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Mueller confirms Kilimnik a focus of grand jury investigation (1 Viewer)


Land by the Gulf Stream
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Washington (CNN)Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort spoke to a federal grand jury last fall about his communications with Konstantin Kilimnik, including regarding an in-person meeting with the Russian associate and an email with him, special counsel Robert Mueller revealed Tuesday.
The 31-page filing gives an unprecedented window into Mueller's work with the grand jury, which is typically secret. It's also the first confirmation from prosecutors that Kilimnik is still central to the grand jury's efforts.

Link to the docs submitted


Mueller after the Russian connection, Kilimnik
Yep the guy he passed critical internal polling data to.
And yes Kilimnik is also linked to Oleg Deripaska who Mantafort owed millions to

Nope, nothing here folks, just walk on by

Link to the docs submitted


Mueller after the Russian connection, Kilimnik
Yep the guy he passed critical internal polling data to.
And yes Kilimnik is also linked to Oleg Deripaska who Mantafort owed millions to

Nope, nothing here folks, just walk on by

Nobody is walking on by...
Let's wait and see what all this means before we order black and white stripes for Trump and his family members.
Link to the docs submitted


Mueller after the Russian connection, Kilimnik
Yep the guy he passed critical internal polling data to.
And yes Kilimnik is also linked to Oleg Deripaska who Mantafort owed millions to
Nope, nothing here folks, just walk on by

Don't understand this CNN report. The AP reported already half a year ago that Kilimnik was indicted by Mueller ... unfortunately Kilimnik is a bit "elusive".


So, what is different in the CNN report to the AP report from 6 months ago?
Nobody is walking on by...
Let's wait and see what all this means before we order black and white stripes for Trump and his family members.

For the sake of discussion and possible misunderstandings, nothing negative in this post is directed at you
I remember the good old days. Do you?
No particular order

Mueller appointed mid May, 17.
A few weeks t0 gather a team, and set priorities
Summer of 17, one heard the constant refrain, where are the charges, waste of money, a nothingburger, God it was deafening, chants, spin and attacks

Well Muller started laying charges, plea deals in the Fall of 17. And as we know, that was just a small start.

Of course you do recall Trumps denials of any contacts with Russians and his campaign?
I remember those days as well

The Muller investigation has been fruitful with convictions. And it will bare more fruit. And those hoping Muller will file a report before summer, well wish in one hand and crap in the other, see what fills first

How Trump reality has changed over the past few years, has led to numerous charges, guilty verdicts, plea deals, cooperating witnesses, well gong to be a really weird and shocking 2019
The days of Alternative Facts


All The Criminal Charges To Emerge So Far From Robert Mueller's Investigation
Beginning to think that useless media like CNN are serving warmed-up stories just to pretend to have new information on Mueller's Muh-Russia investigation.

Nothing worse than a warmed-up Nothingburger ... (spit).
Don't understand this CNN report. The AP reported already half a year ago that Kilimnik was indicted by Mueller ... unfortunately Kilimnik is a bit "elusive".


So, what is different in the CNN report to the AP report from 6 months ago?

Good question...

Mueller also revealed Tuesday that Manafort communicated with Kilimnik beginning on August 2, 2016.
Manafort left the Trump campaign later that month, on August August 19th... Keeping this into perspective.

Trump got rid of Manfort as soon as there was wind that he was a Ukrainian lobbyist and that they could be attempting to influence our elections. What's the problem other than the fact that the 31 page document proves Manafort lied to the grand jury regarding his relationship with
Kilimnik. It sure doesn't implicate Trump.

Trump taking care of business:

Trump on Friday announced that campaign Chairman Paul Manafort had resigned, two days after the Republican nominee put in place a new leadership structure that appeared to minimize Manafort’s role.

Manafort had increasingly come under fire over his past lobbying work for pro-Russian Ukrainian oligarchs — which was fundamentally at odds with Trump’s boasts about being free from moneyed interests — and for the sloppy nature of the Republican National Convention, which Manafort oversaw.

“This morning Paul Manafort offered, and I accepted, his resignation from the campaign,” Trump said in a statement. “I am very appreciative for his great work in helping to get us where we are today, and in particular his work guiding us through the delegate and convention process. Paul is a true professional and I wish him the greatest success.”

Docs were submitted today, not 6 months ago

I read them... Did you?
So redacted hard to make heads from tails, but it's clear that Manafort attempted to minimize his elusive relationship with Ukrainian Konstanttin Kilminik and lied through his teeth to the GJ.
Other than that, what does it prove?
I read them... Did you?
So redacted hard to make heads from tails, but it's clear that Manafort attempted to minimize his elusive relationship with Ukrainian Konstanttin Kilminik and lied through his teeth to the GJ.
Other than that, what does it prove?

And the other points raised are?
For the sake of discussion and possible misunderstandings, nothing negative in this post is directed at you
I remember the good old days. Do you?
No particular order

Mueller appointed mid May, 17.
A few weeks t0 gather a team, and set priorities
Summer of 17, one heard the constant refrain, where are the charges, waste of money, a nothingburger, God it was deafening, chants, spin and attacks

Well Muller started laying charges, plea deals in the Fall of 17. And as we know, that was just a small start.

Of course you do recall Trumps denials of any contacts with Russians and his campaign?
I remember those days as well

The Muller investigation has been fruitful with convictions. And it will bare more fruit. And those hoping Muller will file a report before summer, well wish in one hand and crap in the other, see what fills first

How Trump reality has changed over the past few years, has led to numerous charges, guilty verdicts, plea deals, cooperating witnesses, well gong to be a really weird and shocking 2019
The days of Alternative Facts


All The Criminal Charges To Emerge So Far From Robert Mueller's Investigation

I got all that...
Let me again remind you of an important fact we learned from Mueller today.
"Mueller also revealed Tuesday that Manafort communicated with Kilimnik beginning on August 2, 2016"
The Trump admin. got wind of it, and dumped Manafort two weeks later. Review the Politico article I posted above. How does/did Manafort's relationship with Kilmnik implicate Trump in high crimes?
I got all that...
Let me again remind you of an important fact we learned from Mueller today.
"Mueller also revealed Tuesday that Manafort communicated with Kilimnik beginning on August 2, 2016"
The Trump admin. got wind of it, and dumped Manafort two weeks later. Review the Politico article I posted above. How does/did Manafort's relationship with Kilmnik implicate Trump in high crimes?

Page number, para pls.
And the other points raised are?

You can't answer my question above by asking me another question.
Nice try at deflection though.
You can't answer my question above by asking me another question.
Nice try at deflection though.

Why were senior people in the WH interacting with a person up for criminal trial?
That is all kinds of dumb, raises questions as to who, and what was discussed? Pardons, testimony who knows?
Now about Trumps denials of any Russian contacts within his campaign, and which he deliberately lied about.

Seems to be a common theme.

Paul Manafort misled Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigators and a federal grand jury when he said he wasn’t communicating with people in the Trump administration as he was under investigation, prosecutors said in a court filing.

Prosecutors on Tuesday cited a May 26, 2018, text to Manafort by someone with apparent access to President Donald Trump, who is referred to as POTUS. “If I see POTUS one on one next week am I ok to remind him of our relationship?” the person wrote. After Manafort replied, “Yes,” he added, “Even if not one on one.” At the time, Manafort was awaiting trial in Virginia on bank- and tax-fraud charges.

Time was end May 2018. He went to trial in the summer of 18. Nope nothing there.
Sixth sentence of YOUR CNN article; O/P
Don't you read your sources?

No it does not


Washington (CNN)Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort spoke to a federal grand jury last fall about his communications with Konstantin Kilimnik, including regarding an in-person meeting with the Russian associate and an email with him, special counsel Robert Mueller revealed Tuesday.
The 31-page filing gives an unprecedented window into Mueller's work with the grand jury, which is typically secret. It's also the first confirmation from prosecutors that Kilimnik is still central to the grand jury's efforts.
For the sake of discussion and possible misunderstandings, nothing negative in this post is directed at you
I remember the good old days. Do you?
No particular order

Mueller appointed mid May, 17.
A few weeks t0 gather a team, and set priorities
Summer of 17, one heard the constant refrain, where are the charges, waste of money, a nothingburger, God it was deafening, chants, spin and attacks

Well Muller started laying charges, plea deals in the Fall of 17. And as we know, that was just a small start.

Of course you do recall Trumps denials of any contacts with Russians and his campaign?
I remember those days as well

The Muller investigation has been fruitful with convictions. And it will bare more fruit. And those hoping Muller will file a report before summer, well wish in one hand and crap in the other, see what fills first

How Trump reality has changed over the past few years, has led to numerous charges, guilty verdicts, plea deals, cooperating witnesses, well gong to be a really weird and shocking 2019
The days of Alternative Facts


All The Criminal Charges To Emerge So Far From Robert Mueller's Investigation

Mueller was appointed to find coordination between the Trump campaign and Russia in the 2016. In all these charges, convictions, plea deals he has found... NOTHING.

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