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Modern Leftists are Charlatans (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 3, 2009
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Very Conservative
From Wiktionary:

Charlatan: A malicious trickster; a fake person, especially one who deceives for personal profit.

So why do I make the claim that modern leftists are charlatans? Look at California. Leftists claim to support the poor, the disadvantaged, and the destitute. Those are all great things and I agree that we should help. Yet, let's look at the midterm elections. Look at the propositions:

Prop 10: Allow communities to enact their own rent control and apply it to currently exempt properties. It was defeated.
Prop 8: Limit the profits that dialysis clinics get. It was defeated.
Prop 6: Repeal the gas tax rise. It was defeated.

These things ought to be no-brainers for anyone looking out for workers. California has the highest rent in the nation, and yet the state voted to leave the situation as is? They're fine with DaVita and other dialysis clinics making huge profits off of people with kidney issues? They're fine with a gas tax that is felt the most by the poorest in the state?

What the stated voted for was sticking it to workers while supporting the wealthy, do-nothing elite class. Why does DaVita need those massive profits? Why do landlords need rent raises of 10% per year for doing nothing? Why are we paying for our roads by taxing poor workers? This is a state dominated by leftists, and the things that go on here are what lefitsts complain about all the time, and they are good complaints! It turns out, though, that this is empty rhetoric, and that the left is just looking out for the rich and powerful. Be careful about whom you support. People are willing to lie to your face to get in power.
From Wiktionary:

Charlatan: A malicious trickster; a fake person, especially one who deceives for personal profit.

So why do I make the claim that modern leftists are charlatans? Look at California. Leftists claim to support the poor, the disadvantaged, and the destitute. Those are all great things and I agree that we should help. Yet, let's look at the midterm elections. Look at the propositions:

Prop 10: Allow communities to enact their own rent control and apply it to currently exempt properties. It was defeated.
Prop 8: Limit the profits that dialysis clinics get. It was defeated.
Prop 6: Repeal the gas tax rise. It was defeated.

These things ought to be no-brainers for anyone looking out for workers. California has the highest rent in the nation, and yet the state voted to leave the situation as is? They're fine with DaVita and other dialysis clinics making huge profits off of people with kidney issues? They're fine with a gas tax that is felt the most by the poorest in the state?

What the stated voted for was sticking it to workers while supporting the wealthy, do-nothing elite class. Why does DaVita need those massive profits? Why do landlords need rent raises of 10% per year for doing nothing? Why are we paying for our roads by taxing poor workers? This is a state dominated by leftists, and the things that go on here are what lefitsts complain about all the time, and they are good complaints! It turns out, though, that this is empty rhetoric, and that the left is just looking out for the rich and powerful. Be careful about whom you support. People are willing to lie to your face to get in power.

That may be because American leftism isn't leftism, and donor money corrupts and unduly influences most politicos that matter from both sides; the Overton window/political frame of reference in the States is exceedingly skewed to the economic right at the moment.

The fact is that the majority of Democrats would be considered staunch conservatives throughout the rest of the developed world save on maybe social issues; hell, the majority of the progressive wing of the party would be considered centrist by and large per that more objective metric.
That may be because American leftism isn't leftism, and donor money corrupts and unduly influences most politicos that matter from both sides.

The fact is that the majority of Democrats would be considered staunch conservatives throughout the rest of the developed world save on maybe social issues; hell, the majority of the progressive wing of the party would be considered centrist by and large per that more objective metric.

Seems to me like American leftism has been co-opted by big business. The sad part about it is that individual leftists go along with it, probably because those same big businesses own the news media. My evidence of that is how every time I make a thread here criticizing the profits of landlords, I'll get your typical backlash from conservatives, but I get just as much if not more push back from leftists.
Seems to me like American leftism has been co-opted by big business. The sad part about it is that individual leftists go along with it, probably because those same big businesses own the news media. My evidence of that is how every time I make a thread here criticizing the profits of landlords, I'll get your typical backlash from conservatives, but I get just as much if not more push back from leftists.

Well yes, it has; in fact, every political apparatus and party that matters has been largely co-opted by donor money; thus far the only meaningful opposition monetization/plutocratization of the government has faced is the emergent progressive wing in the Dem party, which has made considerable progress in two short years, and (typically) affiliated groups like WolfPAC that are working to get money out of politics.

Also yes, there's no question that the American frame of reference/Overton window is strongly shaped by the media and how it covers news (or doesn't). To be clear, that doesn't necessarily mean that there's some grand conspiracy (or that I believe in one) so much as there is a natural convergence of interests among the wealthy and powerful and the pursuit/defense of those interests.
Well yes, it has; in fact, every political apparatus and party that matters has been largely co-opted by donor money; thus far the only opposition monetization of the government has faced is the emergent progressive wing in the Dem party, which has made considerable progress in two short years, and (typically) affiliated groups like WolfPAC that are working to get money out of politics.

Also yes, there's no question that the American frame of reference/Overton window is strongly shaped by the media and how it covers news (or doesn't). That doesn't necessarily mean that there's some great conspiracy so much as there is a natural convergence of interests among the wealthy and powerful and the pursuit/defense of those interests.

I don't see the difference.
I don't see the difference.

One involves active collaboration in smoke filled rooms and comprehensive plotting and scheming; a grand design of some kind. The other evolves naturally out of individual and unrelated actions working towards similar goals; happenstance convergence as opposed to conspiracy, even if the ultimate outcomes are similar.
From Wiktionary:

Charlatan: A malicious trickster; a fake person, especially one who deceives for personal profit.

So why do I make the claim that modern leftists are charlatans? Look at California. Leftists claim to support the poor, the disadvantaged, and the destitute. Those are all great things and I agree that we should help. Yet, let's look at the midterm elections. Look at the propositions:

Prop 10: Allow communities to enact their own rent control and apply it to currently exempt properties. It was defeated.
Prop 8: Limit the profits that dialysis clinics get. It was defeated.
Prop 6: Repeal the gas tax rise. It was defeated.

These things ought to be no-brainers for anyone looking out for workers. California has the highest rent in the nation, and yet the state voted to leave the situation as is? They're fine with DaVita and other dialysis clinics making huge profits off of people with kidney issues? They're fine with a gas tax that is felt the most by the poorest in the state?

What the stated voted for was sticking it to workers while supporting the wealthy, do-nothing elite class. Why does DaVita need those massive profits? Why do landlords need rent raises of 10% per year for doing nothing? Why are we paying for our roads by taxing poor workers? This is a state dominated by leftists, and the things that go on here are what lefitsts complain about all the time, and they are good complaints! It turns out, though, that this is empty rhetoric, and that the left is just looking out for the rich and powerful. Be careful about whom you support. People are willing to lie to your face to get in power.
1. Why did you choose a fake dictionary instead a real one? If you’re going to half a** it why not use a simple visual medium like AB0C6E2F-5665-4D67-BDEB-C20F6CBE2545.jpg to make your point about charlatans and fakers?
2. Why are you using CA specific gripes to label all leftists?
From Wiktionary:

Charlatan: A malicious trickster; a fake person, especially one who deceives for personal profit.

So why do I make the claim that modern leftists are charlatans? Look at California. Leftists claim to support the poor, the disadvantaged, and the destitute. Those are all great things and I agree that we should help. Yet, let's look at the midterm elections. Look at the propositions:

Prop 10: Allow communities to enact their own rent control and apply it to currently exempt properties. It was defeated.
Prop 8: Limit the profits that dialysis clinics get. It was defeated.
Prop 6: Repeal the gas tax rise. It was defeated.

These things ought to be no-brainers for anyone looking out for workers. California has the highest rent in the nation, and yet the state voted to leave the situation as is? They're fine with DaVita and other dialysis clinics making huge profits off of people with kidney issues? They're fine with a gas tax that is felt the most by the poorest in the state?

What the stated voted for was sticking it to workers while supporting the wealthy, do-nothing elite class. Why does DaVita need those massive profits? Why do landlords need rent raises of 10% per year for doing nothing? Why are we paying for our roads by taxing poor workers? This is a state dominated by leftists, and the things that go on here are what lefitsts complain about all the time, and they are good complaints! It turns out, though, that this is empty rhetoric, and that the left is just looking out for the rich and powerful. Be careful about whom you support. People are willing to lie to your face to get in power.

None of which indicates leftists are charlatans.

Words have meanings, other people besides leftists vote in elections, brown people are not coming to invade your neighborhood.

Womp womp.
1. Why did you choose a fake dictionary instead a real one? If you’re going to half a** it why not use a simple visual medium like to make your point about charlatans and fakers?

Oh look, going straight for the Trump angle rather than deal with the issue.

2. Why are you using CA specific gripes to label all leftists.

Because I'm from California and leftists control this state like no other.
You start a thread making claims about "leftists" and then as evidence only cite the decisions of Californians. Just sayin'
You start a thread making claims about "leftists" and then as evidence only cite the decisions of Californians. Just sayin'

Oh look, going straight for the Trump angle rather than deal with the issue.
You used a fake dictionary and I used a fake human. We’re even.
Because I'm from California and leftists control this state like no other.
Then you should have addressed California leftists, instead implying all leftists.
Seems to me like American leftism has been co-opted by big business.

That's true of the Republocrat Oligarchy in general. It's been the Corporate-State for some time.
Oh look, going straight for the Trump angle rather than deal with the issue.

Christ, you perfectly describe Trump, the person the right thought was the best person to represent them. Obviously we're going to talk about him.

It would be like me describing "rightists" as intelligent, family oriented, and respected. Obviously people are going to talk about Obama, and mention that you're talking about the characteristics of liberals. ;)
From Wiktionary:

Charlatan: A malicious trickster; a fake person, especially one who deceives for personal profit.

So why do I make the claim that modern leftists are charlatans? Look at California. Leftists claim to support the poor, the disadvantaged, and the destitute. Those are all great things and I agree that we should help. Yet, let's look at the midterm elections. Look at the propositions:

Prop 10: Allow communities to enact their own rent control and apply it to currently exempt properties. It was defeated.
Prop 8: Limit the profits that dialysis clinics get. It was defeated.
Prop 6: Repeal the gas tax rise. It was defeated.

These things ought to be no-brainers for anyone looking out for workers. California has the highest rent in the nation, and yet the state voted to leave the situation as is? They're fine with DaVita and other dialysis clinics making huge profits off of people with kidney issues? They're fine with a gas tax that is felt the most by the poorest in the state?

What the stated voted for was sticking it to workers while supporting the wealthy, do-nothing elite class. Why does DaVita need those massive profits? Why do landlords need rent raises of 10% per year for doing nothing? Why are we paying for our roads by taxing poor workers? This is a state dominated by leftists, and the things that go on here are what lefitsts complain about all the time, and they are good complaints! It turns out, though, that this is empty rhetoric, and that the left is just looking out for the rich and powerful. Be careful about whom you support. People are willing to lie to your face to get in power.

What you miss is how willfully ignorant people are now....they tend to believe that their fantasies are real.
As a Californian, I usually refuse to vote yes on any initiatives except ones that are clearly meant to dilute the power of political players to manipulate elections or districts. We pay our legislators to do this work. No layman can fully understand what is in any initiative let alone one that impacts budgets, taxes or funding. For the same reason, I never vote for judges either. I have no clue if this or that judge is good, bad or indifferent so I refuse to vote for any of them. I always vote straight party tickets for elected officials. The initiative process has been completely taken over by special interest groups and they are very clever people. One year a vote of yes actually meant no. Sorry, but if we collectively refuse to vote for these things then maybe our legislators will get off their butts and do it themselves if it is a good idea. If it is a bad idea, that may explain why it does not go through the normal process.
As a Californian, I usually refuse to vote yes on any initiatives except ones that are clearly meant to dilute the power of political players to manipulate elections or districts. We pay our legislators to do this work. No layman can fully understand what is in any initiative let alone one that impacts budgets, taxes or funding. For the same reason, I never vote for judges either. I have no clue if this or that judge is good, bad or indifferent so I refuse to vote for any of them. I always vote straight party tickets for elected officials. The initiative process has been completely taken over by special interest groups and they are very clever people. One year a vote of yes actually meant no. Sorry, but if we collectively refuse to vote for these things then maybe our legislators will get off their butts and do it themselves if it is a good idea. If it is a bad idea, that may explain why it does not go through the normal process.

Ya but this was always the likely outcome of initiatives, it was always a bad idea. However getting rid of them and moving the work back to regular order is impossible till we as a nation reach bottom, till BIG PAIN has had a chance to teach.

The only solution is fixing the political system, and we have spent over a half a century avoiding that work, because we suck now.

We used to be better.

So you are claiming that all those with "no party" reference are all leftists? Your comments continue to get dumber and dumber.
Yes, but as your comments continue you to prove, YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM, not the solution.

Truth Tellers are only a problem for those who love their fantasies too much.
Truth Tellers are only a problem for those who love their fantasies too much.

Good thing you are not a truth teller and instead just post dishonest comments like your FAKE EASTERN TRAINING
None of which indicates leftists are charlatans.

Words have meanings, other people besides leftists vote in elections, brown people are not coming to invade your neighborhood.

Womp womp.

And “modern leftists” aren’t defined by three propositions on a California ballot (which the OP unsurprisingly misconstrues).

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