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NBC Publishes 23 Conflicting Positions by Donald Trump (1 Viewer)

NBC Publishes 23 Conflicting Positions By Donald Trump | Crooks and Liars
NBC Publishes 23 Conflicting Positions by Donald Trump

“……………… Trump’s shifting stances aren’t just challenging for reporters tasked with covering him— they’re also a source of consternation for his party as more than a few of his stated policies directly contradict the GOP platform.

You can say that again! Last night's town hall proved beyond a doubt that Donald Trump doesn't give a rat's butt about the Republican platform.

The government is responsible for HOUSING?!? HEALTHCARE?!? EDUCATION?!?..............

So this morning, NBC has published a "full list" of Donald Trump's flip flops………………
A Full List of Donald Trump'''s Rapidly Changing Policy Positions - NBC News

“………… It's difficult to glean a platform from Trump's powerfully incoherent rhetoric while navigating the quicksand-like task of separating fact from Trump's many exaggerations and outright falsehoods in thousands of interviews. It's perhaps harder still to get the GOP front-runner to address policy questions directly……….”

Yall may wish to check to see ikf you think you know where The Donald stands and is in keeping with what you think he stands for………….There is good reason the folks in NY call him “CON MAN…….L IAR…………. CHARLATAN ….THIEF……..

A Full List of Donald Trump'''s Rapidly Changing Policy Positions - NBC News
A Full List of Donald Trump's Rapidly Changing Policy Positions

Trump’s Week of Errors, Exaggerations and Flat-out Falsehoods - POLITICO Magazine

It's like having to play roulette for policy positions...............you never know how it with be.............but in any event you're a sure loser

Where is the other 13 items their list has 10 things not 23. and some of the ones they do list really aren't conflicting.
Where is the other 13 items their list has 10 things not 23. and some of the ones they do list really aren't conflicting.

Sue me................there's enough examples there to prove the point......... who needs to quibble about numbers when we know who he is

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