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Naomi Judd, 1946-2022 (1 Viewer)

nota bene

DP Veteran
Aug 11, 2011
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Political Leaning
From Variety:

Singer and television star Naomi Judd, famous for nearly four decades as the matriarch of the country music duo the Judds, has died at 76, her daughters Wynonna Judd and Ashley Judd said in a statement Saturday.

“Today we sisters experienced a tragedy,” the statement said, according to the Associated Press. “We lost our beautiful mother to the disease of mental illness. We are shattered. We are navigating profound grief and know that as we loved her, she was loved by her public. We are in unknown territory.”

The announcement came the day before the Judds were set to be formally inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame at a medallion ceremony in Nashville.

Such a loss. Rest in peace, pretty lady.
She was always the most attractive of the duo when they were paired, imo.


but what does this mean:


She wrote a book on depression, so...? Maybe that.

She was planning a tour with Wynonna in the fall so who knows?

See: linked article
So sad to hear this news........maybe she has found the peace she always struggled for. RIP
SO sad. Her and Wynonna were huge during the Garth Brooks -Shania - Randy Travis era.

I've been secretly in love with Ashley for decades.
Rest in peace.
So sad. I grew up on The Judds and others. My mom had this record:

Well that's to bad. One of a very few country sings worth listening to.
Ouch... I loved their duos

From Variety:

Singer and television star Naomi Judd, famous for nearly four decades as the matriarch of the country music duo the Judds, has died at 76, her daughters Wynonna Judd and Ashley Judd said in a statement Saturday.

“Today we sisters experienced a tragedy,” the statement said, according to the Associated Press. “We lost our beautiful mother to the disease of mental illness. We are shattered. We are navigating profound grief and know that as we loved her, she was loved by her public. We are in unknown territory.”

The announcement came the day before the Judds were set to be formally inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame at a medallion ceremony in Nashville.

Such a loss. Rest in peace, pretty lady.

Shocking news!

So very disturbing that she hopelessly suffered with depression.
One would never know when looking at her gorgeous smile.

RIP Naomi Judd
My condolences to her family and friends.
Shocking news!

So very disturbing that she hopelessly suffered with depression.
One would never know when looking at her gorgeous smile.

RIP Naomi Judd
Yes, a pretty smile--or great fame or wealth--can hide deep misery.

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