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Morning After Pill Ban. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Feb 12, 2005
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MADISON, Wis. (AP) - The Wisconsin Assembly approved a ban on the so-called morning-after pill on state college campuses, a restriction that would be the first in the nation if approved.
The legislation would prohibit University of Wisconsin System health centers from advertising, prescribing or dispensing emergency contraception - drugs that can block a pregnancy in the days after sex. The state university system has 161,000 students on 26 campuses.
"Are we going to change the lifestyle of every UW student? No," LeMahieu said. "But we can tell the university that you are not going to condone it, you are not going to participate in it, and you are not going to use our tax dollars to do it."

I am against abortions, so I think this pill is the ideal answer to unwanted pregnancies, after the fact. What are these people thinking? Maybe it is the fact that taxpayer money is being used? Is anyone familiar with the reasoning behind this?
These people are idiots, regular birth control pills allow conception but prevent implantion of the fertilized egg, the same thing a "morning after pill" does, which is usually made out of a higher dose of the same synthesized hornones as birth control pills.

An exampe of letting ignorant ideology prevail over science and reason.
That's why I was wondering if it had to do with money. It doesn't make sense.
Squawker said:

I am against abortions, so I think this pill is the ideal answer to unwanted pregnancies, after the fact. What are these people thinking? Maybe it is the fact that taxpayer money is being used? Is anyone familiar with the reasoning behind this?
Here's prolife.com's view and why they're against the morning after pill:

"Morning-After" Pills cause early abortions . . .

Just A Little Bit Pregnant?

"Biologically, physically, genetically, embryologically, pregnancy begins at conception," counters Calgary pharmacist Maria Bizecki, who belongs to Concerned Pharmacists for Conscience, an Alberta group that is lobbying for pharmacists' right to refuse to dispense abortifacients. "The public is being lied to about the way this works. Preven terminates a pregnancy in its very early stages," she emphasizes.

According to these advocates against the morning after pill, life begins at conception and that taking the morning after pill is equivalent to an abortion.

(DISCLAIMER I do not endorse the views espoused by the links above, they are solely for reference. DISCLAIMER)
Ugh. Don't these people have anything better to do? They don't want abortions, but God forbid anything be done to PREVENT abortions.
Fu Chick, I disagree, they are being consistent when they are against abortions and against morning after pills, that is consistent, but when they oppose morning after pills but favor regular birth control pills, that is hipocrisy.
I mean seriously, come on. Do these people want to step back into the past, where girls wear chasticy belts? I'm sure if they had their way that probably would happen. Why don't they just make sex illegal until your are married. Unbelivable. Welcome to the 21st century!

I know people are sensitive about abortion. But if it was banned, alot of unsafe illegal back alley abortions would happen anyway.
Well, if murder was legalized, it could be done in a way alot less painful to teh victim...
Libertarian said:
Well, if murder was legalized, it could be done in a way alot less painful to teh victim...
Please tell me you are kidding.
I am a liberal, therefore I don't have a gut. I would assume sarcasm, as you would notice, I use it far too much.
I listen to love line every once and a while as well, and according to Drew, that is how it works. He even went over it two nights ago.
Medical professionals define pregnancy as beginning when a fertilized ovum, which has developed to the blastocyst stage, has attached itself fully to the lining of the uterus. Mary Pendergast of the FDA stated that "The scientific and medical definition of abortion is after implantation [in the wall of the uterus]...These birth control pills are used to prevent pregnancy, not to stop it. This is not abortion."

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