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Moscow Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Zakharova called the Latvian Foreign Minister's call for "denazification" of Moscow disgraceful (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 2, 2017
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Moscow Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Zakharova called the Latvian Foreign Minister's call for "denazification" of Moscow disgraceful
Latvia wasn't lying.
ps Dmitry Rogozin in the pic, Truth hurts....

Moscow Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Zakharova called the Latvian Foreign Minister's call for "denazification" of Moscow disgraceful
Latvia wasn't lying.
ps Dmitry Rogozin in the pic, Truth hurts....

Gee, if the Latvians are so worried about it I know a perfect place for them to start.

“ The Foreign Ministry of Belarus called erecting the monument a "clear desecration of the memory of the fallen," alleging the Latvian Legion were criminals who killed Belarusian partisans and civilians.[9] The Foreign Minister of Israel has expressed a protest on behalf of the government at a meeting with the Latvian Foreign Minister. Israeli deputy minister Marina Solodkin requested her government denounce the honoring of the Latvian Legion (Waffen SS), who she alleges were Nazi accomplices guilty of crimes against humanity.[10]

The rehabilitation of SS members in Latvia has been strongly condemned by the respected Simon Wiesenthal Center. According to the center's director, Dr Efraim Zuroff in 2011,[11]

The attempt to link today’s independent Latvia with those who fought for a victory of genocidal totalitarianism is a terrible omen for the future of Latvian democracy. Among those who joined the Latvian SS units were the biggest murderers of Latvian Jewry and helped kill many thousands of Jews in Belarus. To turn these murderers into patriotic heroes of the new Latvia is either the height of anti-Semitism and racism or of utter stupidity”.

Foreign Ministry of Belarus
do you agree that Loo´s regime is pro- moscow , anti-democratic , anti- gay and illegal ? and Loo´s gang are all full of crap always ?

do you agree that Loo´s regime is pro- moscow , anti-democratic , anti- gay and illegal ? and Loo´s gang are all full of crap always ?

Israel agreed with the Belarusians and likewise condemned the celebration of said SS thugs. Is Israel “pro Moscow “anti democratic” “anti gay” and “illegal” as well?

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