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My interview with Gunny! (1 Viewer)

Ivan The Terrible

Ivan The Terrible > All
DP Veteran
Dec 20, 2005
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In your mind
Political Leaning
Last night I got a chance to talk on the phone with Gunny! @girl met him at her job and got his number. Later that night she got us together on a phone. I had a great time! We talked about DP, the war in Iraq, our shared hatred of liberals. lol It was great!
Ivan The Terrible said:
Last night I got a chance to talk on the phone with Gunny! @girl met him at her job and got his number. Later that night she got us together on a phone. I had a great time! We talked about DP, the war in Iraq, our shared hatred of liberals. lol It was great!

Did @girL mention wanting to get naked with me? ;)
Ivan The Terrible said:
Last night I got a chance to talk on the phone with Gunny! @girl met him at her job and got his number. Later that night she got us together on a phone. I had a great time! We talked about DP, the war in Iraq, our shared hatred of liberals. lol It was great!

Man that's not fair. I want to meet gunny....
Did he talk about his mental dis-order?
Wow, that is too cool!!

If we set up a free voice conference system - would there be an interest during speaches or high media events?

Maybe even have a talk-show private event with members being the 'call-ins' and a member hosting a "show". Guests could pop in and listen as well.

Just thinking out loud....
Bill Oh Really?

Did he talk about his mental dis-order?

No but he was very well versed on yours human.


Man that's not fair. I want to meet gunny....

Too bad. He's a really cool guy.


Did @girL mention wanting to get naked with me?

No But Gunny couldn't shut up about it.


Great idea!
Ivan The Terrible said:

Great idea!
I'll put this on a to look into list - I think it would be cool.
aps said:
Did @girL mention wanting to get naked with me? ;)

Of course I did, Ivan might not have remembered... I sort of fell asleep on both of them cause it was getting late, although the convo was really exciting, but what can you expect at 11:15, they didnt even realize I was asleep till like 12!!! :rofl
Ivan The Terrible said:

No But Gunny couldn't shut up about it.

He did? I always knew he secretly lusted after me. ;)

@girL, I knew you couldn't disappoint me. :party
A rightwing circle-jerk?

Sounds exciting!:yawn:
Captain America said:
A rightwing circle-jerk?

Sounds exciting!:yawn:

Aww man, give the kids a break, they obviously had fun, don't liberals have fun?:lol:
Damn. What the hell is going on in this thread?
GySgt said:
Damn. What the hell is going on in this thread?

LOL! GySgt, Ivan told me you want me. Is that true? :blushing:
aps said:
LOL! GySgt, Ivan told me you want me. Is that true? :blushing:

On the shooting range I fired thirty 5.56 rounds into a target and into the shape of a flower. I will wrap it up and send it to you.
Kelzie said:
Man that's not fair. I want to meet gunny....
GySgt said:
On the shooting range I fired thirty 5.56 rounds into a target and into the shape of a flower. I will wrap it up and send it to you.

We can work on that tomorrow for aps. You have to teach me though, I don't know how well I can shoot!!!
Kelzie said:
:lol: Look at you. Have you always been such a player?

I'm what is known as a "cowardly player" - the lion without courage. I'll flirt all day until it comes back at me. Then I become speechless and I run for cover.

(Imagine the boy kicking a rock saying, "Aww shucks.")
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@_girL........ said:
We can work on that tomorrow for aps. You have to teach me though, I don't know how well I can shoot!!!

It's easy. All shooters make the same mistakes and most make a very common mistake - focusing on the target and not your sights.
It's easy. All shooters make the same mistakes and most make a very common mistake - focusing on the target and not your sights.

Yes. Train her well... For the revolution is at hand.
Ivan The Terrible said:
Yes. Train her well... For the revolution is at hand.

'@...girl's' 2nd round (with the M4 Assault Rifle) struck the tie-tie that holds the clip which caused the target to hang off on one side and spin completely around to face the other way. Were, it an aimed shot, it would have been exceptional. After repairing the target, she continued to fire out her magazine. We were "full metal jacket" and we fired a total of two.

While shooting the Glock 40 cal. (Model 23), she surprised me. I took a "Marine" Seargent to the range last Friday, because he wanted to shoot a Glock. He is getting out and is destined to be a New York Police Officer. His first round surpirised him and the "kick" caused his left hand to fly off of the pistol. He prepared himself there after. Though not a perfect grip, '@...girl' maintained control even on her first round. We fired three magazines.

By the end, the target looked as if we were firing a shotgun.

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