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MTG inserts foot in mouth..... Again. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 29, 2020
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Slightly Liberal
Marjorie feels threatened by trans-women. She tweeted: “As a woman, I feel threatened because biological men are aggressively replacing women,” Taylor Greene wrote on Twitter. “All of my life, as an American women, I’ve been equal in every place to men, but not anymore.”

Does this mean Marjorie doesn't have any faith in her ability to compete with trans women? It's frightening and sad that this... Woman.... Is a seated Congress person.

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Marjorie feels threatened by trans-women. She tweeted: “As a woman, I feel threatened because biological men are aggressively replacing women,” Taylor Greene wrote on Twitter. “All of my life, as an American women, I’ve been equal in every place to men, but not anymore.”

Marjorie appearently doesn't have any faith in her ability to compete with trans women. It's frightening and sad that this... Woman.... Is a seated Congress person.

I'm having a hard time following the logic there.
Marjorie feels threatened by trans-women. She tweeted: “As a woman, I feel threatened because biological men are aggressively replacing women,” Taylor Greene wrote on Twitter. “All of my life, as an American women, I’ve been equal in every place to men, but not anymore.”

Marjorie appearently doesn't have any faith in her ability to compete with trans women. It's frightening and sad that this... Woman.... Is a seated Congress person.

We've had a bunch of threads about transgender issues, and I can safely say, MTG just said the quiet part out loud.

That is the transphobes' core fear. They are under the delusion that trans women will "replace" cis women or somehow permanently dominate them.

Relax, transphobes. Trans women are of no danger to you. The reverse, on the other hand...
I'm having a hard time following the logic there.

I'm thinking her angle is that women have equal rights. It's similar to a Black conservative saying there's no systemic racism against Blacks in America.

“All of my life, as an American woman, I’ve been equal in every place to men, but not anymore.”

And it's a slam against trans people.
I'm thinking her angle is that women have equal rights. It's similar to a Black conservative saying there's no systemic racism against Blacks in America.

“All of my life, as an American woman, I’ve been equal in every place to men, but not anymore.”
She was equal--to men, I guess she's saying--but now that men are in her space, she doesn't feel she's being treated equally? Were there no men present before? That's where I'm losing the thread.
She was equal--to men, I guess she's saying--but now that men are in her space, she doesn't feel she's being treated equally? Were there no men present before? That's where I'm losing the thread.
It seems she’s saying that women are losing their equal opportunity because men in a dress are now considered women by some.
It’s 2022 and about time women accept the fact that men are better at everything including being women
Logic, facts and reason have been spurned by many far right politicians, not just MTG. The far right has deemed, correctly, that they need not make sense to garner votes from their base. They simply mouth buzz words, catch phrases, and try to bring back the 1950s.
This has brought D1 swimming to the forefront snd now it is over and no one will care again. MTG has no clue what she is doing let alone what other may or may not be doing today or tomorrow. She’s a dult.
I don't think the story is whatever she's trying to say.

I think the story is, why are there so many stupid ****ing Republican politicians. Why do we have to try to figure out what the hell they're trying to say? The volume of stupid ****ing Republican politicians has gotten out of hand.
That is not a foot in mouth moment.

She knows that incendiary rhetoric results in more donations to her campaign war chest.

The problem is her constituents continuing to reward her bilious screeds…
Marjorie feels threatened by trans-women. She tweeted: “As a woman, I feel threatened because biological men are aggressively replacing women,” Taylor Greene wrote on Twitter. “All of my life, as an American women, I’ve been equal in every place to men, but not anymore.”

Does this mean Marjorie doesn't have any faith in her ability to compete with trans women? It's frightening and sad that this... Woman.... Is a seated Congress person.

she is a complete nut LMAO . . all i can do is laugh at her

It has to be an act. Nobody is that stupid.

you would think, and i would tend to agree but when i listen to her talk she seems so genuine in her monumental stupidity . . . .like the one kid you knew that had the whacky aunt who was always high on pot or something

if she is faking her stupidity she is a great actor with zero morals
I'm having a hard time following the logic there.

You and anybody else who isnt a complete tinfoil hat whack job bigoted nutter lol
it's like everybody with a truck and a Myrtle Beach tank top suddenly decided to become a Republican politician.

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