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National flags on avatars (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Feb 4, 2012
Reaction score
American Refugee in Europe
Political Leaning
Hey guys,

I know it's early so this may be in the works anyway, but I think the flags on everyone's faces should be permanently selectable by the user. As of now, it puts the flag of whatever country you connected from last. For people like me who always use a VPN, this means my flag will change around randomly to things like Switzerland, Romania, Sweden, Albania, etc. It also gives people on this forum ammunition to dismiss my statements because "I'm not even from America."

Is it possible to change this to make the flag user selectable?
The flag I want:

Hey guys,

I know it's early so this may be in the works anyway, but I think the flags on everyone's faces should be permanently selectable by the user. As of now, it puts the flag of whatever country you connected from last. For people like me who always use a VPN, this means my flag will change around randomly to things like Switzerland, Romania, Sweden, Albania, etc. It also gives people on this forum ammunition to dismiss my statements because "I'm not even from America."

Is it possible to change this to make the flag user selectable?

Yeh I noticed this. We use VPN on our laptops so we can get American HBO and Netflix lol

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