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Mulvaney: Trump would build "steel fence" as concession to Democrats (1 Viewer)


Exposing GOP since 2015
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Jan 21, 2013
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Post-Trump America
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According to Kelly Trump already gave up on the concrete wall. Now we have "Build the Cheap Russian Steel Fence!!!" Rolls right off the tongue doesn't it.

Acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney told Chuck Todd on NBC's "Meet the Press" Sunday that President Trump would be willing to "give up a concrete wall, replace it with a steel fence" at the U.S.-Mexico border in order to appease Democrats and end the government shutdown.

Mulvaney: Trump would build "steel fence" as concession to Democrats

Are you in favor Trumpsters??????
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Sure, why not? The idea is to put up a barrier to help stem the flow of illegal immigration--you know, the type of thing democrats supported until...Trump!!

No sense putting up something the Dems will agree to. That tells you it won't work.
No sense putting up something the Dems will agree to. That tells you it won't work.

You know, I don't think Trump Tower works too well if it can be easily penetrated by Obama's black microwaves...
They wont agree lol.
Nobody is going to agree to a sea to shining sea physical barrier and Trump is back to that again just as he was in the campaign. It could be sea to shining sea beaded curtain and nobody is going for it.

Let him make an actual proposal to the Congress that is worked up out of DHS and the Congress will decide what to do. But IMO if that includes a sea to shining sea physical barrier, that part of said proposal will go nowhere.
Just when you thought this subject could not get any worse... "steel fence concession." :doh
It seems you don't understand why some of us want a wall. It won't stop illegal immigration, but it might slow it down.

I perfectly understand that Trump is selling you a bunch of BS. That's what he does.
No. Just enough to let everyone know that no means no.

Come on, if you're going to have paladins then you have to go all in. The Balrog of Morgoth will definitely show folks that no means no.

Trump's been saying steel slats would be okay with him because the Border Patrol prefers something you can see through.
As long as it works as well as concrete would have what's the problem?
Sounds like the ball is in Chancy's court.
They could call it a fence and Trump can call it a wall.
Win Win.
It seems you don't understand why some of us want a wall. It won't stop illegal immigration, but it might slow it down.

It is a wasteful, ineffective way to deal with the Unauthorized Immigrant problem we have as opposed to the one people imagine based on Trumpian nonsense. Even Fox News is starting to beat up on these endless Trumpian wall rationalizations and scare tactics based mainly on conflation and outright falsehood.

This senseless, useless monument to Trumpism is a big ask for something that "might slow it down".
Just when you thought this subject could not get any worse... "steel fence concession." :doh

Well in fairness there's been all sorts of flip flopping on what the wall was going to be. I still prefer the idea of building a wall of cake; this way folks will eat themselves into a food coma and BP can pick up those passed out along the wall. Must I think of everything?

Trump's been saying steel slats would be okay with him because the Border Patrol prefers something you can see through.
As long as it works as well as concrete would have what's the problem?
Sounds like the ball is in Chancy's court.
They could call it a fence and Trump can call it a wall.
Win Win.

Nobody is going for a sea to shining sea physical barrier regardless of what its called and THAT is where Trump is now or I should say AGAIN.

Not happening....Nobody is going to go for sea to shining sea wall, slats, Bollard, or beaded curtain. Not Happening.
Nobody is going to agree to a sea to shining sea physical barrier and Trump is back to that again just as he was in the campaign. It could be sea to shining sea beaded curtain and nobody is going for it.

Let him make an actual proposal to the Congress that is worked up out of DHS and the Congress will decide what to do. But IMO if that includes a sea to shining sea physical barrier, that part of said proposal will go nowhere.

Physical barriers work, right?
Um...Fences and walls are not the same thing
Like I said ...
As long as it works as well as concrete would have what's the problem?
They could call it a fence and Trump can call it a wall.

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