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MTG endorses insurrection, then lies about it today. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 29, 2020
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Slightly Liberal
Congresswoman Greene endorsed coming to Washington DC on Jan. 6th and "not allowing the transfer of power peacefully". She has most assuredly put her foot, heel and all, firmly into her own mouth here. She is proof positive that MAGA is a dangerous cult and she must not be allowed to run for re-election.

Yeeep right there disproves all her claims of wanting peaceful protests.
She doesn’t recall if she had conversations with Trump regarding imposing martial law. There is no possible way you could forget if you did or did not have this conversation.

She’s done!

All those involved are done!
I don't know I'd probably do her. Much better prospect than Pelosi or Hillary am I right?
Congresswoman Greene endorsed coming to Washington DC on Jan. 6th and "not allowing the transfer of power peacefully". She has most assuredly put her foot, heel and all, firmly into her own mouth here. She is proof positive that MAGA is a dangerous cult and she must not be allowed to run for re-election.

Did anyone really expect anything different?
I think the fact that she can’t answer basic questions makes her unworthy to run.
She’s done!

All those involved are done!
From your keyboard to Lord Shiva's eyeballs!

But alas, if it's one thing we've come to learn about the extreme right-wing-nuts, they are never done. Feed them a few Pavlovian buzz words, lie about the opposition and . . . VOILA !! Their mindless minions come down with acute retrograde amnesia, and nothing they've previoiusly said, or done, or even been convicted of, can keep them from raising campaign funds, and profiting from the proto-fascist talk show cirsuit.
I don't know I'd probably do her. Much better prospect than Pelosi or Hillary am I right?
I am sorry. To be doable, one needs class. MTG has none of that. She's a simpleton dumbass that reflects her district. They got what they voted for.
Congresswoman Greene endorsed coming to Washington DC on Jan. 6th and "not allowing the transfer of power peacefully". She has most assuredly put her foot, heel and all, firmly into her own mouth here. She is proof positive that MAGA is a dangerous cult and she must not be allowed to run for re-election.

Honestly, do you think the average gop supporter cares how she behaves as long as they can perceive it as owning the libs? Lying and accepting the lies seems to be no problem, the bigger the lie the better. Factual, truthful, who cares as long as they can perceive it as owning the libs.

The midterm is creeping closer and closer and so far the only thing I feel like I'm getting from the right is hate the dems, own the libs, the election was stolen from trump.
As far as I'm concerned the gop has lost all of it's integrity, the party of personal responsibility my arse. Fiscal conservatives like DeSantis and Abbott making the decisions is just what america needs. One wants to stop commerce at the border and the other wants to kill mickey mouse at the cost of a billion dollars to florida's taxpayers. Good old republican leadership, who doesn't like it?
I am sorry. To be doable, one needs class. MTG has none of that. She's a simpleton dumbass that reflects her district. They got what they voted for.

MTG may be a simpleton dumbass but she's our simpleton. They come and go. New York has their own version of a simpleton dumbass who calls herself Ocasio-Cortez DMC or something like that. What would our founding fathers think about all this? It's a real shame that it's come to this.
I am sorry. To be doable, one needs class. MTG has none of that. She's a simpleton dumbass that reflects her district. They got what they voted for.

Her testimony has removed any and all doubt she is not a complete fool. She embarrassed herself again
MTG may be a simpleton dumbass but she's our simpleton. They come and go. New York has their own version of a simpleton dumbass who calls herself Ocasio-Cortez DMC or something like that. What would our founding fathers think about all this? It's a real shame that it's come to this.

Not a fan of AOC but she is Einstein compared to Marjorie.
MTG may be a simpleton dumbass but she's our simpleton. They come and go. New York has their own version of a simpleton dumbass who calls herself Ocasio-Cortez DMC or something like that. What would our founding fathers think about all this? It's a real shame that it's come to this.

The founding fathers explicitly didn’t want anyone like Trump within a thousand miles of ever becoming president of the US.
I just wish some of these freaks could just be honest about what they believe.

Do you think your political opponents deserve a bullet to the head? Yes or no?
She’s broke.

She's not exactly a Heinz fortune heiress that's for sure. That would preclude John Kerry from showing any interest in her I guarantee.
She's not exactly a Heinz fortune heiress that's for sure. That would preclude John Kerry from showing any interest in her I guarantee.

Or Ivana, Marla and his current wife, they all love him for his looks.

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