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More Body Cam Footage from the George Floyd Cases (1 Viewer)


Loves third parties and steak
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Mar 25, 2010
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Does this show anything relevant?

I can't imagine anything altering my assessment of what was shown on the the 9ish minute video we have, given the 3 minutes of neck-kneeling following his falling unconscious.
Really? Seriously?

I eventually did only to be disappointed to find out that it wasn't a store with 1,000 varieties of cup of soup and a wall of microwaves.
After reviewing both of the OP videos, clearly the police officers are innocent and Floyd himself is guilty of his own death.

Again, Floyd's alleged "claustrophobia" doesn't add up. He was more cramped in his own car than in the backseat of the police car.

George Floyd began to complain about not being able to breathe when he was standing by his car after the officers finally got him out of his car. He continued to complain about not being able to breathe as he was escorted to the police car. Floyd continued to complain about not being able to breathe when he was standing by the police car. He complained about not being able to breathe when he was in the backseat of the police car. Yet, all this time, he was obviously breathing. Likely his drug overdoses coupled with his anxiety for being caught and apprehended in the act of a serious crime was what compromised his breathing, assuming he wasn't lying, and it's reasonable for officers to presume he might be lying, given that he was surely breathing all this time.

But for the brief moment he was in the backseat of the police car struggling to get out of the police car, he himself asked for the officers to let him lie down.

So the officers caved and complied with his request and put him on the ground outside to lie down by the police car.

Because his behavior was so out of control and he was such a huge man, three of the officers stayed with him, holding him still on the ground so he wouldn't bolt up and attack/run as his erratic behavior clearly indicated was possible.

One officer had him at his feet, another at his waist and lower torso, and Chauvin had him at his head, specifically at the neck using the standard precinct procedure of his knee pressed somewhat against Floyd's neck.

Floyd continued to state for a bit what he had been saying all along, that he couldn't breathe.

Since an ambulance came, it's reasonable to conclude that the officers called for it, as Floyd's understandably presumed drug overdoses necessitated medical assistance.

Given the circumstances, I find no fault in any of the police officers.

There was no police brutality. Though physical force was required to restrain a criminal suspect whose behavior was unquestionably exhibiting out of of control noncompliance, that's completely normal and acceptable police procedure in such apprehending of a criminal in noncompliance with officers' commands which should not be "defunded" or changed.

There was no evidence of racism whatsoever in the conduct of any of the police officers.

George Floyd likely died from self-inflicted causes: 1) committing the serious crime of likely knowingly distributing counterfeit money, which, being at a retail store, is a form of robbery, 2) taking multiple illegally obtained drugs that adversely affected his brain and behavior, and 3) his multiple drug overdoses at the time of his arrest which required the officers restrain him and ramped up his anxiety to the degree that it fatally compromised his life functions.

It appears from the videos here that none of the officers actually killed George Floyd; the killing of George Floyd was done by George Floyd's emotional state coupled with the drug overdoses he inflicted on himself.

Criminals often make the kind of excuses Floyd was making to hope that they can cause the officers to relax from their restraining of the criminal so that the criminal can bolt up and attack or run. Thus officers are trained to not pay attention to these kinds of excuse makings, and rightly so. So the officers rightly ignored Floyd's "pleas", observing that Floyd could talk and walk and that the duress Floyd was stating did not match his physical abilities demonstrated at the moment.

That the Marxist organization BLM then used the footage of the arrest and cries of the crowd to falsely describe what happened so as to elicit an extreme emotional reaction in those vulnerable to emotional jumps to conclusion is egregiously reprehensible. BLM should be made to pay restitution for the crimes of mob bullying, rioting, looting, assault, and murder in our cities' streets by their rank and file that their "inciting a riot" behavior created.
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Lethal levels of Fentanyl in his system, with a severe case of pulmonary edema (induced by chronic narcotics), and no signs of asphyxiation?

Will be interested when the cops all walk on the charges and then turn around and sue the local government for wrongful dismissal etc.

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