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Mnuchin Defends Easing Sanctions on Russian Oligarch’s Companies (1 Viewer)


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WASHINGTON — The Trump administration on Thursday defended its decision to lift sanctions on companies linked to the billionaire Russian oligarch Oleg V. Deripaska, arguing that the penalties had fulfilled their intended effect and that there would be “swift consequences” for any future violations.

Just hours before Steven Mnuchin, the Treasury secretary, was set to deliver a classified briefing on Russia sanctions to members of Congress, the department released a statement saying the administration had taken significant steps to ensure that Mr. Deripaska did not reassert his control over the three companies — EN+, Rusal and JSC EuroSibEnergo.
Incredibly Deripaska, an oligarch & close ally of Putin, is the guy that Manafort was supplying with confidential internal Trump campaign polling data, possibly as a way of repaying his reported $19M debt to Deripaska. This data would have been of great help to the Russians in fine-tuning their meddling attacks during the campaign.

Why the Trump administration is letting Deripaska off the hook is in return for Putin's apparent help in meddling with the 2016 election is incredibly obvious: payback.
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WASHINGTON — The Trump administration on Thursday defended its decision to lift sanctions on companies linked to the billionaire Russian oligarch Oleg V. Deripaska, arguing that the penalties had fulfilled their intended effect and that there would be “swift consequences” for any future violations.

Just hours before Steven Mnuchin, the Treasury secretary, was set to deliver a classified briefing on Russia sanctions to members of Congress, the department released a statement saying the administration had taken significant steps to ensure that Mr. Deripaska did not reassert his control over the three companies — EN+, Rusal and JSC EuroSibEnergo.
Incredibly Deripaska, an oligarch & close ally of Putin, is the guy that Manafort was supplying with confidential internal Trump campaign polling data, possibly as a way of repaying his reported $19M debt to Deripaska. This data would have been of great help to the Russians in fine-tuning their meddling attacks during the campaign.

Why the Trump administration is letting Deripaska off the hook is in return for Putin's apparent help in meddling with the 2016 election is incredibly obvious: payback.

Wasn't it Obama who was caught on the mic saying to a Russian leader that he’ll have more flexibility after the election?
The truth is Obama was weak compared to Trump when dealing with Russia.
Was that because Obama expected payback?

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration on Thursday defended its decision to lift sanctions on companies linked to the billionaire Russian oligarch Oleg V. Deripaska, arguing that the penalties had fulfilled their intended effect and that there would be “swift consequences” for any future violations.

Just hours before Steven Mnuchin, the Treasury secretary, was set to deliver a classified briefing on Russia sanctions to members of Congress, the department released a statement saying the administration had taken significant steps to ensure that Mr. Deripaska did not reassert his control over the three companies — EN+, Rusal and JSC EuroSibEnergo.
Incredibly Deripaska, an oligarch & close ally of Putin, is the guy that Manafort was supplying with confidential internal Trump campaign polling data, possibly as a way of repaying his reported $19M debt to Deripaska.

Why the Trump administration is letting Deripaska off the hook is in return for Putin's apparent help in meddling with the 2016 election is incredibly obvious: payback.

Obama sent the Iranians hundreds of millions of cash US dollars he was not authorized to touch to his pals under the table on the thin promise that they would not do bad things with the money like they had been claiming for decades they were going to do and have in fact been doing. Trump is taking the Russians at their word. Let's give them a chance. If Hillary had been president it is a certainty she would have made some sorts of concessions towards Russia after getting more than $100 million from key players in the sale of US uranium assets that eventually wound up under Russian control.

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration on Thursday defended its decision to lift sanctions on companies linked to the billionaire Russian oligarch Oleg V. Deripaska, arguing that the penalties had fulfilled their intended effect and that there would be “swift consequences” for any future violations.

Just hours before Steven Mnuchin, the Treasury secretary, was set to deliver a classified briefing on Russia sanctions to members of Congress, the department released a statement saying the administration had taken significant steps to ensure that Mr. Deripaska did not reassert his control over the three companies — EN+, Rusal and JSC EuroSibEnergo.
Incredibly Deripaska, an oligarch & close ally of Putin, is the guy that Manafort was supplying with confidential internal Trump campaign polling data, possibly as a way of repaying his reported $19M debt to Deripaska. This data would have been of great help to the Russians in fine-tuning their meddling attacks during the campaign.

Why the Trump administration is letting Deripaska off the hook is in return for Putin's apparent help in meddling with the 2016 election is incredibly obvious: payback.

Payback, yes. And orders from Putin too, I'm sure.

Speaking of Mnuchin, have he and his trophy wife stood on top of Fort Knox lately?
Obama sent the Iranians hundreds of millions of cash US dollars he was not authorized to touch to his pals under the table on the thin promise that they would not do bad things with the money like they had been claiming for decades they were going to do and have in fact been doing. Trump is taking the Russians at their word. Let's give them a chance. If Hillary had been president it is a certainty she would have made some sorts of concessions towards Russia after getting more than $100 million from key players in the sale of US uranium assets that eventually wound up under Russian control.

Your post is off topic to the OP. Please post where this nonsense belongs.

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration on Thursday defended its decision to lift sanctions on companies linked to the billionaire Russian oligarch Oleg V. Deripaska, arguing that the penalties had fulfilled their intended effect and that there would be “swift consequences” for any future violations.

Just hours before Steven Mnuchin, the Treasury secretary, was set to deliver a classified briefing on Russia sanctions to members of Congress, the department released a statement saying the administration had taken significant steps to ensure that Mr. Deripaska did not reassert his control over the three companies — EN+, Rusal and JSC EuroSibEnergo.
Incredibly Deripaska, an oligarch & close ally of Putin, is the guy that Manafort was supplying with confidential internal Trump campaign polling data, possibly as a way of repaying his reported $19M debt to Deripaska. This data would have been of great help to the Russians in fine-tuning their meddling attacks during the campaign.

Why the Trump administration is letting Deripaska off the hook is in return for Putin's apparent help in meddling with the 2016 election is incredibly obvious: payback.

I wonder if Putin is getting tired of all the wining yet?
Wasn't it Obama who was caught on the mic saying to a Russian leader that he’ll have more flexibility after the election?

What in the world is wrong with that?

Trump stood on stage in public, united with an enemy leader against the entire American Intelligence community.

What Obama did was normal. What Trump did is be a "Useful Idiot", as he has done, and continues to do.
The truth is Obama was weak compared to Trump when dealing with Russia.
Most absurd post of the month.

Anyone can look up how hard Trump fought against every hard stance the U.S. has taken that conflicted with Putin's goals, even the ones he reluctantly passed because the Senate overwhelming, like 95% of both parties, voted for, ensuring it was veto-proof.
Not to mention all the fluffing he has done of Putin over, and over, and over again.
With the cherry on top in Helsinki. Remember that performance?

Your opinions are nonsense, get new ones that make sense.
Wasn't it Obama who was caught on the mic saying to a Russian leader that he’ll have more flexibility after the election?
The truth is Obama was weak compared to Trump when dealing with Russia.
Was that because Obama expected payback?

People are STILL trotting this one statement out?

Trump lies daily about multitudes of subjects. Response: Obama lied about keeping our doctor!

Seriously, stop, it's so very weak.
Obama sent the Iranians hundreds of millions of cash US dollars he was not authorized to touch to his pals under the table on the thin promise that they would not do bad things with the money like they had been claiming for decades they were going to do and have in fact been doing. Trump is taking the Russians at their word. Let's give them a chance. If Hillary had been president it is a certainty she would have made some sorts of concessions towards Russia after getting more than $100 million from key players in the sale of US uranium assets that eventually wound up under Russian control.
Why not educate yourself on the facts instead of just posting the usual moronic tripe you always do?
There is no rational reason for Steven Mnuchin to relax sanctions against Russian oligarchs. The real reason must be behind the scenes, and likely corrupt reasons.

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration on Thursday defended its decision to lift sanctions on companies linked to the billionaire Russian oligarch Oleg V. Deripaska, arguing that the penalties had fulfilled their intended effect and that there would be “swift consequences” for any future violations.

Just hours before Steven Mnuchin, the Treasury secretary, was set to deliver a classified briefing on Russia sanctions to members of Congress, the department released a statement saying the administration had taken significant steps to ensure that Mr. Deripaska did not reassert his control over the three companies — EN+, Rusal and JSC EuroSibEnergo.
Incredibly Deripaska, an oligarch & close ally of Putin, is the guy that Manafort was supplying with confidential internal Trump campaign polling data, possibly as a way of repaying his reported $19M debt to Deripaska. This data would have been of great help to the Russians in fine-tuning their meddling attacks during the campaign.

Why the Trump administration is letting Deripaska off the hook is in return for Putin's apparent help in meddling with the 2016 election is incredibly obvious: payback.


Yes...it's "incredibly obvious"...if you got sucked into a conspiracy theory vortex. But obvious because of the facts? Not so much.

For example, there is no proof...heck, there is really no actual evidence...that Manafort supplied ANYONE with anything. That's just a fact. There is nothing more than suspicion that Deripaska is "a close ally of Putin". In fact, the dumbass NYT, the ones who spouted all this Manafort/Deripaska nonsense had to come out and SAY it was nonsense...that actually, Manafort was supplying polling data to Ukraine. But, of course, they don't have proof of that, either.

So...given your love of nonsense and conspiracies, you'll understand when I don't give your opinion about what the Trump administration is doing. (especially when you cite the NYT as the basis of your opinion)
Most absurd post of the month.

Anyone can look up how hard Trump fought against every hard stance the U.S. has taken that conflicted with Putin's goals, even the ones he reluctantly passed because the Senate overwhelming, like 95% of both parties, voted for, ensuring it was veto-proof.
Not to mention all the fluffing he has done of Putin over, and over, and over again.
With the cherry on top in Helsinki. Remember that performance?

Your opinions are nonsense, get new ones that make sense.

Your rebuttals are nonsense, get new ones that make sense.

Goodbye for now...:2wave:
hey, Russia didn't interfere in a presidential election just for jollies.
I'm sure this is a related story:

Prosecutors Examining Ukrainians Who Flocked to Trump Inaugural

Evidence of the Ukrainians’ presence [at inauguration balls] eventually prompted interest from the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, as he investigated Russian interference in the 2016 election, and has spawned a number of related inquiries by federal prosecutors. The investigations are playing out against growing indications that some of the Ukrainians who came to Washington for the inaugural, or their allies, were promoting grand bargains, or “peace” plans, that aligned with Russia’s interests, including by lifting sanctions.
Wasn't it Obama who was caught on the mic saying to a Russian leader that he’ll have more flexibility after the election?
The truth is Obama was weak compared to Trump when dealing with Russia.
Was that because Obama expected payback?

You guys really have to start getting some new material. You keep repeating the same old stuff while we are getting fresh and seemingly ever worsening stuff on a near daily basis now on your felonious orange God. Plus gets boring repeatedly shooting down the same old irrelevant BS.
You guys really have to start getting some new material. You keep repeating the same old stuff while we are getting fresh and seemingly ever worsening stuff on a near daily basis now on your felonious orange God. Plus gets boring repeatedly shooting down the same old irrelevant BS.

What have I repeated?
Don't remember saying a thing about Obama's hot mic moment before.
If you do, post it, or concede your point.
What have I repeated?
Don't remember saying a thing about Obama's hot mic moment before.
If you do, post it, or concede your point.

You're the third person in this thread alone to try and deflect to Obama.

Actually, I think every single Trump defender in this thread has shouted "Squirrel" and pointed somewhere else.
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What have I repeated?
Don't remember saying a thing about Obama's hot mic moment before.
If you do, post it, or concede your point.

What About What About Obama......Same tired ass excuse......It doesn't excuse trump collusion
hey, Russia didn't interfere in a presidential election just for jollies.

Russia, during the cold war, attempted to interfere with our presidential elections as well.
hey, Russia didn't interfere in a presidential election just for jollies.

Do you think Putin is tired of all the winning yet?
Do you think Putin is tired of all the winning yet?

Putin has had a awesome run, he is one of the most accomplished and able leaders on the planet right now, he is certainly one of the Russian all time greats if not the greatest.

We'll have to argue about that over coming decades.....but he is certainly in a class of very very rare people.
Putin has had a awesome run, he is one of the most accomplished and able leaders on the planet right now, he is certainly one of the Russian all time greats if not the greatest.

We'll have to argue about that over coming decades.....but he is certainly in a class of very very rare people.

Yep. The ROI for helping to get Trump elected is ridiculously high.

Of all the "Useful Idiots", Putin certainly lucked out and got the laziest and most idiotic. At least that's what many of Trump's top advisors and staff say.
Russia, during the cold war, attempted to interfere with our presidential elections as well.

You're arguing that it was no different than 2016?

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