeds,
the fool just hides his inadequecies behind it.

Individual responsibility is the hardest obligation for mankind to accept and he will go to any far flung extent to avoid that oh so atrocious possibility: BEING WRONG.

If indeed there is no God, then where did religion come from? Mankind.

Who is to blame for all of the maladies of the world? Mankind; the one and only blunderer.

Anyone with a proper understanding of religion would not be hiding their sins behind religion. They would recognize that they are at fault.

The study does not address the numerous other factors that may influence the greater amounts of problems in society. Media, peer pressure, and general mentality has a great contribution, not to mention collective ignorance.

Religions are also socially destructive insofar as they contaminate and pollute the education system. They tend to make people stupid by injecting unreality into a word of reality; they teach people to think in unparsimonious terms when trying to critically think and analyse situations. Further, they frequently discourage rational free thought or critical thinking via dogma propagation.

I disagree. I am Lutheran, and we don't go around saying "believe this or else". I feel invited to think constructively about the Bible and my religious beliefs. It is possible to be religious and think critically at the same time.

Moreover, myriad religious people will be completely rational, intelligent beings save for when the topic of religion manifests wherein they automatically shut-off their brains they prevent rational, free thought, because they are immersed in a realm of fiction-fantasy. Essentially rationality gives way to temporary irrationality as people go from thinking individuals to pious borg drones directed by their Pope or Zealot.

Way to generalize. What about people who don't follow the Pope? What about people who do think constructively, rationally, and freely about the realities of their religion?

People who take their religion seriously tend to obfuscate reality and erase the line dichotomizing the real and the fictional--damage ensues, bad things happen.

How so? Please enlighten me.

Jesus Christ himself was against organized religion.

Never heard about that. Please give the verse and I will take a look.

I believe in both creationism and evolution at the same time. I believe that, while it says "God created the earth in seven days", it does not say seven human days, or 168 hours. It says seven days. I take this to mean that, since humans aren't around, this is seven of God's days. Therefore, evolution could still have taken place. Also, it didn't mention the creation of humans until after the seven days were completed, which could mean that humans were created long after. Thus, it is possible to believe in both evolution and creationism at the same time, and I actually enjoy both more because of it.
The problem stems from either the ignorance of religion or the misinterpretation of religion. The Bible is not meant to be taken literally, because it is symbolic. One has to comprehend the meaning behind the verses in order to understand the religion. People can call themselves Christian or Muslim and not follow the moral guidlines of the religion. Also, people can mistake something in the Bible as meaning something else. Both of these problems contribute to the majority of sin in society.

Religion is not the problem. The problem lies with the people who succumb to their inherent greed. Like you said: mankind is responsible for the evil in the world. You can't plead innocent to murder on the grounds that "Satan made me do it." When Adam and Eve were tempted by the serpent, it (to me) was symbolic of humanity's inherent lust for power.
"The snake replied, 'That's not true; you will not die (if you eat the fruit). God said that because he knows that when you eat it, you will be like God and know what is good and what is bad.' The woman saw how beautiful the tree was and how good its fruit would be to eat, and she thought how wonderful it would be to become wise. So she took some of the fruit and ate it Then she gave some to her husband, and he also ate it. As soon as they had eaten it, they were given understanding..." (Genesis, 3.4-7)
When they ate from the tree, they were given free will, i.e., the ability to make their own choices, as well as the understanding of what was good and what was evil. With this decision, we gained the ability to do what we wanted, but at the cost that we would be responsible for our actions. Oops.

I would like to personally thank the Catholic religion for stopping the spread of condoms, birth control, tolerance, and womens rights in third world countires.
Because of their righteous crusade, these countries have overpopulation, higher cases of AIDS, and higher crime because of their stance against abortion. Dint believe me? Research why the crime rates went down in high crime areas after abortion became legal in the states. The missionaries are doing more hurt then help.

I don't understand why the Catholic church is against condoms and birth control. However, I have no proof that they have stopped tolerance and/or womans rights.
In some countries in Africa, the belief is that if you have sex with a child, you will be cured of AIDS. I don't see how banning abortion and getting more AIDS has anything to do with each other. If you have sex, you will probably get AIDS, abortion or no abortion. Overpopulation is the result of most families being poor. So they have lots of kids to help keep them alive. But their money is being taken and used by warlords. You are directing your anger at the wrong faction. You should take into account the political, economical, and cultural pressures that these people face, before getting all spaztic about how terrible religion is. Sorry to be blunt, but that is the bottom line.

Oh, and legalizing murder would bring the crime rate in high crime areas down. Does that mean it's good?
Old and wise said:
Religion is a crutch for weak minded people.
yes, but a lot of people need it, and until they don't, it is a good idea to allow them their crutch, as long as they don't use it as a stick to beat on others...:confused:
Technocratic_Utilitarian said:
Religions are also socially destructive insofar as they contaminate and pollute the education system. They tend to make people stupid by injecting unreality into a word of reality; they teach people to think in unparsimonious terms when trying to critically think and analyse situations. Further, they frequently discourage rational free thought or critical thinking via dogma propagation.

It is unfortunate that you choose to lump all religion together and malign it. Some religions encourage questioning and recognize differences in opinion. Militant atheism is as close-minded and dogmatic as religious fundamentalism.

Moreover, myriad religious people will be completely rational, intelligent beings save for when the topic of religion manifests wherein they automatically shut-off their brains they prevent rational, free thought, because they are immersed in a realm of fiction-fantasy. Essentially rationality gives way to temporary irrationality as people go from thinking individuals to pious borg drones directed by their Pope or Zealot.

That's convenient. One could say the same thing about atheists.

Many a time, and in an essay I wrote for Anthroplogy, I noticed that many of the world's "western" religions exhibit a funny "paradox of the pulpit" in that their desired goal is reversed the more you try to apply it seriously. People who take their religion seriously tend to obfuscate reality and erase the line dichotomizing the real and the fictional--damage ensues, bad things happen.

Is this an experiment you conducted? In what peer-reviewed journal was it published? Or are you relying on anecdotal evidence to support your "rational" world-view?

The only way to make the religion sociall, ethically acceptable is to moderate it to such an extent that it really no longer resembles the original faith. In essense, you must defeat the religion in order to save it. Serious religion = negative consequences (objectively)..

This is such a silly argument. You are saying that all serious religion causes negative results (objectively.) So, if I gave you examples of religion resulting in positive results, I would prove you wrong? I also think it is quite brilliant how you make an easily disproved assertion and call it "objective." Please, what multivariable model did you use to objectively prove that serious religion leads to negative consequences and milquetoast religion leads to positive consequences? How did you objectively determine whether a person's faith was serious or subverted?

There are very few "good" religions, but there do exist some which aren't physically harmful, but would be dangerous if presented as reality in some sort of academic sphere in which they would be out of their authority or element.

But you said that serious religion = negative consequences. Now you are saying that there are "good" religions? Are they only "good" if someone doesn't seriously believe in them?

To appropriate a quote from the Transcendentalists of the 19th century (slightly modified) Religion is the Hobgoblin of little minds.

Or your friend Karl Marx said, "religion is the opium of the people."
Human history is largely a violent contest of gods and the men who served them. The most bloody excursions throughout the ages have come when one religion feels threatened. Our age is the latest, intense serial in a saga that shaped our earliest myths. Today it is Islam. It's not so much the religions...it's what humans do with it.

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