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My ties to the KKK... (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 14, 2005
Reaction score
New Hampshire
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
Long before reading David Duke’s book “My Awakening”, I had awaken to the fact that liberal America had and was rewriting our forefathers’ legacy in order to appease the politically correct and multiculturalists of our modern day society.

While good buddy David Duke and I were praising the great deeds and accomplishments of our founding fathers (of European ancestry) liberals like Jessie Jackson were undermining, rewriting and blaming the ‘white man’ or the ‘European white man’ for all of our country’s problems. Adding insult to injury was Jessie’s daily lamenting mantra that ‘whitey’ owes the black people reparations for dastardly deeds done to his people of over 150 years ago in the form of slavery. As foolish as Jessie’s claim for entitlements from today’s ‘white’ people looks to the average American, the fact remains that this sort of discrimination smacks as being a form of racism on Jessie’s part. Jessie’s statement that N.Y.C. should be called ‘Hymietown’ because of the large contingent of Orthodox Jews living there… further exposes his racist intent.

David Duke can be heard on a forum every Sunday at Stormfront.org. I am a sustaining dues paying member there as well. Hope to see some of you more engaging members of Debates Politics over there soon. New members are arriving each day. Liberals need not bother; this is a forum where people tend to fight for their rights, as well as show pride in their whiteness.

Ps: Anyone wanting to know the eye-opening truth about slavery in the United States as well as worldwide should read a book titled, “Black Rednecks and White Liberals by Thomas Sowell…a black man himself. Enjoy the truth!

Why is it that only Black Democrats find the need to use slavery as a weapon to defend their people as the ones’ being oppressed, and thus the ones’ entitled to reparations? You’ll never see or hear a Black Republican invoke the slavery issue when discussing 21st century economic issues for the American people--be it for a black or white man and woman.
ptsdkid said:
Long before reading David Duke’s book “My Awakening”, I had awaken to the fact that liberal America had and was rewriting our forefathers’ legacy in order to appease the politically correct and multiculturalists of our modern day society.

While good buddy David Duke and I were praising the great deeds and accomplishments of our founding fathers (of European ancestry) liberals like Jessie Jackson were undermining, rewriting and blaming the ‘white man’ or the ‘European white man’ for all of our country’s problems. Adding insult to injury was Jessie’s daily lamenting mantra that ‘whitey’ owes the black people reparations for dastardly deeds done to his people of over 150 years ago in the form of slavery. As foolish as Jessie’s claim for entitlements from today’s ‘white’ people looks to the average American, the fact remains that this sort of discrimination smacks as being a form of racism on Jessie’s part. Jessie’s statement that N.Y.C. should be called ‘Hymietown’ because of the large contingent of Orthodox Jews living there… further exposes his racist intent.

David Duke can be heard on a forum every Sunday at Stormfront.org. I am a sustaining dues paying member there as well. Hope to see some of you more engaging members of Debates Politics over there soon. New members are arriving each day. Liberals need not bother; this is a forum where people tend to fight for their rights, as well as show pride in their whiteness.

Ps: Anyone wanting to know the eye-opening truth about slavery in the United States as well as worldwide should read a book titled, “Black Rednecks and White Liberals by Thomas Sowell…a black man himself. Enjoy the truth!

Why is it that only Black Democrats find the need to use slavery as a weapon to defend their people as the ones’ being oppressed, and thus the ones’ entitled to reparations? You’ll never see or hear a Black Republican invoke the slavery issue when discussing 21st century economic issues for the American people--be it for a black or white man and woman.
Stormfront is a Neo Nazi organization, and you are proud to be a member of that?

You can view their website here, along with their forum, in which you can see the extent of the hate they spew.

So, you are proud to be affiliated with the KKK, and proud to be a Neo Nazi? I suppose you also deny the Holocaust happened?
ptsdkid said:
Long before reading David Duke’s book “My Awakening”, I had awaken to the fact that liberal America had and was rewriting our forefathers’ legacy in order to appease the politically correct and multiculturalists of our modern day society.

While good buddy David Duke and I were praising the great deeds and accomplishments of our founding fathers (of European ancestry) liberals like Jessie Jackson were undermining, rewriting and blaming the ‘white man’ or the ‘European white man’ for all of our country’s problems. Adding insult to injury was Jessie’s daily lamenting mantra that ‘whitey’ owes the black people reparations for dastardly deeds done to his people of over 150 years ago in the form of slavery. As foolish as Jessie’s claim for entitlements from today’s ‘white’ people looks to the average American, the fact remains that this sort of discrimination smacks as being a form of racism on Jessie’s part. Jessie’s statement that N.Y.C. should be called ‘Hymietown’ because of the large contingent of Orthodox Jews living there… further exposes his racist intent.

David Duke can be heard on a forum every Sunday at Stormfront.org. I am a sustaining dues paying member there as well. Hope to see some of you more engaging members of Debates Politics over there soon. New members are arriving each day. Liberals need not bother; this is a forum where people tend to fight for their rights, as well as show pride in their whiteness.

Ps: Anyone wanting to know the eye-opening truth about slavery in the United States as well as worldwide should read a book titled, “Black Rednecks and White Liberals by Thomas Sowell…a black man himself. Enjoy the truth!

Why is it that only Black Democrats find the need to use slavery as a weapon to defend their people as the ones’ being oppressed, and thus the ones’ entitled to reparations? You’ll never see or hear a Black Republican invoke the slavery issue when discussing 21st century economic issues for the American people--be it for a black or white man and woman.

Um, dude it's ok to be, "conservative" but I think David Duke goes way beyond that...
George_Washington said:
Um, dude it's ok to be, "conservative" but I think David Duke goes way beyond that...

You are right on that. David Duke used to be a Grand Dragon.
danarhea said:
Stormfront is a Neo Nazi organization, and you are proud to be a member of that?

You can view their website here, along with their forum, in which you can see the extent of the hate they spew.

So, you are proud to be affiliated with the KKK, and proud to be a Neo Nazi? I suppose you also deny the Holocaust happened?

***Stormfront is not a neo Nazi organization. Technically speaking, it is a 'White Nationalist Community' engaging in 'White Pride'. Think of the Blacks celebrating Black History month in February as being on par with Whites celebrating White pride all year long. Calling me a neo Nazi would be like me calling Jessie Jackson a neo Ni**er.
ptsdkid said:
***Stormfront is not a neo Nazi organization. Technically speaking, it is a 'White Nationalist Community' engaging in 'White Pride'. Think of the Blacks celebrating Black History month in February as being on par with Whites celebrating White pride all year long. Calling me a neo Nazi would be like me calling Jessie Jackson a neo Ni**er.
Lets take a look at some threads from some of the members there.

A short but sweet quote by Hitler.

Adoration of Hitler on a thread called Hitler youth rally.

Hitler on Israel.

Jewish Ritual Murder. Here is an excerpt from that thread.
They take the blood of white children and put it on cheese cloth. It is dried and then the cloth is shaken over a plate and the resulting blood flakes are put into the dough of unleavened bread, cooked, and used in rituals.
World War II's biggest gangster. A poll to see who the biggest gangster was, Roosevelt, Churchill, or Stalin. The author of the poll chose Stalin because he "He was so intent on destroying Germany and Hitler,that he didn't see the real threat to Europe." Which of couse is the Jews, if you follow his logic.

Blacks have lower IQs than whites.

What can we do against black music - Posted by a member called the Klansman.

Defeat Black History Month.

A rant against interracial marriage, referring to a black woman as a "Negro"

Segregation: Common Sense.

About the Nationalist party - They are not white enough.

Interviews with some former slaves used to justify slavery.

You were saying?..................

I could go on putting links up here all day, but I dont have all day. You get my gist.

Whatever you say to defend Stormfront wont cut it. Know a person or an organization by its fruits, and these fruits are rotten to the core.

It is one thing to promote achievements of white people. It is quite another to say you are promoting achievements of white people only as a cover for the real reason a site like this exists - To spew the worst kind of vile misrepresentations, lies, antisemitism, and pure hatred towards other races of people.
danarhea said:
Lets take a look at some threads from some of the members there.

***I'll repeat, headings at the top of the forum say, 'White Nationalist Community' with subtitles and references to 'White Pride'.

I do not subscribe to everyone's viewpoint at Stormfront; just like I do not subscribe to any liberal viewpoint on this forum.

I will say this however, some of the postings there are loaded with very informative/intelligent/persuasive viewpoints; much more so than you'll find here.

The political debate is also on a greater level there than you would find here. You may have noticed that you can get worthy points across without worry of being censored over there.

Did you happen to catch the names that 'Teacher' had called me over here in the basement? If so, would the names he called me (along with the threat) be any more alarming than me being honest by calling Jessie Jackson a racist?
ptsdkid, I think thats about the dumbest
flucking post I have read.

Damn sorry robodoon you just lost..:doh

But you know what? Hey this is the USA
and you are allowed to think like that.
And before you start I've been to KKk BBQ's when I was a teen.

Look you have good blacks and you have bad
sames goes with whites or any other color...

One thing for sure I'm not a racist
I hate everybody...lol...
cherokee said:
ptsdkid, I think thats about the dumbest
flucking post I have read.

***Couldn't be that dumb, we Republicans were voted the more intelligent people of the two parties, remember?
Proud to see yet another fine representative of the Republican Party.:roll:
Captain America said:
Proud to see yet another fine representative of the Republican Party.:roll:

***Good to see someone that calls himself Captain American--appreciate the Great GOP. Btw, what does 'roll' stand for, other than the use of 'rolling' in the sack?
ptsdkid said:
cherokee said:
ptsdkid, I think thats about the dumbest
flucking post I have read.

***Couldn't be that dumb, we Republicans were voted the more intelligent people of the two parties, remember?

Just what does that have to do with wining an election?

So you’re saying that Republicans are all racists?

I guess you also feel the Natives should be sent back to their country too?
Oh chit no wait
They are in their own country!
cherokee said:
ptsdkid said:
Just what does that have to do with wining an election?

So you’re saying that Republicans are all racists?

I guess you also feel the Natives should be sent back to their country too?
Oh chit no wait
They are in their own country!

Who are you talking to here?
Who is suggesting that republicans are racist?
Who are the natives, and natives of what country?
ahahahahahahahaha ptsdkid i knew you were a fag ahahahahahahhaha

As a favored stormtrooper, did Davey let you ride his "Tower of Power" yet?
RightatNYU said:
ahahahahahahahaha ptsdkid i knew you were a fag ahahahahahahhaha

As a favored stormtrooper, did Davey let you ride his "Tower of Power" yet?

***As you probably know already--we stormtroopers are a very discriminating lot, therefore, kicking a queer's *** is nothing new for us.
ptsdkid said:
***As you probably know already--we stormtroopers are a very discriminating lot, therefore, kicking a queer's *** is nothing new for us.

You ever get the chance to beat a queer yourself, timmy? Or did you always watch from the background or jerk off to the war stories your friends at stormfront tell each other?
ptsdkid said:
Did you happen to catch the names that 'Teacher' had called me over here in the basement? If so, would the names he called me (along with the threat) be any more alarming than me being honest by calling Jessie Jackson a racist?

pstdkid said:
I can't believe how much I whine on this site. The shi*t that I say and yet I act surprised at the responces. (Note to self: Stop hitting myself. Stop hitting myslf.) Mom, teacher's calling me names again...

Couldn't have said it better myself. Little hint crying boy, there is a report button at the bottom left. I'm surprised someone like you hasn't figured that out yet. Maybe someday when you grow up, or post any thing even close to being worthy of a Ayran Imperium sycophant, you will earn yourself a caricature. The title to this thread gives me an idea or three...I'm guessing you look real good in white bed sheets and pointy hoods. But the fact of the matter is you are just so friggin lame. Nobody really takes you seriously.

On a brighter note: Good folks of DP. Never think I have forgotten about my DP soap opera and my wish to include the resident three stooges. It's just that as soon as I seem to reach a decision, one or more of them gets banned. Cannuck, Sissy and Ayran ring a bell? Right now I'm thinking ptsdkid, FreeThinker and Robodoon are looking spiffy.

George_Washington said:
That is true, Teacher did threaten you. I assumed he was just joking around but if he wasn't...then he has big time problems, lol.

Friggin George, that's teacher, with a lowercase "t". I wouldn't want to appear pompas. Or do you want some too?

Did someone mention name calling? In the basement? Well, you know where to look...


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teacher said:
Couldn't have said it better myself. Little hint crying boy, there is a report button at the bottom left. I'm surprised someone like you hasn't figured that out yet. Maybe someday when you grow up, or post any thing even close to being worthy of a Ayran Imperium sycophant, you will earn yourself a caricature. The title to this thread gives me an idea or three...I'm guessing you look real good in white bed sheets and pointy hoods. But the fact of the matter is you are just so friggin lame. Nobody really takes you seriously.

***I kind of felt sorry for you when you interrupted my thread by whining/crying of how you thought you had a rougher life than me. That whining post of yours just showed how pathetic you really are. You need to grow a backbone, but not before you suck up some more sympathy from the women here. What a loser. Even the women saw you for what you are, and in turn had to show concern for your helpless/hopeless life.
ptsdkid said:
***I kind of felt sorry for you when you interrupted my thread by whining/crying of how you thought you had a rougher life than me. That whining post of yours just showed how pathetic you really are. You need to grow a backbone, but not before you suck up some more sympathy from the women here. What a loser. Even the women saw you for what you are, and in turn had to show concern for your helpless/hopeless life.

At times I do this.

Class in session:

Never said I had a rougher life than you. Just said I know more pain than you. Fuc*king creep, if God came to me right this very second and asked me to trade my life for my son I would jump at the prospect. Thinking twice is not an option. It is an unanswered prayer. At the best you saw a friend die. Not someone you saw every waking second of every day as someone who you thought since the moment they were born that you felt it was your life's mission to make them a better person than you were.

Look around fool. Read the writing on the wall. You will never beat me. Between us two, look who brings misery, bullshit, and look who brings laughter. You are a buzz sleigh. The women? I told the expectant Stace that she will soon have joy unimagined come into her life. You said what to her? Please.

Your thread? That's worked out well so far, hasn't it?

I know myself. I like to think I give hope and positive expectation to some. What do you bring? We all know. You suck. I could go on for thousands of words. Not in the mood tonight. Lucky you. I will never be as happy in life as I could have been. But despite my pain I'm still head and shoulders above you. I prove it here day in and day out. And so do you. I'm just not in the mood tonight to give you the thrashing you deserve. But I still feel I've done enough to deserve to say...

Class Dismissed.


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teacher said:
At times I do this.

Class in session:

Never said I had a rougher life than you. Just said I know more pain than you. Fuc*king creep, if God came to me right this very second and asked me to trade my life for my son I would jump at the prospect. Thinking twice is not an option. It is an unanswered prayer. At the best you saw a friend die. Not someone you saw every waking second of every day as someone who you thought since the moment they were born that you felt it was your life's mission to make them a better person than you were.

Look around fool. Read the writing on the wall. You will never beat me. Between us two, look who brings misery, bullshit, and look who brings laughter. You are a buzz sleigh. The women? I told the expectant Stace that she will soon have joy unimagined come into her life. You said what to her? Please.

Your thread? That's worked out well so far, hasn't it?

I know myself. I like to think I give hope and positive expectation to some. What do you bring? We all know. You suck. I could go on for thousands of words. Not in the mood tonight. Lucky you. I will never be as happy in life as I could have been. But despite my pain I'm still head and shoulders above you. I prove it here day in and day out. And so do you. I'm just not in the mood tonight to give you the thrashing you deserve. But I still feel I've done enough to deserve to say...

Class Dismissed.

Looks like you found someone to take your bait.

Enjoy your lunch :)
danarhea said:
Looks like you found someone to take your bait.

Enjoy your lunch :)

I might be a peice of work. But get one one thing exactly fuc*king right D-man. I lost my son Matthew. Exactly like I said. I might be baiting, but I bait with the fuc*king truth. I call it the "next level". You're not there. You are not even close. It's my MO. In your face truth. I can not be called on my word. It will not, and can not, happen on this site. You will not catch me in a lie. Because I don't lie here. Now you have the heads up. Everything I said is the God's honest truth. All I say here is. I know pain. I hate a whiner. Just so you know.

I joke MOST the time.

The smarter people here at this site know when I'm not. You're not one of them.

Now go back and read between the lines in my posts to you...

Bullshit thread starting Bush hater, you suck.

Blow me off as a baiter, I'm sure that makes you fell better.

Way to not answer my questions.
teacher said:
I might be a peice of work. But get one one thing exactly fuc*king right D-man. I lost my son Matthew. Exactly like I said. I might be baiting, but I bait with the fuc*king truth. I call it the "next level". You're not there. You are not even close. It's my MO. In your face truth. I can not be called on my word. It will not, and can not, happen on this site. You will not catch me in a lie. Because I don't lie here. Now you have the heads up. Everything I said is the God's honest truth. All I say here is. I know pain. I hate a whiner. Just so you know.

I joke MOST the time.

The smarter people here at this site know when I'm not. You're not one of them.

Now go back and read between the lines in my posts to you...

Bullshit thread starting Bush hater, you suck.

Blow me off as a baiter, I'm sure that makes you fell better.

Way to not answer my questions.

***Sounds like your rage is getting out of hand. Please refer to my services immediately. Remember, they are free of charge.
the word intelligent connected with stormfront...tahts a joke!

and of course the petition to free Nick Griffin the British neo-nazi is just lovely
ptsdkid said:
***Sounds like your rage is getting out of hand. Please refer to my services immediately. Remember, they are free of charge.

I fear Teacher needs more help then you can offer....:mrgreen:

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