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Mr. President, will you just shut the fukk up! (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 25, 2005
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Political Leaning
Gosh, I am so sick and tired of Bush calling the insurgents terrorists who are out to get us. They were not there before we invaded. To call them terrorists is just totally irresponsible and just plain fukking stupid.

Look at this $hit:

Some critics continue to assert that we have no plan in Iraq except to ‘stay the course,”’ Bush said. “If by ‘stay the course’ they mean we will not allow the terrorists to break our will, they’re right. If by ‘stay the course’ they mean we will not permit al Qaida to turn Iraq into what Afghanistan was under the Taliban, a safe haven for terrorists and a launching pad for attacks on America, they’re right as well. If by ‘stay the course’ they mean that we’re not learning from our experience or adjusting our tactics to meet the challenges on the ground, then they’re flat wrong.”

He did not say that the terrorists now in Iraq had anything to do with the 2001 terror attacks in the United States, but he powerfully linked the two, saying they “share the same ideology.”


Will this dickhead ever stop trying to connect September 11th with Iraq? He must think we are all totally stupid. He makes me sick.

Okay, I just needed to get that off my chest. Don't bother trying to inflame me and criticize me for how I feel because I don't give a rat's a$$ what those who disagree with me think of me.
At least they're finally admitting the majority of insurgents are Iraqis. They refer to some of them as "Saddamists" :lol: :lol: .. not kidding either.
aps said:
fukking stupid...

Look at this $hit...

Will this dickhead ever ...

I don't give a rat's a$$ ...

Classy lady, that aps. :censored
Welcome to the basement KC. Its not for sensitive conservatives such as yourself. :2wave: :rofl :2razz: :doh
hey apps,
u ever been to iraq?......do u really know whats going on?......because ive been there done that!..........ur so full of media and liberal SHAT.......hey and no matter what u say bush is still the president........

Semper Fi.....United States Marine
aps said:
Gosh, I am so sick and tired of Bush calling the insurgents terrorists who are out to get us. They were not there before we invaded. To call them terrorists is just totally irresponsible and just plain fukking stupid.

Look at this $hit:

Some critics continue to assert that we have no plan in Iraq except to ‘stay the course,”’ Bush said. “If by ‘stay the course’ they mean we will not allow the terrorists to break our will, they’re right. If by ‘stay the course’ they mean we will not permit al Qaida to turn Iraq into what Afghanistan was under the Taliban, a safe haven for terrorists and a launching pad for attacks on America, they’re right as well. If by ‘stay the course’ they mean that we’re not learning from our experience or adjusting our tactics to meet the challenges on the ground, then they’re flat wrong.”

He did not say that the terrorists now in Iraq had anything to do with the 2001 terror attacks in the United States, but he powerfully linked the two, saying they “share the same ideology.”


Will this dickhead ever stop trying to connect September 11th with Iraq? He must think we are all totally stupid. He makes me sick.

Okay, I just needed to get that off my chest. Don't bother trying to inflame me and criticize me for how I feel because I don't give a rat's a$$ what those who disagree with me think of me.

Gosh, I thought liberals were tolerant of others. Show's how wrong I am huh?
Gosh, I thought liberals were tolerant of others. Show's how wrong I am huh?

Wow look whose talking. Almost every single time you post something, its something Rush Limbaugh infested.
FinnMacCool said:
Wow look whose talking. Almost every single time you post something, its something Rush Limbaugh infested.

Infested?..... & to think your only 16 so sad.
KCConservative said:
Classy lady, that aps. :censored


Hee hee hee Personally, I don't like people who never swear. I like the humanness of it. :lol:
a_marine4bush said:
hey apps,
u ever been to iraq?......do u really know whats going on?......because ive been there done that!..........ur so full of media and liberal SHAT.......hey and no matter what u say bush is still the president........

Semper Fi.....United States Marine

I haven't been to Iraq. You have? That's wonderful. I appreciate your compliments about what I am full of.

I do have two close friends who (1) served for 1 year in Iraq and (2) who is currently serving in Iraq and in the Marine Corps, no less. So I do have some knowledge of what is going on there.

Bush is still president? OMG! I had no idea.

I LOVE that Bush is president because watching his presidency crumble is making his having won last year worth it. Hey Bush, what happened to your mandate? LOL :lol:
tr1414 said:
Gosh, I thought liberals were tolerant of others. Show's how wrong I am huh?

Wow. I had no idea how powerful my words are. You read my initial post and it changed your mind about the tolerance of liberals? I appreciate the compliment you're paying me in that I to have that much power over your decisions. That's impressive, if I do say so myself. LOL
FinnMacCool said:
Is that so bad? Your 44 now thats REALLY sad.

Finn, I cannot believe you're only 16. Wow (in a positive way because you sound very mature in your posts). I really like your posts, by the way. Thanks for coming to my defense in this thread (although I don't mind the attacks). :)
Finn, I cannot believe you're only 16. Wow (in a positive way because you sound very mature in your posts). I really like your posts, by the way. Thanks for coming to my defense in this thread (although I don't mind the attacks).

Thanks a lot man.
FinnMacCool said:
Thanks a lot man.

The last time I checked, I was a woman. ;)
KCConservative said:
Classy lady, that aps. :censored

I just thought of a different response to KC, my man:

Go fukk yourself. ;) :lol:

Hey, if the Vice President can say that to an opposing party member, then so can I.....right? :2wave:
tr1414 said:
Real class... you & the 16 year old should hook up

Do you think my husband would mind? :lol: :lol: :lol:
There are some very troubled souls here. I pray that you all find peace this Christmas seasion.
Originally Posted by aps
Finn, I cannot believe you're only 16. Wow (in a positive way because you sound very mature in your posts). I really like your posts, by the way. Thanks for coming to my defense in this thread (although I don't mind the attacks).

Originally Posted by FinnMacCool
Thanks a lot man.
Would you two like to be alone?
Originally posted by tr1414:
There are some very troubled souls here. I pray that you all find peace this Christmas seasion.
Do you really pray? Or was that just something to say?
FinnMacCool said:
Ah my bad. I never checked your profile and Aps never seemed to imply a male or female gender.

My name doesn't imply a male or female gender? That I can believe. But I think my posts exude "female" (or a gay man ;)).

And no worries. I am aware that aps is a very generic name (they are my initials).

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