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MSNBC host trashed for warning Elon Musk could use Twitter to ban political candidates: ‘You absolute clown’ (1 Viewer)


Trump Grump Whisperer
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Do people actually watch MSNBC?

Why would anyone care what someone says on a network that hosts a certain notorious reverend?

It's just the opposite, he bought Twitter so conservatives would get their voices back.

Get their voices back.

Oh man.

The victim persecution complex oozes so hard.

”Wah! the cesspool of a website where deranged people scream at each other in 280 characters or less has been a meanie poo!“

God almighty if you could see yourselves…
It's just the opposite, he bought Twitter so conservatives would get their voices back.

Your narrative is based in victim status. First and foremost, you need people to believe they're a victim.
Your narrative is based in victim status. First and foremost, you need people to believe they're a victim.
No doubt you at best secretly applauded those bans.
Get their voices back.

Oh man.

The victim persecution complex oozes so hard.

”Wah! the cesspool of a website where deranged people scream at each other in 280 characters or less has been a meanie poo!“

God almighty if you could see yourselves…
It works for them.
Economical farms even have a screw that comes loose.

Lost their voices.

Donald Trump.

The President of the United States of America.

Democracy at it’s fatal moment.
If I get on a jet and boogie on out of here man will that change the narrative of storm troopers in the Star Wars series?
Shit, sorry. Didn't see this.

Think he'll answer? Maybe he lost his voice and he has a sads. He should see the doctor.
He still has wood from when Musk first bought 10% of the cesspool called Twitter……
Economical farms even have a screw that comes loose.

Lost their voices.

Donald Trump.

The President of the United States of America.

Democracy at it’s fatal moment.

The most powerful man in the world was also the biggest victim in the world. You expect people to believe that?
Economical farms even have a screw that comes loose.

Lost their voices.

Donald Trump.

The President of the United States of America.

Democracy at it’s fatal moment.

It's very strange indeed you have not heard Donald Trump speak or post something on the internet in case you missed it since he got banned from Twitter.
Am I reading that correctly? I know Fox News and other right-wing outlets are big on headlines and stories about "Twitter explodes" over something someone said. But does it really just include four tweets?
It's very strange indeed you have not heard Donald Trump speak or post something on the internet in case you missed it since he got banned from Twitter.

Poor Donny. They took his voice away. That's why nobody has heard from him since he lost the election - badly - to an old man.
And at best you secretly applauded those traitor Trumpists that stormed the capitol.

It's so disappointing to read a staff member posting this garbage.

I suspect you're better than this; maybe not.
It's so disappointing to read a staff member posting this garbage.

I suspect you're better than this; maybe not.
Injecting the term ‘staff member’ is passive aggressive bft and an all-around chickenshit way to post. Remember the posting of @American as staff?

The radical reich republiars and traitors are banning books and not allowing school children to wear masks to protect themselves from trump assholes.

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