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Muscovite pagan idol K. Marx about their ulus "Asiatic barbarism, under Muscovite direction" of cos (1 Viewer)


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Sep 2, 2017
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Muscovite pagan idol K. Marx about their ulus "Asiatic barbarism, under Muscovite direction" of cos

Muscovite pagan idol K. Marx about their ulus "Asiatic barbarism, under Muscovite direction" of cos censored in USSR. LOL, they have chosen the wrong religion once again

"Marx supported the Polish uprisings against tsarist Russia.[249] He said in a speech in London in 1867:

In the first place the policy of Russia is changeless... Its methods, its tactics, its manoeuvres may change, but the polar star of its policy – world domination – is a fixed star. In our times only a civilised government ruling over barbarian masses can hatch out such a plan and execute it. ... There is but one alternative for Europe. Either Asiatic barbarism, under Muscovite direction, will burst around its head like an avalanche, or else it must re-establish Poland, thus putting twenty million heroes between itself and Asia and gaining a breathing spell for the accomplishment of its social regeneration.[252]"

Marx was censored in the USSR because of a book on diplomacy
Karl Marx - Wikipedia
Re: Muscovite pagan idol K. Marx about their ulus "Asiatic barbarism, under Muscovite direction" of

Muscovite pagan idol K. Marx about their ulus "Asiatic barbarism, under Muscovite direction" of cos censored in USSR. LOL, they have chosen the wrong religion once again

"Marx supported the Polish uprisings against tsarist Russia.[249] He said in a speech in London in 1867:

In the first place the policy of Russia is changeless... Its methods, its tactics, its manoeuvres may change, but the polar star of its policy – world domination – is a fixed star. In our times only a civilised government ruling over barbarian masses can hatch out such a plan and execute it. ... There is but one alternative for Europe. Either Asiatic barbarism, under Muscovite direction, will burst around its head like an avalanche, or else it must re-establish Poland, thus putting twenty million heroes between itself and Asia and gaining a breathing spell for the accomplishment of its social regeneration.[252]"

Marx was censored in the USSR because of a book on diplomacy
Karl Marx - Wikipedia

Why do you insist on saying stupid things?

The only "ulu" is Mongolia.

Muscovites went away about the same time as the Golden Horde.

Russia kicked their asses. And the other Khanates you cry about like Siberia.
Re: Muscovite pagan idol K. Marx about their ulus "Asiatic barbarism, under Muscovite direction" of

Muscovite pagan idol K. Marx about their ulus "Asiatic barbarism, under Muscovite direction" of cos censored in USSR. LOL, they have chosen the wrong religion once again

"Marx supported the Polish uprisings against tsarist Russia.[249] He said in a speech in London in 1867:

In the first place the policy of Russia is changeless... Its methods, its tactics, its manoeuvres may change, but the polar star of its policy – world domination – is a fixed star. In our times only a civilised government ruling over barbarian masses can hatch out such a plan and execute it. ... There is but one alternative for Europe. Either Asiatic barbarism, under Muscovite direction, will burst around its head like an avalanche, or else it must re-establish Poland, thus putting twenty million heroes between itself and Asia and gaining a breathing spell for the accomplishment of its social regeneration.[252]"

Marx was censored in the USSR because of a book on diplomacy
Karl Marx - Wikipedia

Karl marx was never recognized as an idol. Spam less.
Re: Muscovite pagan idol K. Marx about their ulus "Asiatic barbarism, under Muscovite direction" of

Karl marx was never recognized as an idol. Spam less.

What is your definition of “idol?”

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