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Musk's gutting spending is largely to get more tax cuts for the rich (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Apr 22, 2019
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There are multiple reasons for Musk's attacks on the country wanting to gut spending, but a leading reason is the desire for more tax cuts for the rich.

They need all the Republican votes, and some of the Republicans are dedicated to the idea that tax cuts need to b paid for by spending cuts, instead of just increasing the debt. They need those votes, so Musk is taking a wrecking ball to get cuts.

The harm they do is something they mostly don't care about at all. Just get the money.

Senator Murphy said this: “But there’s another reason this is happening. They’re shuttering agencies and sending employees home in order to create the illusion that they’re saving money, in order to…pass a giant tax cut for billionaires and corporations.”
If you don't pay any taxes, then don't don't expect a tax cut.
If you don't pay any taxes, then don't don't expect a tax cut.
I've been paying taxes all my life, starting at age 15 and going on for over 52 years. I don't expect a tax cut. And by chance I get some miniscule cut, it will amount to a fast-food lunch once a month.

To me, that's an insult. Keep your damn money.
I've been paying taxes all my life, starting at age 15 and going on for over 52 years. I don't expect a tax cut. And by chance I get some miniscule cut, it will amount to a fast-food lunch once a month.

To me, that's an insult. Keep your damn money.
How many fast food lunches wouldn't amount to an insult?

Two? Three?
There are multiple reasons for Musk's attacks on the country wanting to gut spending, but a leading reason is the desire for more tax cuts for the rich.

They need all the Republican votes, and some of the Republicans are dedicated to the idea that tax cuts need to b paid for by spending cuts, instead of just increasing the debt. They need those votes, so Musk is taking a wrecking ball to get cuts.

The harm they do is something they mostly don't care about at all. Just get the money.

Senator Murphy said this: “But there’s another reason this is happening. They’re shuttering agencies and sending employees home in order to create the illusion that they’re saving money, in order to…pass a giant tax cut for billionaires and corporations.”
I’m fully expecting to see this happen. Republican voters never will.
I've been paying taxes all my life, starting at age 15 and going on for over 52 years. I don't expect a tax cut. And by chance I get some miniscule cut, it will amount to a fast-food lunch once a month.

To me, that's an insult. Keep your damn money.
In the 2017 tax cut I got $40 a month in exchange for two trillion in government debt. Keep your damn money indeed.
Yup. They need to defend government or they won't be able to afford tax cuts for the rich.

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