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More than dozen U.S. states expected to sue Trump administration over postal cuts (1 Viewer)


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More than dozen U.S. states expected to sue Trump administration over postal cuts - Reuters

Reuters) - More than a dozen states as early as this week are expected to sue the Trump administration over cuts at the United States Postal Service they say could delay mail-in ballots in the November elections, Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh said on Monday.

United States Postal Service (USPS) mailboxes are seen stored outside a USPS post office facility in the Bronx borough of New York City, New York, U.S., August 17, 2020. REUTERS/Mike Segar
Frosh said anywhere between 15 to 20 Democratic attorneys general are reviewing legal arguments, and he expects that the states involved will join in one, or possibly several, lawsuits.

“We are talking with other AG offices and expecting to take action soon,” Frosh said.

Republican Trump, who is trailing presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden in opinion polls, said last week he was against Democratic efforts to include funds for the Postal Service and election infrastructure in coronavirus relief legislation because he wanted to limit mail-in voting during the pandemic. Twice as many people could vote by mail as did so in 2016 because of the pandemic, according to some estimates.

Democrats have cited reductions in overtime, restrictions on extra mail transportation trips and new mail sorting and delivery policies as changes that threaten to slow mail delivery of ballots and other critical mail such as medicines.

Trump on Monday denied that he was attempting to undermine the Postal Service’s ability to handle mail-in ballots.

“No, we’re not tampering,” Trump said in an interview with Fox News. “We want to make it run for less money, much better, always taking care of our postal workers.”
Trump is a BS artist who knows he's going to get kicked out of the WH as a mass murderer, among other things, like tampering with the mails.
More than dozen U.S. states expected to sue Trump administration over postal cuts - Reuters

Reuters) - More than a dozen states as early as this week are expected to sue the Trump administration over cuts at the United States Postal Service they say could delay mail-in ballots in the November elections, Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh said on Monday.

United States Postal Service (USPS) mailboxes are seen stored outside a USPS post office facility in the Bronx borough of New York City, New York, U.S., August 17, 2020. REUTERS/Mike Segar
Frosh said anywhere between 15 to 20 Democratic attorneys general are reviewing legal arguments, and he expects that the states involved will join in one, or possibly several, lawsuits.

“We are talking with other AG offices and expecting to take action soon,” Frosh said.

Republican Trump, who is trailing presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden in opinion polls, said last week he was against Democratic efforts to include funds for the Postal Service and election infrastructure in coronavirus relief legislation because he wanted to limit mail-in voting during the pandemic. Twice as many people could vote by mail as did so in 2016 because of the pandemic, according to some estimates.

Democrats have cited reductions in overtime, restrictions on extra mail transportation trips and new mail sorting and delivery policies as changes that threaten to slow mail delivery of ballots and other critical mail such as medicines.

Trump on Monday denied that he was attempting to undermine the Postal Service’s ability to handle mail-in ballots.

“No, we’re not tampering,” Trump said in an interview with Fox News. “We want to make it run for less money, much better, always taking care of our postal workers.”
Trump is a BS artist who knows he's going to get kicked out of the WH as a mass murderer, among other things, like tampering with the mails.

He should be charged for crimes against humanity. Like Saddam.
He should be charged for crimes against humanity. Like Saddam.

I think during his trip to dance across the DMZ together with Kim Jong-un, he sat with the autocratic tyrant in private to pick up tips on how to treat humans like dogs.
I don't understand why people can't just vote in person. That's what I plan on doing.
I think during his trip to dance across the DMZ together with Kim Jong-un, he sat with the autocratic tyrant in private to pick up tips on how to treat humans like dogs.

Nah you learn to do that well enough in the corporate world.

But hey, it’s not personal. It’s just business.
I don't understand why people can't just vote in person. That's what I plan on doing.

That’s OK. I’m sure you don’t even understand why climate change science should be taken seriously or why trickle down economics doesn’t work. But I’m sure you wouldn’t be surprised if Trump finally tells us what it was his top people were finding on Obama’s birth certificate that we all weren’t going to believe.
What's the legal argument here?
I don't understand why people can't just vote in person. That's what I plan on doing.

For the same reason we had stay at home orders. People are trying to reduce the likelihood that at-risk populations are hit by COVID-19 transmission. Not everyone would be able to vote in person for the same reason that many cannot go into grocery stores and must have their groceries delivered to their cars or homes. While younger people could do as you suggest, is it wise for them to do so if they live with their parents, grandparents, or are likely to come into contact with people who have underlying health issues?

The other issue is that many states, like ours, have primarily switched to mail-in voting. We do not have the personnel or the equipment to do what you suggest on a large scale. As someone at risk, I also would not be able to do so even if it was an option.
For the same reason we had stay at home orders. People are trying to reduce the likelihood that at-risk populations are hit by COVID-19 transmission. Not everyone would be able to vote in person for the same reason that many cannot go into grocery stores and must have their groceries delivered to their cars or homes.

Are you talking about disabled people? Where I live the grocery stores are full of people, and everyone I know is voting in person. It's not that big of a deal to go out if you take the proper precautions.
Are you talking about disabled people? Where I live the grocery stores are full of people, and everyone I know is voting in person. It's not that big of a deal to go out if you take the proper precautions.
I am talking about anyone who is at risk. People who are older than 65, people with asthma or other pulmonary conditions, people with immune deficiencies, and people who have reached unhealthy obesity levels are at risk. And you are correct that if people take proper precautions, there is less risk, but it is still not 0% risk and it also requires everyone to take those precautions which is rare.
I think during his trip to dance across the DMZ together with Kim Jong-un, he sat with the autocratic tyrant in private to pick up tips on how to treat humans like dogs.

We the people must stop him.
Our constitution and many state regulations protect the integrity of the mail system, so any tampering could have consequences.

POSTAL POWER | U.S. Constitution Annotated | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute
What the Constitution says is that the mail system is ultimately the responsibility of Congress. To that end, they have the power to adequately fund it or not fund it. I suppose any lawsuit will hinge on whether or not the law as specified by Congress is being "faithfully executed" and whether or not they have properly funded that exercise.

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