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MSNBC steals a page from FNC's playbook (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 13, 2005
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Political Leaning
The new popular cable TV personality Keith Olberman has adapted the O'Reilly tactic of belittling and attacking his opponents on TV and who has he chosen to attack. You guessed it Bill O'Reilly himself along with Bill O'Reilly cheapassed O'Reilly look-alike John Gibson.

The tactics that Olberman is using are those same ones that O'Reilly used to propel himself to the top of the cable media monkeys' top of the heap. Olberman is doing it at a faster rate than O'Reilly did and will not remain an underdog for long IMO. He has one element that neither O'Reilly nor Gibson have and that is, humor not to mention the fact that he is 15 years the junior of the other two with more experience in TV broadcasting. Granted mostly in sports but O'Reilly has the experience in tabloid TV. Gibson is an unknown and will probably remain as such because he comes off like a typical Southern California jerk. Both O'Reilly and Gibson p¡ss and moan too much when they are attacked and use the "poor me" strategy so much that it does not endear them to viewers. So far Olberman has not stooped to using that against his critics. I like this underdog.

O'reilly spent seven years telling us. to excess, how he wanted to catch Larry king in the ratings. Olberman has avoided this crap so far and that too is to his advantage. he is just steaming along. I think he is going to make it faster than anyone on Air America that's for sure.

One has to mention that until he got the countdown show he was pretty conservative but then on "Hollywood Access or whatever tabloid program it was, O'Reilly came off as a liberal."
I haven't watched O'Reilly in ages. I must admit I enjoyed watching him arguing with his guests and just being a downright arrogant and pompous ass.

I guess I like to watch people argue. Whether I agree with them or not, it just makes for good entertainment. I'll keep an eye out for this new guy though.

Sounds like more Pundit Pornography...I'm game.
The National Academy of Science and the American Association for the Advancement of Science both reject Intelligent Design and don’t want to mention it in science classes. That, in my opinion, is fascism. -Bill O'Reilly

O'REILLY: Jimmy Carter. Jimmy Carter screwing up America. Yeah, Jimmy Carter is a second-guesser. And for a guy who was a pretty weak president, I don't know if that's a sustainable position.

WIEHL: But he --

O'REILLY: This is -- wait, wait, wait.

WIEHL: OK. I'm just frustrated. It's Jimmy Carter. I like Jimmy Carter.

O'REILLY: Yeah, I know you do. You know, if Carter were president today, we'd all be speaking Arabic.

More Ignorant O'Reilly quotes here....

With a man who says things like that.... I don't blame anyone for using thier show to attack him. O'Reilly is a fool.
Caine said:
The National Academy of Science and the American Association for the Advancement of Science both reject Intelligent Design and don’t want to mention it in science classes. That, in my opinion, is fascism. -Bill O'Reilly

O'REILLY: Jimmy Carter. Jimmy Carter screwing up America. Yeah, Jimmy Carter is a second-guesser. And for a guy who was a pretty weak president, I don't know if that's a sustainable position.

WIEHL: But he --

O'REILLY: This is -- wait, wait, wait.

WIEHL: OK. I'm just frustrated. It's Jimmy Carter. I like Jimmy Carter.

O'REILLY: Yeah, I know you do. You know, if Carter were president today, we'd all be speaking Arabic.

More Ignorant O'Reilly quotes here....

With a man who says things like that.... I don't blame anyone for using thier show to attack him. O'Reilly is a fool.

O'Reilly is a very insecure man who feels inadequate, so he has to slam anyone who disagrees with his philosophy. Oh, and he while he is married, he thinks having dirty phone sex with a woman who is not his wife is okay. He is total scum. I actually feel sorry for him, as he must be terribly unhappy with himself (and his marriage).
Caine said:
The National Academy of Science and the American Association for the Advancement of Science both reject Intelligent Design and don’t want to mention it in science classes. That, in my opinion, is fascism. -Bill O'Reilly

O'REILLY: Jimmy Carter. Jimmy Carter screwing up America. Yeah, Jimmy Carter is a second-guesser. And for a guy who was a pretty weak president, I don't know if that's a sustainable position.

WIEHL: But he --

O'REILLY: This is -- wait, wait, wait.

WIEHL: OK. I'm just frustrated. It's Jimmy Carter. I like Jimmy Carter.

O'REILLY: Yeah, I know you do. You know, if Carter were president today, we'd all be speaking Arabic.

More Ignorant O'Reilly quotes here....

With a man who says things like that.... I don't blame anyone for using thier show to attack him. O'Reilly is a fool.

I can't stand O'Reilly and I can't stand FNC. They are all a bunch of biased pigs stuck up Bush's ass. Not to mention some of their news castors are total idiots. I don't watch them as they make me sick.
Caine said:
The National Academy of Science and the American Association for the Advancement of Science both reject Intelligent Design and don’t want to mention it in science classes. That, in my opinion, is fascism. -Bill O'Reilly

O'REILLY: Jimmy Carter. Jimmy Carter screwing up America. Yeah, Jimmy Carter is a second-guesser. And for a guy who was a pretty weak president, I don't know if that's a sustainable position.

WIEHL: But he --

O'REILLY: This is -- wait, wait, wait.

WIEHL: OK. I'm just frustrated. It's Jimmy Carter. I like Jimmy Carter.

O'REILLY: Yeah, I know you do. You know, if Carter were president today, we'd all be speaking Arabic.

More Ignorant O'Reilly quotes here....

With a man who says things like that.... I don't blame anyone for using thier show to attack him. O'Reilly is a fool.

OK, maybe this is irrational, but it really pisses me off. I like Jimmy Carter too. Jimmy Carter is a hell of a lot smarter than O'Reilly, he is a Nobel Peace Prize Winner, has an IQ of about 150 and is a good honest man, unlike that dirt bag. It makes me want to punch him. However, I think he enjoys having that affect on people.:mad:
O'Reilly makes his living slamming others. This is a technique that he brought over from his tabloid TV days and it worked very well for a while. His problem is he is one of those who can dish it out but he can't take it. Gibson is cut from the same cloth but far more inferior, if that is possible.

Last week they both b¡tched and cried about Olbermann poking fun of them. He answered both of them on Monday proving with recored material that he made up nothing. So far this week neither O'Reilly not Gibson have appeared on their TV programs. Guess their on Christmas vacation.
Inuyasha said:
O'Reilly makes his living slamming others. This is a technique that he brought over from his tabloid TV days and it worked very well for a while. His problem is he is one of those who can dish it out but he can't take it. Gibson is cut from the same cloth but far more inferior, if that is possible.

Last week they both b¡tched and cried about Olbermann poking fun of them. He answered both of them on Monday proving with recored material that he made up nothing. So far this week neither O'Reilly not Gibson have appeared on their TV programs. Guess their on Christmas vacation.

If anyone is stealing a page from the O'Lielly playbook at MSNBC it's Chris Mathews. He aptly was named "misinformer of the year" by Media Matters the other day.

Olberman's show is the antithesis of O'Reilly - he doesn't shout over guests, nor does he fan the flames of the culture wars. Olberman also is not very skilled with a lufa :mrgreen:

It's odd to me that when people loke Olberman play videotape of pundits lying, they are then accused of making false accusations when the proof is right there for all to see.
hipsterdufus said:
If anyone is stealing a page from the O'Lielly playbook at MSNBC it's Chris Mathews. He aptly was named "misinformer of the year" by Media Matters the other day.

Olberman's show is the antithesis of O'Reilly - he doesn't shout over guests, nor does he fan the flames of the culture wars. Olberman also is not very skilled with a lufa :mrgreen:

It's odd to me that when people loke Olberman play videotape of pundits lying, they are then accused of making false accusations when the proof is right there for all to see.

In a sense you are right about Olbermann being the anti-thesis of O'Reilly but i was specifally refering to his (Olberman's) naming names then going after the named. I think he was just parroting the O'Reilly naminf names thing to show what it is all about. I think that he will only get better.

I don't like Matthews much. He is also a shouter which I have no use for.
Inuyasha said:
O'Reilly makes his living slamming others. This is a technique that he brought over from his tabloid TV days and it worked very well for a while. His problem is he is one of those who can dish it out but he can't take it. Gibson is cut from the same cloth but far more inferior, if that is possible.

Last week they both b¡tched and cried about Olbermann poking fun of them. He answered both of them on Monday proving with recored material that he made up nothing. So far this week neither O'Reilly not Gibson have appeared on their TV programs. Guess their on Christmas vacation.

Cavuto and Hannity were also on break. Weird huh?

Its like they gave all thier Conservobot Show Anchors a good Christmas break for defending the fake war on christmas, but they had poor little Colmes up there to get outshouted by his guests. Thats not supposed to happen on HANNITY AND Colmes.
aps said:
O'Reilly is a very insecure man who feels inadequate, so he has to slam anyone who disagrees with his philosophy. Oh, and he while he is married, he thinks having dirty phone sex with a woman who is not his wife is okay. He is total scum. I actually feel sorry for him, as he must be terribly unhappy with himself (and his marriage).

Nothing wrong with a soapy lufa now is there?


I must admit I laughed for days when that story broke.
SixStringHero said:
Nothing wrong with a soapy lufa now is there?


I must admit I laughed for days when that story broke.

Too bad Olbermann didn't get the O'Really lufa tapes. It would have been priceless!
MSNBC is at the bottom of the news channels ratings and will remain there as long as they have EX ESPN types acting like they know something about politics....
Navy Pride said:
MSNBC is at the bottom of the news channels ratings and will remain there as long as they have EX ESPN types acting like they know something about politics....

All of the cable news stations are crap. It is just entertainement and fluff. Anyone who takes them seriously is fooling themselves. 24 hour news stations is just bullsh¡t. After they give the headliners at the top of the hour the rest is just crappola.

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