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More than 500,000 mail ballots were rejected in the primaries. (1 Viewer)

Rogue Valley

Lead or get out of the way
DP Veteran
Apr 18, 2013
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More than 500,000 mail ballots were rejected in the primaries. That could make the difference in battleground states this fall.


More than 534,000 mail ballots were rejected during primaries across 23 states this year — nearly a quarter in key battlegrounds for the fall — illustrating how missed delivery deadlines, inadvertent mistakes and uneven enforcement of the rules could disenfranchise voters and affect the outcome of the presidential election. The rates of rejection, which in some states exceeded those of other recent elections, could make a difference in the fall if the White House contest is decided by a close margin, as it was in 2016, when Donald Trump won Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin by roughly 80,000 votes. This year, according to a tally by The Washington Post, election officials in those three states tossed out more than 60,480 ballots just during primaries, which saw significantly lower voter turnout than what is expected in the general election. The rejection figures include ballots that arrived too late to be counted or were invalidated for another reason, including voter error.

The stakes are high as the most chaotic presidential election in memory collides with a once-*in-a-century pandemic, which has led 20 states to expand or ease access to voting by mail as a public health measure. Election experts said that the combination of the hotly contested White House race and millions of first-time mail voters could lead to a record number of ballot rejections and trigger a searing legal war over which are valid — and who is the ultimate victor. For Democrats and voting rights advocates, rejected ballots are a serious concern because they raise the potential for many people to be disenfranchised — not because they reflect widespread corruption or election tampering. Both sides agree that the race for the White House could come down to a fight over which mail ballots are counted. “The two campaigns will be arguing over nonconforming ballots, which is going to run up against voters’ beliefs in fair play,” he said. For Democrats and voting rights advocates, rejected ballots are a serious concern because they raise the potential for many people to be disenfranchised — not because they reflect widespread corruption or election tampering. Both sides agree that the race for the White House could come down to a fight over which mail ballots are counted.

Election commissions appointed by GOP officials will probably reject a record number mail-in ballots. It is their newest tactic of voter suppression.
More than 500,000 mail ballots were rejected in the primaries. That could make the difference in battleground states this fall.


Election commissions appointed by GOP officials will probably reject a record number mail-in ballots. It is their newest tactic of voter suppression.

And they don't even try to hide it.

It is abundantly clear that they made a list of how and where democrats vote in large numbers and then devise ways go hinder or eliminate those means.

Voter ID, for instance, is exposed for what it is by the fact that none of those bills include any kind of ID drive. No extra money, no "ID events". Quite the opposite, in fact, with closures and hour cuts in places where voters don't have IDs.
More than 500,000 mail ballots were rejected in the primaries. That could make the difference in battleground states this fall.


Election commissions appointed by GOP officials will probably reject a record number mail-in ballots. It is their newest tactic of voter suppression.

What a strawman argument...Twenty-three states rejected more than 534,000 mail-in ballots. The GOP will probably use that tactic to get Trump re-elected.

Why shouldn't we expect another conspiracy theory from the dems?:roll:
What a strawman argument...Twenty-three states rejected more than 534,000 mail-in ballots. The GOP will probably use that tactic to get Trump re-elected.

Why shouldn't we expect another conspiracy theory from the dems?:roll:

PS all 23 states were run by GOP officials as well lmao.
you can't take these people seriously anymore.
More than 500,000 mail ballots were rejected in the primaries. That could make the difference in battleground states this fall.


Election commissions appointed by GOP officials will probably reject a record number mail-in ballots. It is their newest tactic of voter suppression.

... it looks like you need a civics class. :roll:

1) Why are the screw ups so heavily leaning towards states run by Democrats? :doh

2) Presidential elections are run by the individual states.
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