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More than 200,000 Russians have left their homleland because of the war (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 8, 2020
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Political Leaning
It will take Russia decades to fully recover from the effects of this war.
It will take Russia decades to fully recover from the effects of this war.

Unfortunately, it is also having a quite severe economic impact on “the West” with immediately rising gas prices that will ripple through the economy with a double whammy of paying more at the pump and thus leaving less money to purchase other items whose price is also rising. This will be a big setback in the fight against inflation, for instance, because it will add to it at a time when it is trying to be brought under control. Putin has effectively destroyed the basic economy of the world. Who will blink first?
Expect you were on duty at the borders counting them, one by one .
Where were they going and how ?

Show us the border transit records and I might believe you
The figure that I believe is more likely is 38.
11 if you subtract the para athletes .
2 if you also take off the management .
Expect you were on duty at the borders counting them, one by one .
Where were they going and how ?

Show us the border transit records and I might believe you
The figure that I believe is more likely is 38.
11 if you subtract the para athletes .
2 if you also take off the management .

Expect you were on duty at the borders counting them, one by one .
Where were they going and how ?

Show us the border transit records and I might believe you
The figure that I believe is more likely is 38.
11 if you subtract the para athletes .
2 if you also take off the management .

Unfortunately, it is also having a quite severe economic impact on “the West” with immediately rising gas prices that will ripple through the economy with a double whammy of paying more at the pump and thus leaving less money to purchase other items whose price is also rising. This will be a big setback in the fight against inflation, for instance, because it will add to it at a time when it is trying to be brought under control. Putin has effectively destroyed the basic economy of the world. Who will blink first?
We blinked right from the start of the invasion, just like we did when Hitler went on a rampage.

A show of strength might have prevented the genocide in Ukraine, instead Biden shit his pants ..blabbering about a nuclear war. Putin isn't that stupid.

Watching Congress give the leader of Ukraine a standing ovation kinda made me sick to my stomach.
We blinked right from the start of the invasion, just like we did when Hitler went on a rampage.

Your apparant "solution" was to engage Russia directly in war from the jump. Brilliant.

A show of strength might have prevented the genocide in Ukraine, instead Biden shit his pants ..blabbering about a nuclear war. Putin isn't that stupid.

And what would such a "show of force" look like?

Watching Congress give the leader of Ukraine a standing ovation kinda made me sick to my stomach.

You'd rather idolize the Boebert's and the Gosar's up on the Hill.

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