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My brilliant "two mask" plan to save only liberals from Covid. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 25, 2019
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As many here know, I and others in the conservative arena scoff at masks. There has never been any real scientific testing unless you want to consider a few wonks in a lab using hair dryers or other things like snow blowers to see how far water droplets will go through various materials such as TShirts, underwear, handkerchiefs, N95 masks, silk, satin, wool and aunt Mary's home knitted specials. As is often the case, the sheep believed these people because they are "in authority" and did not question them when they proclaimed that "Based on 'science', we, the anointed ones, are putting out an edict that humans SHALL wear masks because those who have COVID can infect those who don't."

I have heard here and on the news we all 'trust' that this mask prevents the COVID infected person who may not even know he has it from giving COVID to YOU! Presumably then, and logically, it follows that a mask prevents that person from emitting COVID your way. That means that his or her mask prevents YOU from catching it. Am I right so far?

BUT-.........we have people who don't believe this stuff. They are the ones accused of not believing "authority" and people with initials behind their names and like Hirono said that we must believe women, we must believe scientists. But, we had people at Trump's convention, at Sturgis, at his rallies, in Sweden who don't wear masks.

So, I have come up with a brilliant solution for which I expect the Nobel prize and am putting it out there so Al Gore or Obama can't claim it. Those who live in fear can wear TWO masks. They can wear the mask that the non masker SHOULD wear in addition to the mask they have on!! Viola! A liberal can walk smugly in confidence and flip off a mask scofflaw and get in his maskless law breaking face and say "Ha ha. You can't harm me. I have YOUR mask on and mine!"

This plan would serve two purposes. It would save only the 'two masker' liberal while those wearing no masks who are conservatives would die. This would leave the world with just liberals and a glorious place to live in. A Utopia. I would suggest that the second mask be worn backwards to emulate how the non mask wearer would have worn it, had he worn one. It could also be out of old blankets, TShirts, socks or whatever to match what probably would have been worn.

There ya have it. My plan to save humanity.
I stopped at “My brilliant......”
As many here know, I and others in the conservative arena scoff at masks. There has never been any real scientific testing unless you want to consider a few wonks in a lab using hair dryers or other things like snow blowers to see how far water droplets will go through various materials such as TShirts, underwear, handkerchiefs, N95 masks, silk, satin, wool and aunt Mary's home knitted specials. As is often the case, the sheep believed these people because they are "in authority" and did not question them when they proclaimed that "Based on 'science', we, the anointed ones, are putting out an edict that humans SHALL wear masks because those who have COVID can infect those who don't."

I have heard here and on the news we all 'trust' that this mask prevents the COVID infected person who may not even know he has it from giving COVID to YOU! Presumably then, and logically, it follows that a mask prevents that person from emitting COVID your way. That means that his or her mask prevents YOU from catching it. Am I right so far?

BUT-.........we have people who don't believe this stuff. They are the ones accused of not believing "authority" and people with initials behind their names and like Hirono said that we must believe women, we must believe scientists. But, we had people at Trump's convention, at Sturgis, at his rallies, in Sweden who don't wear masks.

So, I have come up with a brilliant solution for which I expect the Nobel prize and am putting it out there so Al Gore or Obama can't claim it. Those who live in fear can wear TWO masks. They can wear the mask that the non masker SHOULD wear in addition to the mask they have on!! Viola! A liberal can walk smugly in confidence and flip off a mask scofflaw and get in his maskless law breaking face and say "Ha ha. You can't harm me. I have YOUR mask on and mine!"

This plan would serve two purposes. It would save only the 'two masker' liberal while those wearing no masks who are conservatives would die. This would leave the world with just liberals and a glorious place to live in. A Utopia. I would suggest that the second mask be worn backwards to emulate how the non mask wearer would have worn it, had he worn one. It could also be out of old blankets, TShirts, socks or whatever to match what probably would have been worn.

There ya have it. My plan to save humanity.

Or we could just elect a competent potus and wear zero masks because covid has been managed with competence and a desire to return our economy to strength.

But instead: OWN DA LIBTARDS.

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Or we could just elect a competent potus and wear zero masks because covid has been managed with competence and a desire to return our economy to strength.

But instead: OWN DA LIBTARDS.

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"It's under total control". Obviously nobody needs to wear a mask. I swear trying to educate conservatives is about as productive as explaining particle physics to my cat.
Or we could just elect a competent potus and wear zero masks because covid has been managed with competence and a desire to return our economy to strength.

But instead: OWN DA LIBTARDS.

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Tell that to Sweden
"It's under total control". Obviously nobody needs to wear a mask. I swear trying to educate conservatives is about as productive as explaining particle physics to my cat.


I talked to your cat recently and it seemed he had a pretty good grasp of the subject.
"It's under total control". Obviously nobody needs to wear a mask. I swear trying to educate conservatives is about as productive as explaining particle physics to my cat.

Call Sweden and South Dakota with your mask idea.

But, what do you think of my brilliant plan? There is no stopping you from wearing TWO masks, is there?
"It's under total control". Obviously nobody needs to wear a mask. I swear trying to educate conservatives is about as productive as explaining particle physics to my cat.

I hear the science has been debunked? Or something or other?

How come all these things have been debunked and yet other countries are open and families will be able to gather with each other this holiday season?

I wonder how successful the GOP is going to be come, say, Halloween when kids aren’t trick or treating in convincing everyone how normal and ‘right’ this track has been? How does Thanksgiving look for a lot of American families this year? WHen everyone is zooming with grandma and grandpa in what will be their last Thanksgiving, I wonder if it’s “fake libtard science” that’s gonna drive resentment and anger?

So many questions I have.

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Another day another thread from Doxie unrelated to reality
Why would Sweden care about Donald Trump’s failures?

In case you are that unread, Sweden wore NO masks.

Tell ya what. Wear that mask that no one in Sweden wears. Have two. To be even more safe, wear three.
In case you are that unread, Sweden wore NO masks.

Tell ya what. Wear that mask that no one in Sweden wears. Have two. To be even more safe, wear three.

They did? No masks? How did it work out for them?
are they wearing two masks in Russia? if i'm shirtless and on horseback, do i need two masks?
Another day another thread from Doxie unrelated to reality

Here we go again with you chiming in with an inane comment.

Be a two masker, Quag. Save yourself. Don't worry about be.

Two maskers, unite!
In case you are that unread, Sweden wore NO masks.

Tell ya what. Wear that mask that no one in Sweden wears. Have two. To be even more safe, wear three.

Sweden has underperformed almost every country in the EU. America has underperformed almost every developed country. Masks work and our poor numbers are proof of it because there's too many idiots that think Trump is a scientific expert.
Another denier OP that exhibits ignorance and a non-belief in science.
Here we go again with you chiming in with an inane comment.

Be a two masker, Quag. Save yourself. Don't worry about be.

Two maskers, unite!

Try learning what the science actually says about masks not what your extreme right win g CT sites tell you,
And yes you do get all of your info form them
are they wearing two masks in Russia? if i'm shirtless and on horseback, do i need two masks?

I don't know about Russia. I am trying to save America first and I believe my plan will be submitted to the Nobel committee.

Sometimes, it is the seemingly simple ideas that are the most profound and have people saying, "Why didn't I think of that" and have others scratching their heads saying, "That's effing brilliant!"
Try learning what the science actually says about masks not what your extreme right win g CT sites tell you,
And yes you do get all of your info form them

NO ONE has thought of this great plan and I don't read right wing sites. I do my own thinking. But, good try at trying to claim this came from some right wing site.
In case you are that unread, Sweden wore NO masks.

Tell ya what. Wear that mask that no one in Sweden wears. Have two. To be even more safe, wear three.

Now, assuming you can read and understand the link I provide below, you might want to read the parts which state that Sweden is both an outlier, and "the rate of infection is far higher in Sweden than in the rest of Scandinavia".

As many here know, I and others in the conservative arena scoff at masks. There has never been any real scientific testing unless you want to consider a few wonks in a lab using hair dryers or other things like snow blowers to see how far water droplets will go through various materials such as TShirts, underwear, handkerchiefs, N95 masks, silk, satin, wool and aunt Mary's home knitted specials. As is often the case, the sheep believed these people because they are "in authority" and did not question them when they proclaimed that "Based on 'science', we, the anointed ones, are putting out an edict that humans SHALL wear masks because those who have COVID can infect those who don't."

I have heard here and on the news we all 'trust' that this mask prevents the COVID infected person who may not even know he has it from giving COVID to YOU! Presumably then, and logically, it follows that a mask prevents that person from emitting COVID your way. That means that his or her mask prevents YOU from catching it. Am I right so far?

BUT-.........we have people who don't believe this stuff. They are the ones accused of not believing "authority" and people with initials behind their names and like Hirono said that we must believe women, we must believe scientists. But, we had people at Trump's convention, at Sturgis, at his rallies, in Sweden who don't wear masks.

So, I have come up with a brilliant solution for which I expect the Nobel prize and am putting it out there so Al Gore or Obama can't claim it. Those who live in fear can wear TWO masks. They can wear the mask that the non masker SHOULD wear in addition to the mask they have on!! Viola! A liberal can walk smugly in confidence and flip off a mask scofflaw and get in his maskless law breaking face and say "Ha ha. You can't harm me. I have YOUR mask on and mine!"

This plan would serve two purposes. It would save only the 'two masker' liberal while those wearing no masks who are conservatives would die. This would leave the world with just liberals and a glorious place to live in. A Utopia. I would suggest that the second mask be worn backwards to emulate how the non mask wearer would have worn it, had he worn one. It could also be out of old blankets, TShirts, socks or whatever to match what probably would have been worn.

There ya have it. My plan to save humanity.

I enjoy satire too. :lamo

We went in Idaho from darned few wear masks to almost all wear masks.

But not out camping. My female barber who cut my hair yesterday and another of her customers from Washington state mentioned that out camping nobody is wearing masks. We love the sun and the outdoors. Social distancing outside is easier too.

But issue all Democrats a good safe double mask and get the Nobel prize as deserved.

PS don't ask me why the guy from Washington state was there for a haircut. I did not ask him why. We chatted a bit about the volcano Mt. St. Helens which was more interesting.

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