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Most Unintelligent World Leader To Date (1 Viewer)

Most Idiotic World Leader Of All Time

  • Joseph Stalin

    Votes: 3 8.8%
  • Ronald Reagan

    Votes: 3 8.8%
  • Adolf Hitler

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Fidel Castro

    Votes: 2 5.9%
  • Kim Jong II

    Votes: 5 14.7%
  • George W Bush

    Votes: 13 38.2%
  • Mao Zedong

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Nero

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Someone Else

    Votes: 6 17.6%

  • Total voters


May 30, 2005
Reaction score
Toronto, Canada
Okay, I'm talking about real idiotic world leaders, they may have not failed what they were suppose to do, but the way they did it was either idiotic, or they were given a script to do it, but all in all, World Leaders with either no Post Secondary education or World Leaders without a high I.Q.

P.S. Do not be dissapointed if your " dumbass " doesn't show up on the list as I did add an Other option.
bush is a very foolish man who doesnt think things through, but hey he doesnt care
I chose Mao simply because his policies, not his writings on guerrilla warfare but his polcies while as dictator, were perhaps the worst I've ever learned of. In short, the man was simply idiotic when it came to ruling his country.
Soviet_Guy said:
Yeah, I watched old reels of his talk with Nixon, boy, I.Q. = 80, what a moronic man to ruel a country.
Yes, he was quite a good military leader, but he was a terrible politician.
Yes, I can't disagree with that, although some say not all his military tactics were purely by him but by his close friends.

Why is Adolf Hitler on that list? He was one of the most Intelligent leaders to date, I mean, he did convince a whole country to hate a certain type of people.
Arch Enemy said:

Why is Adolf Hitler on that list? He was one of the most Intelligent leaders to date, I mean, he did convince a whole country to hate a certain type of people.
Yeah, I was thinking that as well.

Whatever, I picked Ronny cause I didn't know who else to pick.
Arch Enemy said:

Why is Adolf Hitler on that list? He was one of the most Intelligent leaders to date, I mean, he did convince a whole country to hate a certain type of people.

Also if he was intelligent :screwy , then jews and non-aryans are really below aryans and germans, wow maybe then i'd be superior to many people, i'm german, though i'm also gypsy hated by nazis

also females are inferior to males, and germens are close to gods, wow you're right he is intelligent :liar
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I voted for someone else, although I can't think of any unintelligent world leader. Unintelligent, by its very definition, means without knowledge. Let's be frank, to be a world leader takes some know-how in getting that position. Therefore, this poll is impossible to answer. Also, very slanted, as we all know the true intentions of this poll is to deride, yet again, George Walker Bush.
Not really, it's a no contest when you put him on the stand as the most idiotic current world leader, as for the Unintelligent part, don't be so damn technical, your Bush is a horrible world leader, there can be no true defence for that.
Kim got my vote, but I can't really say he's unintelligent. Just really weird, and, yes, psychotic. His last edict was to get every goose stepping NK to get their hair cut 'butch'. Even shorter. Since the females got no boobs due to malnutrition, there is no way to tell the difference. Maybe have the lot go around 'nekkid'. There you go!
Ronald Reagan and the invasion of Grenada. Was he already going senile back then I wonder...

Justification for invading Grenada: Communist government (pop 110,000) sitting on worlds largest production of egg nodd. "Ýou cannot live without egg nod".
Who voted for Castro? That really bothers me....

I voted for Stalin. You cannot say he was the least bit intelligent. He ran a country thorugh fear and although industry boomed, it doesn't really matter when the factory workers have to constantly live in fear. You cannot run a nation wherein the people are in constant fear of the government and each other.

...Castro? Honestly..grrr....
Soviet_Guy said:
Okay, I'm talking about real idiotic world leaders, they may have not failed what they were suppose to do, but the way they did it was either idiotic, or they were given a script to do it, but all in all, World Leaders with either no Post Secondary education or World Leaders without a high I.Q.

P.S. Do not be dissapointed if your " dumbass " doesn't show up on the list as I did add an Other option.
You hate anyone that Republican/Capitalist don;t you?
Silvermike said:
Ronald Reagan and the invasion of Grenada. Was he already going senile back then I wonder...

Justification for invading Grenada: Communist government (pop 110,000) sitting on worlds largest production of egg nodd. "Ýou cannot live without egg nod".
He fought for Freedom through out the world.
Comrade Brian said:
You hate anyone who isn't don't you?
Where did I state my hatred for other people's political beliefs that are not mine own?
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V.I. Lenin said:
Who voted for Castro? That really bothers me....

I voted for Stalin. You cannot say he was the least bit intelligent. He ran a country thorugh fear and although industry boomed, it doesn't really matter when the factory workers have to constantly live in fear. You cannot run a nation wherein the people are in constant fear of the government and each other.

...Castro? Honestly..grrr....

Hmm.... Yes Stalin was terrible, too bad Trotsky didn't become head instead, many things would've turned out better. I also like Castro he kicked out the US-backed Batista government, where all Cubans were poor except the leaders
Comrade Brian said:
Reagan fought for corporate/capitalist interests around the world
I am full blown capitalist. But whatever I am not going into this argument.

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