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NAACP comments about Kenneth Gladney (black conservative man who was assaulted) (1 Viewer)


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Kenneth Gladney is a black conservative man who was assaulted at a townhall meeting in St. Louis last year. Here is a member of the NAACP commenting on Gladney:

Gateway Pundit

And the transcript:

Back in the day, we used to call someone like that, and I want to remind you, uh, when this incident occurred, I was really struck by a front page picture of this guy, which we called, a Negro, i mean that we call him a Negro in the fact that he works for not for our people but against our people. In the old days, we call him an Uncle Tom. I just gotta say that. Here it is, the day after a young brother, a young man, I didn’t mean to call him a brother, but on the front page of the Post Dispatch, ironically, he’s sitting in a wheelchair, being kissed on the forehead, by a European. Now just imagine that as a poster child picture, not working for our people.

Your thoughts?
Kenneth Gladney is a black conservative man who was assaulted at a townhall meeting in St. Louis last year. Here is a member of the NAACP commenting on Gladney:

Gateway Pundit

And the transcript:

Back in the day, we used to call someone like that, and I want to remind you, uh, when this incident occurred, I was really struck by a front page picture of this guy, which we called, a Negro, i mean that we call him a Negro in the fact that he works for not for our people but against our people. In the old days, we call him an Uncle Tom. I just gotta say that. Here it is, the day after a young brother, a young man, I didn’t mean to call him a brother, but on the front page of the Post Dispatch, ironically, he’s sitting in a wheelchair, being kissed on the forehead, by a European. Now just imagine that as a poster child picture, not working for our people.

Your thoughts?

Black Conservatives ostracized this way, unfortunately is a common occurance. They are a rare breed, in my opinion, not because they don't hold conservative values but precisely because of the way they are looked down on by their peers. It takes bravery and then some, to allow yourself to be embraced by a predominately white political party and knowing you'll be ripped apart by your own family and friends.
We're supposed to care because?

He was beat up by SEIU thugs for daring to be conservative. Evidentally the new Democratic Socialist Party doesn't recognize freedom of speech, especially if that speech is by black conservatives against the Obama way.
He was beat up by SEIU thugs for daring to be conservative. Evidentally the new Democratic Socialist Party doesn't recognize freedom of speech, especially if that speech is by black conservatives against the Obama way.

First of all, you should be armed when you go to a rally because there will always be some asshole who wants to **** you with you. Second the NAACP traditional leans left, so them hating a conservative is nothing new.
First of all, you should be armed when you go to a rally because there will always be some asshole who wants to **** you with you. Second the NAACP traditional leans left, so them hating a conservative is nothing new.

Yes, we have had a few Tea Party rallies down here, and all those who have attended have been packing. They are legal concealed carry holders. I have never attended one of the rallies, yet, but when I do, I will be packing as well. Then again, we're a Navy town, and there are a whole lot more conservatives here than the opposition can muster troublemakers. We'd put it down quick. In the last one we had, there was a lot of police presence. I don't know whether they though the Tea Partiers would cause trouble, or they heard that the Dems were busing in thugs.
First of all, you should be armed when you go to a rally because there will always be some asshole who wants to **** you with you. Second the NAACP traditional leans left, so them hating a conservative is nothing new.

Many states forbid carrying arms at political rallies, even for CCW.
First of all, you should be armed when you go to a rally because there will always be some asshole who wants to **** you with you. Second the NAACP traditional leans left, so them hating a conservative is nothing new.

Shouldn't they be non-partisan and helping ALL "colored people" not just the ones they agree with?
Shouldn't they be non-partisan and helping ALL "colored people" not just the ones they agree with?

They're a private organization so they have the right to pick and choose. Im surprised however how Roy Innis's organization CORE hasnt been more active. In addition my father always taught me that if you want something you have to go and get it yourself. He has always hated La Raza and other hispanic groups because they are just racial collectivsts, no better than scum like Pat Buchanan and his ****stain followers. If this guy who got beaten up is a conservative then maybe he should act like an individual.
They're a private organization so they have the right to pick and choose. Im surprised however how Roy Innis's organization CORE hasnt been more active. In addition my father always taught me that if you want something you have to go and get it yourself. He has always hated La Raza and other hispanic groups because they are just racial collectivsts, no better than scum like Pat Buchanan and his ****stain followers. If this guy who got beaten up is a conservative then maybe he should act like an individual.

So, they really should be called the NAALCP??? National Association for the Advancement of LIBERAL/LEFTIST Colored Persons?
If this guy who got beaten up is a conservative then maybe he should act like an individual.

??? I'm not sure what you mean by this. He shouldn't rely on organizations to help him since he's conservative?
My point is those who act based on what others say of them are weak minded yesmen.

Ahhh....your words "If he's a conservative...." got me confused. You think anyone no matter what their political ideologies should "be an individual". That's great, but that's not the point of the thread. The NAACP was created to protect ALL "colored people", not just those who agree with them politically. Wasn't it?
Ahhh....your words "If he's a conservative...." got me confused. You think anyone no matter what their political ideologies should "be an individual". That's great, but that's not the point of the thread. The NAACP was created to protect ALL "colored people", not just those who agree with them politically. Wasn't it?

Years ago when I was in high school, we had a very colorful coach visit our school. He gave a very rousing speech and casually mentioned the NAACP, which had just established itself. That was before blacks were admitted to my school. He called it the Natioanl Association for the Advancement of "Certain" People. How true were his words because they are only interested in the advancement of those certain people who are in agreement with their leftist ideals, race not being a factor if the black man is a conservative. He's just another "Oreo cookie."
Kenneth Gladney is a black conservative man who was assaulted at a townhall meeting in St. Louis last year. Here is a member of the NAACP commenting on Gladney:

Gateway Pundit

And the transcript:

Back in the day, we used to call someone like that, and I want to remind you, uh, when this incident occurred, I was really struck by a front page picture of this guy, which we called, a Negro, i mean that we call him a Negro in the fact that he works for not for our people but against our people. In the old days, we call him an Uncle Tom. I just gotta say that. Here it is, the day after a young brother, a young man, I didn’t mean to call him a brother, but on the front page of the Post Dispatch, ironically, he’s sitting in a wheelchair, being kissed on the forehead, by a European. Now just imagine that as a poster child picture, not working for our people.

Your thoughts?

The NAACP is full of a bunch of dumbasses and along with Liberalism/Progressivism has become the worst thing that ever happened to the black community in America.
Shouldn't they be non-partisan and helping ALL "colored people" not just the ones they agree with?

It's just another example of the left trying to keep blacks in their place. And people wonder why there are not more blacks willing to identify themselves as conservatives.
Ahhh....your words "If he's a conservative...." got me confused. You think anyone no matter what their political ideologies should "be an individual". That's great, but that's not the point of the thread. The NAACP was created to protect ALL "colored people", not just those who agree with them politically. Wasn't it?

Im colored (brown) and I dont expect anyone to protect me. IMO majority of advocacy groups are nothing but excuses to hit people up for money.
The NAACP has to keep blacks thinking they're second class, oppressed people in the U.S. If the black culture actually has the audacity to make decisions for themselves, take on responsibility and dare to be a conservative - they are ostracised. Either they're FOR other blacks - ie., Democrats --- or they're AGAINST other blacks - non-Democrats. The narrative is not only via color but politics and sociological. I submit that the NAACP does more to keep black oppressed than they claim they're fighting for equality. The NAACP wouldn't be needed if there were equality therefore it's in the NAACP's best interest to keep blacks oppressed, at odds with other races, and continue to the claim anyone not agreeing with them is an "uncle tom".
It's just another example of the left trying to keep blacks in their place. And people wonder why there are not more blacks willing to identify themselves as conservatives.
So what you seem to be saying that blacks are stupid and can't decide for themselves if they are liberal or conservative? Maybe that's the reason there aren't more black conservatives.
So what you seem to be saying that blacks are stupid and can't decide for themselves if they are liberal or conservative? Maybe that's the reason there aren't more black conservatives.

No he is saying that that Liberals think blacks are stupid and can't decide for themselves so they try to "keep [them] in their place". "Their place" being the place that advances the Liberal agenda. I think to a point there are some Liberals out there that seem to view blacks as more of a way to get more votes. The issues as far as I see them should never be about race (unless it is an actual issue where racial discrimination is involved, then we need to do something to stop it). Liberals to often though throw race into the game when really it is a non-issue.

I have heard other stories where a conservative who is black gets shunned by the rest of the black community. Truly it's a sad state of affairs when an entire community that just experienced a radical rise to equality in the past two centuries begins a new cycle of discrimination.
So what you seem to be saying that blacks are stupid and can't decide for themselves if they are liberal or conservative? Maybe that's the reason there aren't more black conservatives.
You're the only one who said anything close to that.
They're a private organization so they have the right to pick and choose. Im surprised however how Roy Innis's organization CORE hasnt been more active. In addition my father always taught me that if you want something you have to go and get it yourself. He has always hated La Raza and other hispanic groups because they are just racial collectivsts, no better than scum like Pat Buchanan and his ****stain followers. If this guy who got beaten up is a conservative then maybe he should act like an individual.

Well im sure most Conservatives think assault is a criminal offence.
If this guy who got beaten up is a conservative then maybe he should act like an individual.

I would say that a black man setting up a station to sell stuff at a tea party rally is acting in a strongly individual manner, especially in the light that so many liberals try to paint the tea party movement as a racist one. He's the one who had the character and guts, not the SEIU thugs who assaulted him.

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