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Mistreated by authorities (1 Viewer)

Have you ever been mistreated because of race by an authority figure?

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DP Veteran
Dec 21, 2009
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Do you feel as though you've ever been mistreated by an authority figure, based on your race?
I am of the human race and have been , IN MY OPINION, mistreated in the past.
Police training has improved in most cases.
Maybe the work has to be done on a personal basis(better upbringing).
Good social(non-religious) programs help - to the dismay of Libertarians and some conservatives.
And we do need to move away from racism.
I am of the human race and have been , IN MY OPINION, mistreated in the past.
Police training has improved in most cases.
Maybe the work has to be done on a personal basis(better upbringing).
Good social(non-religious) programs help - to the dismay of Libertarians and some conservatives.
And we do need to move away from racism.

What do you mean by this? There is nothing wrong with social programs as long as the bill isn't being footed by the taxpayers. Many programs now run off of charitable contributions. There's a problem with that?
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Why would we be? Nearly all of us are white.

You know, 'cause there are no black authority figures, and even if there were, black people can't be racist. :roll:

Racism against whites doesn't exist. Is that what you're saying?

Certainly racism against whites exists, but the potential for it to negatively affect white people is very minimal when compared to racism negatively affecting visiable minorities. Sure I probably wont get a job serving food in a Chinese food restaruant owned and operated by Chinese, but the chances of me wanting to work there is minimal as well. It is far more likely that minorities will be affected by racism then white people would be just because of who generally holds most positions of authority in the US and in Canada.

I wont likely be stopped by police for being white in a largely upper middle class east indian neighbor hood because the cops feel I dont belong in that neighborhood, a black person doing the same in a largely white upper middle class neighborhood will have a far greater chance of being stopped
You know, 'cause there are no black authority figures, and even if there were, black people can't be racist. :roll:

The power structure is white.
Black "authority figures" are ones who protect the status quo. If not, they don't last long.
White privilege still exists.
Minorities are still disadvantaged from the outset.
The power structure is white.
Black "authority figures" are ones who protect the status quo. If not, they don't last long.
White privilege still exists.
Minorities are still disadvantaged from the outset.

Sure, and joos are all penny pinchers and southerners are all rednecks. :roll:
Why would we be? Nearly all of us are white.
Whites can be abused by authorities too. There is racism against white people. My uncle in Hawaii was racially profiled based on hsi race (being white). He lived on the small island of Kauai where whites are discriminated against by ethnic islanders.
I've been mistreated by an authority figure because of my gender. Betcha there are few adults of my gender who haven't been mistreated by someone in authority. Greater upper body strength seems to confer some kind of idea to some men that it's permissible to be abusive toward women in public.

Regards from Rosie
I've been mistreated by an authority figure because of my gender. Betcha there are few adults of my gender who haven't been mistreated by someone in authority. Greater upper body strength seems to confer some kind of idea to some men that it's permissible to be abusive toward women in public.

Regards from Rosie

I think many times cops are easier on women and take more compassion towards them. Men are mistreated in that we are generally treated harsher than women in my opinion.
Cops aren't the only authority figures in society. In the workplace, male bosses tend to be the ones who are the worst in their treatment of women, where men get the deferential treatment.

Now that women are earning the majority of college degrees, this may change sooner rather than later.

Regards from Rosie
Cops aren't the only authority figures in society. In the workplace, male bosses tend to be the ones who are the worst in their treatment of women, where men get the deferential treatment.

Now that women are earning the majority of college degrees, this may change sooner rather than later.

Regards from Rosie

Except with that, only cops can put you in jail and make your life a living nightmare in all areas. A boss only has control in the work place.
I have not suffered such abuses, but my biggest crimes are speeding.
The power structure is white.
Black "authority figures" are ones who protect the status quo. If not, they don't last long.
White privilege still exists.
Minorities are still disadvantaged from the outset.

I can't help but think that it is this kind of attitude that keeps racism survive.
Not because of my skin color, but because of my gender.
Its almost like HISTORY, didn't happen. :)

The key word there being HISTORY. There are lots of things that has happened in history. For example, despite the common misconception that whites were the only ones to capture blacks for slaves and bring em to the America's the actual truth is that blacks often sold other blacks to slavers. Something that is conviently forgotten by other blacks or Black History Month buffs.....speaking of which...Where's a White History Month?
The key word there being HISTORY. There are lots of things that has happened in history. For example, despite the common misconception that whites were the only ones to capture blacks for slaves and bring em to the America's the actual truth is that blacks often sold other blacks to slavers. Something that is conviently forgotten by other blacks or Black History Month buffs.....speaking of which...Where's a White History Month?

Whites never would have gotten slaves in the US were it not for the black slavers who rounded them up and sold them to the whites.

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