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Mitch McConnell's new campaign ad (1 Viewer)

Bigfoot 88

DP Veteran
Jan 16, 2011
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right

What do you think? Personally I found myself singing along to it.

What do you think? Personally I found myself singing along to it.

It started to annoy me after about 30 seconds. I'd hate to have to hear that all the time in Kentucky.
I'd vote against him just because of that ad.
It started to annoy me after about 30 seconds. I'd hate to have to hear that all the time in Kentucky.

Mitch McConnell has 7 million dollars stockpilled up for his reelection campaign so he is bound to use it in negative ads and destroy his opponents reputation.
mitch mcconnel doesn't need to campaign. He's trying to win over KT, a state that will vote for him simply because of gender, skin color, and accent.

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