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My epiphany... (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 31, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Slightly Liberal
Holy crap, I just realised. PTSDkid is a middle-aged emo. :shock:

"Poor little me, waah waah waah, no one in the world has ever experienced anything as remotely bad as I have! Pay attention to me, not AIDS orphans in Africa!"

Oy, and his angst... next thing we know, he'll be blogging on LiveJournal and posting pictures of the cuts on his arms. For all we know, he's wearing a Dashboard Confessional t-shirt right not.
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I have to admit this -- ptsdkid is growing on me. :shock:
aps said:
I have to admit this -- ptsdkid is growing on me. :shock:

***I like you too, Aps. Do you know what an emo is? Did he mean to say emu? I do like birds, especially the kind that parrot all of my brilliant prose
ptsdkid said:
***I like you too, Aps. Do you know what an emo is? Did he mean to say emu? I do like birds, especially the kind that parrot all of my brilliant prose

Wow! Thank you for saying that, ptsdkid. Will you forgive me for being a butthead to you in the past? In fact, I am down-right ashamed of how obnoxious I was and condescending too. I'm sorry. :(

Now analyze me, damn it! :cheers:
aps said:
I have to admit this -- ptsdkid is growing on me. :shock:

aps, listen to me......put your head between your knees and breathe. You have obviously had too much sugar or something. ;)

jk....sort of
aps said:
Wow! Thank you for saying that, ptsdkid. Will you forgive me for being a butthead to you in the past? In fact, I am down-right ashamed of how obnoxious I was and condescending too. I'm sorry. :(

Now analyze me, damn it! :cheers:

***I've read some of your postings. But I would need to get a mini bio from you, if I were to proceed with the analyzing phase. Id you would be so kind--you could place it right here with a few particular personal traits, tribulations and or goals. Thank you Aps. I almost said Asp--which of course is a snake. Glad I caught myself in time.
ptsdkid said:
***I like you too, Aps. Do you know what an emo is? Did he mean to say emu? I do like birds, especially the kind that parrot all of my brilliant prose

And there's me thinking that my profile quite obviously says female.

Thick-rimmed emo glasses mucking up your vision, huh?
vergiss said:
And there's me thinking that my profile quite obviously says female.

Thick-rimmed emo glasses mucking up your vision, huh?

***Sorry Vergiss. I should have realized that one of those liberal women answering my personal ad was named Vergiss. Are these 'emo' glasses rose colored?
ptsdkid said:
***Sorry Vergiss. I should have realized that one of those liberal women answering my personal ad was named Vergiss. Are these 'emo' glasses rose colored?

You're the one with the issues, man. Write some bad poetry about it and let us know.
aps said:
I have to admit this -- ptsdkid is growing on me. :shock:

HOW? aps you are way too forgiving, but I guess that is a good trait to have. Don't feel bad for saying obnoxious things to him as he has said much worse.
alphieb said:
HOW? aps you are way too forgiving, but I guess that is a good trait to have. Don't feel bad for saying obnoxious things to him as he has said much worse.

He hasn't had a good life, and so I am much more forgiving when someone like him says obnoxious things. We can't take it personally, alphie. No way when he is blasting liberals is he talking about me. Even if he was, I am so comfortable with what I stand for, that criticism does not hurt me.

He has been very open about his feelings, and I love people who openly discuss their various emotions. It's one of the reasons I like you. :kissass
aps said:
He hasn't had a good life, and so I am much more forgiving when someone like him says obnoxious things. We can't take it personally, alphie. No way when he is blasting liberals is he talking about me. Even if he was, I am so comfortable with what I stand for, that criticism does not hurt me.

Boo freaking hoo. Plenty of us had much worse lives, we just got the hell over ourselves. People with real mental illnesses don't brag about it - that's called attentionwh**ing.

He's in the same class of pathetic "LOOK AT ME!" self-pity as the teenager who cuts herself because Daddy grounded her, then shows the scars to everyone she meets.
vergiss said:
Boo freaking hoo. Plenty of us had much worse lives, we just got the hell over ourselves. People with real mental illnesses don't brag about it - that's called attentionwh**ing.

He's in the same class of pathetic "LOOK AT ME!" self-pity as the teenager who cuts herself because Daddy grounded her.

I know what you're saying, vergiss. I'm a real softy when it comes to emotions and people. I can't help it.
aps said:
I have to admit this -- ptsdkid is growing on me. :shock:

Not to worry aps. Dr. Sholl's has a new product on the market that lets you freeze it off.
aps said:
He hasn't had a good life, and so I am much more forgiving when someone like him says obnoxious things. We can't take it personally, alphie. No way when he is blasting liberals is he talking about me. Even if he was, I am so comfortable with what I stand for, that criticism does not hurt me.

He has been very open about his feelings, and I love people who openly discuss their various emotions. It's one of the reasons I like you. :kissass

Yes, I agree that is the nature of debate politics. If we all agreed how boring would that be? Plus, I must admit some of his post are kind of comical.
Mental instability, is generally not considered a valuable trait in humankind. However, as it is likely less than half of what this member says has any bearing on reality....he is mostly harmless, sick, but harmless.
tecoyah said:
Mental instability, is generally not considered a valuable trait in humankind. However, as it is likely less than half of what this member says has any bearing on reality....he is mostly harmless, sick, but harmless.

A lot of it could be an act of simply trolling.
alphieb said:
A lot of it could be an act of simply trolling.

Troll he may be. Not sure. He's a strange dude. If he's just trolling, then that's a heck of a lot of work to put into a troll persona. He's either just as he says he is, or if he's a troll then anyone spending that much time and energy into being something he's not is kinda creepy. One or the other is still just nuts. And that's something I know a little about. Giddyup.
teacher said:
Troll he may be. Not sure. He's a strange dude. If he's just trolling, then that's a heck of a lot of work to put into a troll persona. He's either just as he says he is, or if he's a troll then anyone spending that much time and energy into being something he's not is kinda creepy. One or the other is still just nuts. And that's something I know a little about. Giddyup.

***Teacher, ready for your second psychotherapy session? So far, you're the only one that has asked for help. Sweetheart Aps has asked, but my training doesn't address happy and content people like Aps and myself. Don't be shy Teach, the second session really gets to the nitty gritty of the problem (s).
alphieb said:
HOW? aps you are way too forgiving, but I guess that is a good trait to have. Don't feel bad for saying obnoxious things to him as he has said much worse.

I have to say though, the picking on ptsdkid is kinda going out of style. Its really not right to pick on a 'tard. We let him continue to post...its sort of like giving a real fork to Corky, when you know the doctor and social services said he should only be allowed plastic utensils. Or like taking his helmet off around sharp cornered furniture. Or like letting him off his wrist leash at the park. Well, you get my point. :mrgreen:
vergiss said:
Boo freaking hoo. Plenty of us had much worse lives, we just got the hell over ourselves. People with real mental illnesses don't brag about it - that's called attentionwh**ing.

He's in the same class of pathetic "LOOK AT ME!" self-pity as the teenager who cuts herself because Daddy grounded her, then shows the scars to everyone she meets.

My goodness, you are an angry little b1tch, I don't care for you at all, I just thought I'd tell you since you decided to start a basement thread.:roll:
Deegan said:
My goodness, you are an angry little b1tch, I don't care for you at all, I just thought I'd tell you since you decided to start a basement thread.:roll:

***Deegan, you stole my thunder with this Vergiss (a man's name). Methinks he/she is on the rag. I do not want to bad mouth her too much, because she looks like the perfect candidate for my psychotherapy sessions. This shemale could be in a depressed state of mind. This type of illness is all too common...doncha know.
ptsdkid said:
***Deegan, you stole my thunder with this Vergiss (a man's name). Methinks he/she is on the rag. I do not want to bad mouth her too much, because she looks like the perfect candidate for my psychotherapy sessions. This shemale could be in a depressed state of mind. This type of illness is all too common...doncha know.

Don't pay her much mind, she has always been an angry little twit, too much Marilynn Manson(sp) I suppose.:roll:
jallman said:
I have to say though, the picking on ptsdkid is kinda going out of style.

So, jallman, you think you are the judge of determining when picking on someone goes out of style? Kick back, wait, watch, this thread is ripe. On so many levels. Let it stew for a while bro. Patience.
Originally posted by teacher:
So, jallman, you think you are the judge of determining when picking on someone goes out of style? Kick back, wait, watch, this thread is ripe. On so many levels. Let it stew for a while bro. Patience.
Oh, shut-up!

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