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Murder of a fetus and the stupid girl who stands by her man (1 Viewer)


dangerously addictive
DP Veteran
Jul 21, 2005
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Somewhere over the rainbow
Political Leaning
Ok so here where I live this guy beat up his pregnant girlfriend who went to the hospital and she delivered a stillborn fetus/baby because it had died becaused of blunt force trauma to the head. So the guy is now getting charged with murder of an unborn baby. Nothing much is said about his domestic violence- which he was previosly arrested for also. Then get this-- his no-more pregnant girlfriend is defending him and saying he really is a good father and boyfriend who shouldn't go to jail. ok so he only pushed and shoverd her.. that ok in her mind? WTF!!!!

Freedom is nothing more than the ability to determine who gets to hold onto your leash. :(

Let's hope that those other kids get pulled, and quickly.
americanwoman said:
Ok so here where I live this guy beat up his pregnant girlfriend who went to the hospital and she delivered a stillborn fetus/baby because it had died becaused of blunt force trauma to the head. So the guy is now getting charged with murder of an unborn baby. Nothing much is said about his domestic violence- which he was previosly arrested for also. Then get this-- his no-more pregnant girlfriend is defending him and saying he really is a good father and boyfriend who shouldn't go to jail. ok so he only pushed and shoverd her.. that ok in her mind? WTF!!!!



Battered Wife Syndrome.

He needs a nice long spell in gaol, and she needs a counsellor and support from her family.
Not sure what this thread has to do with anything else in this section.....

This part is typical of 'battered wife syndrome': Lilly said she and Shackleford have had problems and Shackleford has been physically abusive in the past, but he's learned from those mistakes.
You will statistically read about her again in the paper, on the obits page or front page.....so sad but she has to wake herself up, unfortunately.
americanwoman said:
Ok so here where I live this guy beat up his pregnant girlfriend who went to the hospital and she delivered a stillborn fetus/baby because it had died becaused of blunt force trauma to the head. So the guy is now getting charged with murder of an unborn baby. Nothing much is said about his domestic violence- which he was previosly arrested for also. Then get this-- his no-more pregnant girlfriend is defending him and saying he really is a good father and boyfriend who shouldn't go to jail. ok so he only pushed and shoverd her.. that ok in her mind? WTF!!!!


To my understanding, someone can't be charged with spousal abuse unless the abusee charges them.
Kelzie said:
To my understanding, someone can't be charged with spousal abuse unless the abusee charges them.
Heh. I used to watch COPS a lot....they'd charge if there were bruises or other physical appearances of violence; sometimes they hauled both in, one because he/she was accused, but even with bruising, etc., 'had to'. They wouldn't bother though if the one who initially made the call pleaded with the cops to not take the creep in-those times I just want to reach in and shake the person to wake them up...then again, that'd be assault:doh
If only these women knew not just what is happening to them but to their kids, even when they 'think' they're leaving the kids out of it. My cousin suffered physical and mental abuse from her spouse for years before she finally got a spine and left, put in hiding by my parents. But now, over 25 years later, her adult children, while on the one hand proclaiming their devotion to their mother, treat her like sh!t. The oldest was anorexic from 12 to adulthood as well and married a mental abuser. It's a vicious chain.
Kelzie said:
To my understanding, someone can't be charged with spousal abuse unless the abusee charges them.

Actually in many states thats not true. If there are witnesses and/or evidence the state can pursue charges even when the victim wants them dropped.
ngdawg said:
If only these women knew

In many cases where a woman continuously accepts abuse she is as mentally ill as the man who is abusing her. It's like a dance they do....each playing their part. Healthy women would end the relationship and get out quickly. Many men and women in these abusive relationships have histories of the abuse cycle from childhood. A girl who sees her mother abused by her father is more likely to marry a men who abuses her. It's sick and it's sad but its a very hard cycle to break. It involves issues deep within the psyche and its way more complex then it would seem. Very frustrating for cops trying to save women who have little interest in saving themselves.

That's one of the reasons its so important for men and women to have good father figures.
talloulou said:
In many cases where a woman continuously accepts abuse she is as mentally ill as the man who is abusing her. It's like a dance they do....each playing their part. Healthy women would end the relationship and get out quickly. Many men and women in these abusive relationships have histories of the abuse cycle from childhood. A girl who sees her mother abused by her father is more likely to marry a men who abuses her. It's sick and it's sad but its a very hard cycle to break. It involves issues deep within the psyche and its way more complex then it would seem. Very frustrating for cops trying to save women who have little interest in saving themselves.

That's one of the reasons its so important for men and women to have good father figures.

Not so. My father was abusive... and if some prick tried to deck me, you better believe I'd punch him right back. :mrgreen:
vergiss said:
Not so. My father was abusive... and if some prick tried to deck me, you better believe I'd punch him right back. :mrgreen:

Good for you.....it sounds like you didn't get caught up in the cycle but sadly many women do! You will meet women who are abused whose parents had a wonderful relationship but it's rare. And you will meet women whose mothers were abused and they don't tolerate that from men. But most abused women do unfortunately come from homes where abuse occurred.

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