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N.J. black teen in majority-white school caught sending racist texts to self (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 14, 2012
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A black teen in New Jersey seeking to win election to a student government office at a mostly white school was busted for sending racist text messages to himself, ostensibly to garner attention, sympathy and votes, school officials said.

They said things like: “We have NEVER and will NEVER have an [N-word] to lead our school.”

Police tracked the texts and ultimately determined that he actually sent them to himself using a phone app called TEXTME.

N.J. black teen in majority-white school caught sending racist texts to self - Washington Times

LOL. Well he is 16 yrs old. I guess he needed a valid excuse for dropping out of a race that he couldn't win and wanted to be outstanding in some way to the rest of his fellow colleagues.
N.J. black teen in majority-white school caught sending racist texts to self - Washington Times

LOL. Well he is 16 yrs old. I guess he needed a valid excuse for dropping out of a race that he couldn't win and wanted to be outstanding in some way to the rest of his fellow colleagues.

What an idiot thinking that he can win a legitimate race by blackmail because he is a minority. He should get his just desserts in embarrassment and send a message out to anyone else thinking of doing the same.
If only he'd sexted himself instead - he might've garnered more pity, and votes, billing himself as a petty pervert; I mean seriously, if you're going to commit self-abuse...

What a maroon... :doh
N.J. black teen in majority-white school caught sending racist texts to self - Washington Times

LOL. Well he is 16 yrs old. I guess he needed a valid excuse for dropping out of a race that he couldn't win and wanted to be outstanding in some way to the rest of his fellow colleagues.

Someone should be charged for filing a false complaint (the father may be guilty here too) or at least with giving false statements to police (assuming that they asked the kid if he knew who sent the messages). If this kid has "access to" money to pay private tuition then he has "access to" money to pay a steep fine, at the least he has time to do community service. Wasting the time of police is a serious offense and should be treated as such.
What is sad is that he thought it would work.
Anyone who creates a false report of this nature should be punished severely. Bull**** like this undermines real accounts of such acts.

Why was this investigated by the police, though? Even if the texts were real, I don't see why it would be investigated.
Too bad. He should've stayed. He could have a debate with himself. He could claim victory either way.
Wow, this kid is made for New Jersey politics.

Oh no ... the kid is made for the 8PM MSNBC slot and I don't think getting caught matters one bit ... think Al Sharpton.
Article fails to mention if he won.
Typical with most "news" these days.

"The Lions beat the Bears, while in baseball the Yankees take one from the Red Sox. Terry?"
"The stock market ended up on the day, down for the week, and even for the month. Bill?"
"It's going to be cooler today Terry, with a warmup coming. Paul?"
"Traffic is backing up Bill. More at 6. Jim?"
"The Lions beat... < shuffles papers > More at 6:05...."
N.J. black teen in majority-white school caught sending racist texts to self - Washington Times

LOL. Well he is 16 yrs old. I guess he needed a valid excuse for dropping out of a race that he couldn't win and wanted to be outstanding in some way to the rest of his fellow colleagues.

Maybe his intent was to attempt to use "racism" as a means to win???

It works in our state, local and national politics... When you don't get your way just scream racism...

Blacks do this stuff all the time.

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