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Missing: Reports in Democrats states that they are fighting crime. (1 Viewer)


Photo of me taken in the Army 1963
DP Veteran
Sep 3, 2018
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Meridian, Idaho
Political Leaning
We once saw reports from Democrats states that they fight local crimes. What has happened to the Democrats?

Republicans are doing a magnificent job enforcing laws.

We once saw reports from Democrats states that they fight local crimes. What has happened to the Democrats?

Republicans are doing a magnificent job enforcing laws.

It is to the Dem's advantage to not fight local crime. When things go to hell, it gives them the opportunity to blame it on Trump and to ask Nancy for federal taxpayer money (which they'll spend on other stuff).

Of course, their citizens get nothing out of it...but a shit stick from their Dem leaders.
We once saw reports from Democrats states that they fight local crimes. What has happened to the Democrats? Republicans are doing a magnificent job enforcing laws.

What are you attempting and failing to talk about?

Are you mad that Biden did not put on a Cape and go fight crime on the streets in person, or something? Is the complaint instead that no Democrats have sent you any reports that "states [sic] that they fight local crimes"? Who or what are you attempting to complain about here?

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