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Moscow soldiers stole animals`food from Kharkiv Zoo " they stole carrots, beets and cabbage from our animals." (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 2, 2017
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Political Leaning

when you though that Muscovites just can´t fall deeper .....​

"Feldman Ecopark is 300 meters away from the Russian military. Tonight they stole carrots, beets and cabbage from our animals. Source: https://censor.net/en/n3332806

An American General and a Russian General were arguing over MRE's. The Muscovite General said, "Our field rations supply our soldiers with 1,500 calories a day."

The American General said, "That's nothing. Our MRE's supply each solider 3,500 calories per day".

The Muscovite General said, "THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE! No one can eat 20 kilograms of radish haulm !!!"
Apt, seeing as they are currently acting like animals.
If Russia did not have nuclear weapons, no one would fear the Russian armed forces, which are comically inept.

They are so ill-trained and equipped and demoralized that even a weak country like Ukraine can almost beat their posterior.

All the Russian boys can do is to steal, rape, and slaughter innocent civilians and even steal the food from four-legged animals.

Apt, seeing as they are currently acting like animals.

If Russia did not have nuclear weapons, no one would fear the Russian armed forces, which are comically inept.

They are so ill-trained and equipped and demoralized that even a weak country like Ukraine can almost beat their posterior.

All the Russian boys can do is to steal, rape, and slaughter innocent civilians and even steal the food from four-legged animals.

The Russians used some of the animals as target practice. Nice. Nothing like shooting animals in a cage to show off your skills.

I feel bad, though, for the soldiers when they have to steal animals' vegetables. From the beginning of this invasion, the Russian soldiers have been desperate for food. That is really a crime in itself, when you don't feed your own troops.
The Russians used some of the animals as target practice. Nice. Nothing like shooting animals in a cage to show off your skills.

I feel bad, though, for the soldiers when they have to steal animals' vegetables. From the beginning of this invasion, the Russian soldiers have been desperate for food. That is really a crime in itself, when you don't feed your own troops.

when you though that Muscovites just can´t fall deeper .....​

"Feldman Ecopark is 300 meters away from the Russian military. Tonight they stole carrots, beets and cabbage from our animals. Source: https://censor.net/en/n3332806

An American General and a Russian General were arguing over MRE's. The Muscovite General said, "Our field rations supply our soldiers with 1,500 calories a day."

The American General said, "That's nothing. Our MRE's supply each solider 3,500 calories per day".

The Muscovite General said, "THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE! No one can eat 20 kilograms of radish haulm !!!"
Moscow has a done a terrible job, they can't even feed there soldiers.

Russian mothers should get use to there sons returning in coffins for YEARS.
Apt, seeing as they are currently acting like animals.

If Russia did not have nuclear weapons, no one would fear the Russian armed forces, which are comically inept.

They are so ill-trained and equipped and demoralized that even a weak country like Ukraine can almost beat their posterior.

All the Russian boys can do is to steal, rape, and slaughter innocent civilians and even steal the food from four-legged animals.


Moscow has a done a terrible job, they can't even feed there soldiers.

Russian mothers should get use to there sons returning in coffins for YEARS.
what else can we expect from such "army "

what else can we expect from such "army "


Residents of Donbass, forcibly mobilized into the "army of the LDNR" continue to be disposed of in a senseless meat grinder. Judging by the video, they are not considered human at all, they are kept like cattle in inhuman conditions and they try to send them to their death as soon as possible.

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