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My agenda? (1 Viewer)


Devil Dog
DP Veteran
Aug 26, 2005
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Political Leaning
Agenda? My only agenda is I sick and tired of the way the Whitehouse has commanded our troops. I’m not an anti war person. I do believe a military solution can work.

In 83 I lost several good friends in the Beirut bombings, those of us who survived would have ripped out and eaten the hearts out of the Hezbollah.
What did Reagan do in response to this? NOTHING!

Even before the bombing when the Israeli army took pop shots at us and ALWAYS taunted us what did the Whitehouse do? NOTHING!

How about when Israel Attacked and KILLED 34 and wounded 174 American sailors on the USS Liberty. What was done NOTHING!.
(And NO I have nothing nice to say about Israel)

Fast forward to Somalia. 18 US soldiers were killed did the Whitehouse send reinforcements in and destroy Aidid and his forces? NO, Clinton tucked tail and ran.

The only President that has used our military the way it should have been used was Bush1 in the Gulf War. He gave Gen Norman Schwarzkopf an easy order and left him hell alone. He never tried to run the Gulf War from the Whitehouse lawn.

Sept 11…
Bin laden is in Afghanistan, did Bush2 send in the FULL military to hunt down this son of a bitch? NO!. He only sent in a few thousand and bin laden got away.
We should have bin ladens head on a stick right now, planted at the twin Towers site for the world to see. But no bush2 went after saddam.
There are a lot of intermingling politics and things to consider which is why a lot of military responses for the things you mentioned wouldn't have been very good idea.

By my very nature, I would prefer takjubgthings out rather then shooting things out but I'm in no way a pacifist and I know when military action is needed and when it isn't. I think a lot of the problems here have to do with the fact that elitists who have money in our country are always whispering in our presidents ear and having him make horrible decisions. I'm really not sure how to solve this problem but there you have it.

As for Somalia, it would've been kinda silly to send reinforcmenets to fight a people who we were originally trying to help. Theres no reason for US to constantly be the avenging angel.

As for Osama, I agree that our priorites were wrong but I also think that we have to take into account the people who were are affecting. The Afghanis lost a lot of civillians durning our bombing raid. And for what? For one man? An alterior solution would've been a better way of handling that.
FinnMacCool said:
There are a lot of intermingling politics and things to consider which is why a lot of military responses for the things you mentioned wouldn't have been very good idea.

By my very nature, I would prefer takjubgthings out rather then shooting things out but I'm in no way a pacifist and I know when military action is needed and when it isn't. I think a lot of the problems here have to do with the fact that elitists who have money in our country are always whispering in our presidents ear and having him make horrible decisions. I'm really not sure how to solve this problem but there you have it.

As for Somalia, it would've been kinda silly to send reinforcmenets to fight a people who we were originally trying to help. Theres no reason for US to constantly be the avenging angel.

As for Osama, I agree that our priorites were wrong but I also think that we have to take into account the people who were are affecting. The Afghanis lost a lot of civillians durning our bombing raid. And for what? For one man? An alterior solution would've been a better way of handling that.

In Somalia it was easy "Disarm the Warlords and feed the starving".
We lost face when Bill pulled us out.That sent a message to the world "allow the US to bleed on TV and it will leave"

In Afghan it should have been about gutting AQ along with the Taliban (spelling?) and catching bin laden.

Being a pacifist has its proper times but sometimes harsh words wont work.
Take for example Rwanda. Words did nothing as thousands died. If at anytime in the world after WWII the world should have gotten involved it was then. Just a few hundred troops from any country with orders to stop the genocide by any means and history would not have had to record the countless murders.

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