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Munich (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 25, 2005
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Steven Spielberg's latest offering takes the form of a thriller which induces one to intellectually ponder the decades-long cycle of Palestinian attack and Israeli reprisal.

After the kidnapping and deaths of Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympics by the Palestinian Black September terrorist group, an Israeli Mossad retribution team is assembled to seek out and assassinate all of those responsible. Nine of the eleven terrorists are indeed tracked down and eliminated.

At Spielberg's insistence, Munich was privately pre-screened in Israel this week by two widows of the murdered Israeli athletes. Both stated that the film is not anti-Israel in tone or scope.

Rather, the film posits questions of morality such as... should a nation violate its basic ethics to protect and defend itself? This question is currently as poignant and valid in America as it is in Israel.

Munich opens next week in the United States. Munich is another Spielberg masterpiece and if you drool over action films that also stimulate intellectually... a definite must-see.

Steven Spielberg... he alternates from incredibly crap movies to utterly brilliant ones.
I'd love to see this film, looks like something I'd get into.....unfortunately, I'll probably have to wait until it comes out on DVD, as the hubby isn't too big a fan of theaters....
Tashah said:
Steven Spielberg's latest offering takes the form of a thriller which induces one to intellectually ponder the decades-long cycle of Palestinian attack and Israeli reprisal.

After the kidnapping and deaths of Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympics by the Palestinian Black September terrorist group, an Israeli Mossad retribution team is assembled to seek out and assassinate all of those responsible. Nine of the eleven terrorists are indeed tracked down and eliminated.

At Spielberg's insistence, Munich was privately pre-screened in Israel this week by two widows of the murdered Israeli athletes. Both stated that the film is not anti-Israel in tone or scope.

Rather, the film posits questions of morality such as... should a nation violate its basic ethics to protect and defend itself? This question is currently as poignant and valid in America as it is in Israel.

Munich opens next week in the United States. Munich is another Spielberg masterpiece and if you drool over action films that also stimulate intellectually... a definite must-see.

I have already seen this movie. Very good movie and demonstrates the high cost of revenge. When making this movie, Spielberg had interviewed a former Mossad agent who participated in the assinations and how he now has to constantly watch his back.
I can't wait for the DVD. I do remember from my youth something about the "Lillehammer Murder" in Norway where they tried to get the #1 or #2 guy and it turned out to be a local Waiter. Was that from this event, and is that in the movie?
In France, many documentaries have been shown on TV on this subject. It appears that Spielberg's movie is largely fictionnal. The main interest is that it creates a great debate.


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