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"Mr Romney, the 80's called and want their foreign policy back." Barrack Obama, "Sanctions not intended to deter Putin." Joe Biden. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 28, 2018
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The latest two democrat Presidents and foreign policy. Obama, 80's want their foreign policy back, red line in Syria, reset button with Putin. Biden, Putin doesn't want me to be President, serious sanctions to deter Putin. Sanctions were not intended to deter Putin.
Want to know why we are in the shape we are. Democrats
The latest two democrat Presidents and foreign policy. Obama, 80's want their foreign policy back, red line in Syria, reset button with Putin. Biden, Putin doesn't want me to be President, serious sanctions to deter Putin. Sanctions were not intended to deter Putin.
Want to know why we are in the shape we are. Democrats
The sanctions should be to bring Putin down.
The latest two democrat Presidents and foreign policy. Obama, 80's want their foreign policy back, red line in Syria, reset button with Putin. Biden, Putin doesn't want me to be President, serious sanctions to deter Putin. Sanctions were not intended to deter Putin.
Want to know why we are in the shape we are. Democrats

Are you advocating for hot war with Russia?

Just say it.

Nah, you have no idea. You have no clue what to do. You just know you're supposed to say "Biden bad" so you said "Biden bad". That's it. That's all it ever is. And it's disgusting.

It seems Mr Romney was prescient in this single issue.
Eh...I'd say China is the bigger long-term foe. Russia isn't our "greatest". It is more the biggest ass pain at the moment.
The latest two democrat Presidents and foreign policy. Obama, 80's want their foreign policy back, red line in Syria, reset button with Putin. Biden, Putin doesn't want me to be President, serious sanctions to deter Putin. Sanctions were not intended to deter Putin.
Want to know why we are in the shape we are. Democrats

I wish Mitt Romney had won in 2012. The economy would have been incredible. He would have kept the Affordable Healthcare Act in place. He would have been the man to handle the COVID-19 Pandemic when it struck. It would have spared us Donald Trump ever taking office.
I wish Mitt Romney had won in 2012. The economy would have been incredible. He would have kept the Affordable Healthcare Act in place. He would have been the man to handle the COVID-19 Pandemic when it struck. It would have spared us Donald Trump ever taking office.

I've got to agree with this. I voted for Obama because I thought he did a pretty good job in his first term.... if I knew that he wasn't going to even try to do a damn thing in his second term, I would have voted for Romney.
I wish Mitt Romney had won in 2012. The economy would have been incredible. He would have kept the Affordable Healthcare Act in place. He would have been the man to handle the COVID-19 Pandemic when it struck. It would have spared us Donald Trump ever taking office.
I do wonder whether that would have been the case, because the undercurrent Trump tapped into was already there and brewing.
I wish Mitt Romney had won in 2012. The economy would have been incredible. He would have kept the Affordable Healthcare Act in place. He would have been the man to handle the COVID-19 Pandemic when it struck. It would have spared us Donald Trump ever taking office.
And if we did not elect Trump, the pandemic would never had occurred because Hillary would have been so much better at managing the virus. Just like Biden has done, right?

And what did Trump do that was so bad?
We had a strong economy right up until the virus hit us in 2020.
Low unemployment; illegal immigrants checked at the border; stock market strong; businesses thriving with lower taxes; etc.

I agree with you on Romney. But people seemed to love Obama. After all, he got over 90 percent of the black vote. I wonder why.
We had a strong economy right up until the virus hit us in 2020.
Low unemployment;
That was because of obama. Nothing trump did.
illegal immigrants checked at the border;
He deported the same number of immigrants as obama
stock market strong;
Again just a continuation of obama
businesses thriving with lower taxes; etc.
All this did was rais the deficit.
After all, he got over 90 percent of the black vote. I wonder why.
Because he is a democrat. Dems always get 90% of the black vote.
That was because of obama. Nothing trump did.

He deported the same number of immigrants as obama

Again just a continuation of obama

All this did was rais the deficit.

Because he is a democrat. Dems always get 90% of the black vote.
Good old Obama. Wasn't he the guy who told the then Russian president he would have "more flexibility" after he was re-elected in 2012?
And wasn't he the guy to simply stood aside and watched Russia move in to occupy the Crimea? Putin knew Obama would do nothing to impede his advances.
How many times did Trump watch Russia invade Ukraine? ZERO.
Good old Obama. Wasn't he the guy who told the then Russian president he would have "more flexibility" after he was re-elected in 2012?
And wasn't he the guy to simply stood aside and watched Russia move in to occupy the Crimea? Putin knew Obama would do nothing to impede his advances.
How many times did Trump watch Russia invade Ukraine? ZERO.
Trumps is putin's friend. Trump probably told him to wait until his reelection before invading. Part of the reason putin invaded ukraine is he's mad his puppet didn't get relected.
Trumps is putin's friend. Trump probably told him to wait until his reelection before invading. Part of the reason putin invaded ukraine is he's mad his puppet didn't get relected.
You should write for Fantasy Magazine.
The latest two democrat Presidents and foreign policy. Obama, 80's want their foreign policy back, red line in Syria, reset button with Putin. Biden, Putin doesn't want me to be President, serious sanctions to deter Putin. Sanctions were not intended to deter Putin.
Want to know why we are in the shape we are. Democrats
Once again, Trump lovers have absolutely ZERO room to talk on this issue lol, we all saw the Putin fanfest when it came to Trump.

Helsinki? Agree with Putin.

Not licking Daddy Putin's balls enough? Try to invite him into the G8.

Russia invades Ukraine? Putin's genius.

Just sit in a corner and shut the hell up while adults are actually sorting things out.

And yeah, Romney was right about one thing, whoop de ****ing do, he's still a rich spineless ****.
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I wish Mitt Romney had won in 2012. The economy would have been incredible. He would have kept the Affordable Healthcare Act in place. He would have been the man to handle the COVID-19 Pandemic when it struck. It would have spared us Donald Trump ever taking office.

Republican voters put Trump in office. Not Obama's fault, or anyone else, but Republican voters.

Also, Romney happily took Trump the birthers endorsement in 2012...for his own political gain. Romney is better than Trump, but he's definitely an opportunist first.

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