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Murder/Suicide? Really??? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 20, 2018
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Miami, FL
Political Leaning
Is this a case of Murder/Suicide or Putin's preferred solution for his critics?

2 Russian oligarchs were found dead one day apart alongside their wives and children

One Oligarch was in Spain. His wife and daughter were found stabbed to death and he was found hanged. The other Oligarch was in Russia and all (himself, wife and daughter) were found shot in the head.

Murder/Suicide is what is being said is the possible cause.

Nonetheless, this happening within one day of each other, both being Russian Oligarchs, and both killing their wives and daughters seems to be an impossible coincidence, especially with the Russian/Ukraine war going on, Putin making sure that no one says or acts against him.

What say you? Coincidence or the preferred way of Putin getting rid of his critics?
Is this a case of Murder/Suicide or Putin's preferred solution for his critics?

2 Russian oligarchs were found dead one day apart alongside their wives and children

One Oligarch was in Spain. His wife and daughter were found stabbed to death and he was found hanged. The other Oligarch was in Russia and all (himself, wife and daughter) were found shot in the head.

Murder/Suicide is what is being said is the possible cause.

Nonetheless, this happening within one day of each other, both being Russian Oligarchs, and both killing their wives and daughters seems to be an impossible coincidence, especially with the Russian/Ukraine war going on, Putin making sure that no one says or acts against him.

What say you? Coincidence or the preferred way of Putin getting rid of his critics?
I was trying to find out if these two guys spoke out aganst Putin as I have read some oligarchs have but so far couldn't find anything in particular about these two guys

In any event, I find the deaths highly suspicious
Don't know.

But reminded me of what some Nazi bigwigs did when they realized that Germany had lost.

They killed themselves -- but not before making sure their wives and children went with them.


Did the Butcher say what Hitler said to that general who had plotted against him: Kill yourself or my men will kill you.
Putin's time is running out... fast; and he knows it.
The facts aren't really important for threads like this, are they?

Let's just assume Putin had them murdered and go from there.
Is this a case of Murder/Suicide or Putin's preferred solution for his critics?

2 Russian oligarchs were found dead one day apart alongside their wives and children

One Oligarch was in Spain. His wife and daughter were found stabbed to death and he was found hanged. The other Oligarch was in Russia and all (himself, wife and daughter) were found shot in the head.

Murder/Suicide is what is being said is the possible cause.

Nonetheless, this happening within one day of each other, both being Russian Oligarchs, and both killing their wives and daughters seems to be an impossible coincidence, especially with the Russian/Ukraine war going on, Putin making sure that no one says or acts against him.

What say you? Coincidence or the preferred way of Putin getting rid of his critics?

Tragedy for those families but no matter who did it, it is a strong indicator that Russia is failing. In many ways.

And that's a good thing.
Is this a case of Murder/Suicide or Putin's preferred solution for his critics?

2 Russian oligarchs were found dead one day apart alongside their wives and children

One Oligarch was in Spain. His wife and daughter were found stabbed to death and he was found hanged. The other Oligarch was in Russia and all (himself, wife and daughter) were found shot in the head.

Murder/Suicide is what is being said is the possible cause.

Nonetheless, this happening within one day of each other, both being Russian Oligarchs, and both killing their wives and daughters seems to be an impossible coincidence, especially with the Russian/Ukraine war going on, Putin making sure that no one says or acts against him.

What say you? Coincidence or the preferred way of Putin getting rid of his critics?
Neither man was personally sanctioned. Interesting they are both former head honchos of Gazprombank or connected to it.
Was someone afraid they might 'talk?'

Vladislav Avayev, the former vice president of Gazprombank,
Protosenya was the former vice president and chief accountant of Novatek, a major gas company with close connections to Gazprombank.

Might not have been Putin, not even political. Sounds like there might have been something smelly going on at Gazprombank? But no, it wasn't coincidence. It was a warning.
Think of Putin as a mob boss with the power of a dictator.
That's precisely what he is.
Is this a case of Murder/Suicide or Putin's preferred solution for his critics?

2 Russian oligarchs were found dead one day apart alongside their wives and children

One Oligarch was in Spain. His wife and daughter were found stabbed to death and he was found hanged. The other Oligarch was in Russia and all (himself, wife and daughter) were found shot in the head.

Murder/Suicide is what is being said is the possible cause.

Nonetheless, this happening within one day of each other, both being Russian Oligarchs, and both killing their wives and daughters seems to be an impossible coincidence, especially with the Russian/Ukraine war going on, Putin making sure that no one says or acts against him.

What say you? Coincidence or the preferred way of Putin getting rid of his critics?
No way that's coincidence.
The facts aren't really important for threads like this, are they?

Let's just assume Putin had them murdered and go from there.
There you go again.
I don't think it's a very reasonable question to ask people to declare a conclusion. It is reasonable to say it's absurdly suggestive of political killings and that we can hope forensics confirms what happened and brings Putin anyone responsible to justice.

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